Friday, February 14, 2025

Birds City Short Story 2025 Version

New York City is one of the biggest cities in the world. New York is full of vibrant people, huge skyscrapers, and a unique style of pizza. Like how the people of New York are made up of immigrants who come from across the world to live there, so too are the many birds that live in New York. One new bird that just immigrated from Paris, France is a pigeon named simply Pigeon. Pigeon is a young, very cocky, street smart, bird who came to New York for a better life. His mother still lives in France and because he’s a momma’s boy, he visits his mother on occasion. Pigeon’s favorite food is popcorn which happens to be a very expensive cuisine for birds in New York. Popcorn is a food, a luxury, and a form of currency for birds in New York, and whoever has the most popcorn is the most powerful bird in New York. And the most powerful bird in New York happens to be Don Woodpecker, who’s the head of the Woodpecker Crime Family. Don Woodpecker is your stereotypical mafia boss and dresses to the nines. Don Woodpecker eats the finest breadsticks outside the best pizzerias in New York. Don Woodpecker also owns a cat, a cat named Tony who is a tabby cat who is the enemy of Pigeon and all the birds who live under his reign. Tony has eaten many of Pigeon’s friends and foes and is a very fat cat. Tony currently lives in an animal shelter and is hoping he’ll roam the streets of New York once more. Even though Pigeon acts like a street-smart hooligan, he is in reality is just kind of a shy geeky little bird. Pigeon and his friend, the wannabe rapper and low-level seed dealer, Carl Cardinal, work under Don Woodpecker as seed dealers. Carl Cardinal is a literal drug addict, and like Pigeon, an outcast. Another stranger in a strange land. Carl Cardinal became a drug addict because he would steal the pills out of old ladies’ bags which he confused for bird seed. Pigeon and Carl Cardinal sold seeds in Queens for the Woodpecker Crime Family. Pigeon and Carl Cardinal weren’t proud of what they did for a living and they both wished for a better life. Pigeon always wanted to be a teacher and of course Carl wanted to be a hip hop artist. I bet you’re wondering why Pigeon and Carl just quit and leave the Woodpecker Crime Family for good. 

Well, both are stuck working for Don Woodpecker for a few reasons. Mainly because they in financial debt to Don Woodpecker along with the fact Pigeon came to America illegally and Carl is an ex-con, two groups which are treated aren’t kindly in general not only by just human society, but in bird society too. Pigeon is saving up his money to repay Don Woodpecker along with saving some on the side to go to college to earn a degree so his dream job of becoming a teacher can become a reality. One day would forever change Pigeon and Carl’s lives forever, when they were both about to lose everything and learn about a huge police sting against Don Woodpecker which could end up in the downfall of Don Woodpecker. On one hot Tuesday afternoon, Pigeon and Carl were dealing seeds when both of them ended up being arrested by the Bird Police of New York. The Bird Police of New York works similarly to the New York City Police Department but for birds, and like its human counterpart, it’s full of corruption with a few good apples in charge. Because The Bird Police were so desperate to get Don Woodpecker behind bars for good, they ended up striking a deal with Pigeon and Carl to work alongside them investigation into the Woodpecker Crime Family. They offered both Pigeon and Carl a full pardon if they give testimony in their case against Don Woodpecker. Pigeon and Carl happily agreed, but since they were the lowest of level members in the Woodpecker Crime Family, it take some time for the police to arrest all the key players alongside Don Woodpecker. 

The next day, Pigeon and Carl went undercover wearing a wire inside the Salt Saloon to meet with Don Woodpecker’s righthand bird, Bruno Blue Jay, who was having dinner with his bodyguard Tito Turtle and billionaire bird businessman Mellow Mockingbird. Mellow Mockingbird is the CEO, founder, and owner of the Mellow Mail, one of the largest delivery companies in the world with millions of birds under his employ. Pigeon and Carl joined in on Bruno and Mellow’s business dinner. As they snacked on the finest breadstick and drank the fanciest wine, Pigeon and Carl were recording the whole evening. “So, I take it you like being the only game in town still Mellow? Because I hate for the upstart Dagger Deliveries to dethrone you? You of course heard that they were offered that huge contract with the second largest retailor Snail Shopping, right?” asked Bruno Blue Jay. “Damn that Rachel Robin, she used to work for me only to start Dagger Deliveries because I didn’t give her a promotion. Now she may very cause my downfall. But luckily, your men of course will take care of her and her company while I resume negotiations with Snail Shopping to get that contract, right?” asked Mellow Mockingbird. Mellow Mockingbird pulled out two huge pieces of popcorn and handed them over to Bruno Blue Jay. “We’ve got it taken care of. Now my main man Tito will whack Rachel Robin tonight and thus that contract will be yours. Along with us stalling some Dagger Deliveries if you catch my drift,” said Bruno Blue Jay. Mellow screamed and asked, “I don’t want Rachel whacked. What would ever give you that idea?”. Bruno and Tito both laughed as a waitress came over with a huge slice of cake as dessert. Pigeon raised his wing as Tito nudged Bruno. “Yo, why are those seed dealers here, Bruno?” asked Tito. “They are here Tito my friend because they were hired to whack Ms. Rachel Robin. And I dare wonder why question Mr. Frenchy Pigeon has for his superior, now dare I ask Pigeon, what don’t you get about the fact that you and Carl are going to whack Ms. Rachel Robin for my dear friend Mellow Mockingbird?” asked Bruno Blue Jay. Pigeon clears his throat and asks, “It appears Mellow doesn’t want Rachel to be whacked. Why does Rachel need to be knocked off if it’s to prevent a simple business contract from going to her company?” asked Pigeon. Tito pulled out a gun and aimed it a Pigeon and Carl. Carl yelped and jumped underneath the table as Tito kept aim at Pigeon. “Yo Bruno, these two are wearing wires. Let’s whack them off before the cops get us,” cried Tito. Bruno laughed and then slammed his hand on the table. “Tito, you idiot. Why would the cops be working with these two morons? After all, Don Woodpecker has Bird Police Chief Kongons under his pocket I doubt they would ever begin an investigation into us. Don Woodpecker owns this city. Now you two have your orders so get rid of Rachel Robin. And if you’re wondering why you’re whacking Rachel off is because she’s the largest donor of Matt Mayfly’s upcoming mayoral campaign against our guy, current Bird City Mayor Jones, that if the brass young goody two shoes Mayfly loses her campaign donations, our guy good old Mayor Jones remains mayor of Bird City thus my man Don Woodpecker remains the true king of Bird City,” says Bruno. “So, if Rachel is gone, Mellow Mail gets the contract and as a bonus, Don Woodpecker’s other key players within Bird City stay in power basically?” asks Pigeon. Bruno laughs and takes a huge bite out of the slice of cake. Mellow grabs a bite of the cake as Tito hands Pigeon a picture of Rachel Robin. “Bruno gave you idiots your assignment, stop asking questions and get it done. Here’s her picture and you’ll get paid once the job is done,” said Tito. “Thanks, Mr. Turtle. We’ll get right on that,” said Pigeon. Bruno snorts bird seed like cocaine as he, Tito, and Mellow continue their dinner. Pigeon and Carl exit the Salt Saloon as the Bird Police rush in to arrest the criminals inside. With the arrests of his right-hand man Bruno and one of his loyal goons Tito Turtle, along with Mayor Jones, Police Chief Kongons, and Mellow Mockingbird keeping their distance from him, Don Woodpecker’s criminal empire is about to end. And upon learning that it was Pigeon and Carl who ratted out his men to the Bird Police, Don Woodpecker would not only keep the hit of Rachel Robin, but now Pigeon and Carl were on the hitlist as well. Now that they were all walking targets Pigeon, Carl, and Rachel befriended each other. With Pigeon and Rachel eventually becoming a little more than just friends. A week later, a Pigeon, Carl, and Rachel hide out in Rachel’s ritzy apartment in Manhattan with heavy police guard protecting only for Tony the Cat to make his grand return as he slaughters the bird police officers who were protecting the key birds who can finally end Don Woodpecker’s reign of terror, Rachel knows someone who could get rid of Tony for good but she’s currently behind bars, so now it’s up for Pigeon, Carl, and Rachel to free her. Who is Rachel’s friend behind bars? It’s fellow shelter pet Donna the Dog and she’s currently in an animal shelter sixteen blocks away from her apartment. Pigeon and Carl agree to come with Rachel to free Donna the Dog from her shelter prison as they must outrun not only Tony the Cat but all of Don Woodpecker’s henchmen. Hours later, our heroes finally made it to the animal shelter and before they could free Donna the Dog, Don Woodpecker flies in and kidnaps Rachel. 

Pigeon and Carl free Donna the Dog so she can take care of Tony the Cat. Pigeon and Carl fly off to rescue Rachel alongside the rest of the Bird Police as Don Woodpecker is keeping her held up at his Manhattan mansion estate. As the Bird Police have a shootout with Don Woodpecker’s goons, Pigeon and Carl sneak into the mansion to rescue Rachel. Just as Don Woodpecker was about to whack Rachel himself, Pigeon swoops in and wrestles the gun out of Don Woodpecker’s wing. As Pigeon and Carl tackle Don Woodpecker to the ground, the Bird Police rush in to finally arrest the biggest crime lord known to all of bird kind. A week later after a speedy trial, Don Woodpecker was found guilty on all counts and was sentence to life in prison. Now Don Woodpecker was behind bars alongside his friends, Bruno Blue Jay, Tito Turtle, Mellow Mockingbird, the now ex-mayor Mayor Jones, and the ex-Bird Police of New York chief Chief Kongons. Pigeon and Carl were given not only full pardons for their part in getting Don Woodpecker arrested, but the newly elected mayor Matt Mayfly gave each of them the key to the city. Months later, with peace being restored, everything was looking good for both Pigeon and Carl. Carl was signed by a major record label and his first album sold a million copies. Carl earned a peanut album (A peanut album is like getting a platinum album for humans, but peanuts are worth more in value to birds than platinum). Rachel’s company Dagger Deliveries lands the Snail Shopping contract as it continues to grow. With a charitable grant, Pigeon goes to college to study to become a teacher. Pigeon and Rachel’s love continued to blossom as the pair would eventually get married. Pigeon finally began to live the American Dream and became the up standing citizen he’s always wanted to be. No longing living a life a crime and with a loving wife by his side, all things are looking bright for Pigeon. Pigeon finally became a US citizen, and he even moved his mother to New York aiding her in getting US citizenship as well. Pigeon future is looking bright and proves anything is possible if you work hard enough, with luck, and by just knowing the right birds.

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