Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Boy and His Jerk Story Idea

A Boy and His Jerk is the story of a young autistic man and his miniature schnauzer Woody as they form a brotherly bond and learn to be more social too. 

My Woody Dog Memories For “A Boy and His Jerk” List 

1. The day I brought Woody home in my winter hat and how Woody didn’t like me at first. 

2. When Woody had parvo 

3. Puppy Woody days 

4. Nina’s picture book school project with puppy Woody 

5. Puppy Woody and the Cats at the Cat Lady’s house. 

6. Adult Woody stealing my PB&J sandwich and it made me laugh insanely. 

7. Letting Woody hump my arm. 

8. Woody opening my bedroom door with a loud bang just to check on me only to leave. 

9. Dad giving Woody a bagel every morning. 

10. Puppy Woody and me on our business trip with Dad. 

11. Woody getting sprayed by a skunk for the first time. 

12. Woody killing the baby rabbits. 

13. Woody at my mom’s house and hating every moment of it. 

14. Woody being raised by two assholes and becoming an asshole by default. 

15. Moving in with Mom and eventually rarely seeing Woody. 

16. Cleaning up after Woody and being up the whole night with him. 

17. Woody never wanting to sleep alone. 

18. Woody’s 10th birthday and sadly his last. 

19. The day Woody died and one of the saddest phone calls I ever had. 

20. Visiting Woody’s grave in New Hampshire. 

21. My dog nephew Henry who is my new friend and my small reminder of Woody.

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