The Sheriff of Nottingham taxes the citizens to the point that the whole village of Nottingham is poor, minus The Sheriff himself of course.
However, one day would change the three young men’s lives forever. Arthur, Robin, and Little John were sleeping in their bedroom when Arthur heard a mysterious gruff older voice calling out to him. “Arthur! Sword In Stone! In Camelot! You are the true King of England! Go now to Camelot!” cried the mysterious gruff older voice. Arthur woke up in a fright and screamed so loud it woke everyone up in the room. Robin and Little John jumped out of their beds and rushed over calm Arthur down. “What’s wrong Arthur?” asks Robin. “Did you wet your bed again? You used to do that a lot when you were five,” asks Little John. “No, I heard a voice,” says Arthur as he puts on his glasses in a fright. “So, this voice wasn’t familiar to you?” asks Robin. “He sounded like an older male. He claims that I’m the true King of England,” says Arthur. After Arthur spoke, Robin and Little John cried out in laugher. Little John slaps his huge hand on his knee. Robin moves his long hair to the side and then places his hand on Arthur’s shoulder. “Like you’d ever be the king, Arthur. Now I would be a great king,” said Robin. “Oh, come on Robin. We ain’t royalty, mate. We’re three poor orphans with not a penny or anything to our name,” says Little John. “There’s something I need to tell ya all boys,” said Friar Tuck as he enters the room carrying a tray of milk and cookies with a huge sad frown covering his face.
Friar Tuck pulls up an old two-legged wooden chair and explains to Robin, Little John, and Arthur that Arthur is the long-lost son of King Uther of England and hidden away to protect him from King Uther’s enemies.
Friar Tuck then hands Arthur a map to Camelot. “I think you’ve matured enough to head to Camelot, Arthur. You may not be strong physically but mentally you’re wise beyond your years. There’s nothing left here for you in Nottingham, my son. Follow this map to Camelot and once you get there, look for the wizard Merlin. I’ll start packing your things Arthur,” said Friar Tuck. “Wait, I’m going alone to Camelot? Should someone come with me?” asks Arthur in an awkward high-pitched voice. “We’ll come with you Arthur. We Merry Men must stick together,” said Robin. “And I should go too because I believe you’ll both probably die in the dark forest without me,” said Little John. “No. Robin and Little John, you need to stay here and take care of Friar Tuck,” said Arthur. “I believe he’s well taken care of,” said a sinister devilish mysterious voice. Suddenly, out of the dark shadows as the wind howls, The Sheriff of Nottingham appears out of nowhere choking Friar Tuck. “It’s the Sheriff. Look we didn’t break any laws,” cries Robin. “One, you fair Friar Tuck has been behind on his taxes. And two, I worked alongside the men who killed your father, Arthur,” says The Sheriff of Nottingham. Arthur cries and lodges at The Sheriff of Nottingham. Friar Tuck gets loose and grabs a greasy frying pan lying on the ground. Friar Tuck rushes toward the sheriff and hits him in the head with the frying pan. “Get out of here boys! I’ll hold him off,” yells Friar Tuck as he fends The Sheriff of Nottingham off. “But what about you?” asks Robin. “Go! Before it’s too late,” cries Friar Tuck. Robin nods his head in approval and storms out.
Robin and Little John pick up Arthur from off the ground and escort him out of the church. Eventually, the three friends ran into the dark foreboding forest as they were being chased by The Sheriff of Nottingham, his menacing men, and their ravenous dogs. As he was running away from his enemies, Robin spots a lone bow and some arrows on the ground underneath an old oak tree. Robin slowly walks over and dusts the old bow off as he rushes to pick up as many arrows as he can. Before Robin rejoins his friends, he notices a note on the ground. Robin picks up the note and it reads that this old wooden bow and arrows were a gift from Merlin.
Robin hears the cries of his friends and rushes to their aide. The sheriff and his men are getting closer as Little John and Arthur continue to franticly flee. Robin jumps out in front of the bad guys and starts shooting his arrows at The Sheriff of Nottingham and his men as he flees alongside Little John and Arthur. Eventually, they manage to escape from The Sheriff of Nottingham and his men. “That was a close one. You’re a pretty good archer Robin,” says Arthur. “Thanks, I learned that on the fly. Let’s set up camp here for the night and continue into to Camelot in the morning,” said Robin. As Robin and Little John set up camp, Arthur feels around in his pocket and realizes that he doesn’t have the map to Camelot that Friar Tuck gave him. “Oh darn, I left the map to Camelot back in church,” said Arthur. “Oh no, how will we get to Camelot now?” cries Little John. “We’ll find a way. Now let’s get some sleep. But we’ll take shifts just in case the sheriff and his men catch up to us. Understood?” asks Robin. Little John gives a thumbs up and Arthur shakes in fear. Robin pulls out a cross necklace that Friar Tuck gave him and prays before he starts his shift.
As it gets later into the night, during Arthur’s shift, he gets anxious while keeping guard of the friends who he feels like are his brothers. Arthur slowly starts to fall asleep when an old silly looking man in a red robe with a funny hat and a long white beard carrying a magical staff of wonders appears out of nowhere. “Who are you?” asks Arthur as he points a knife at him while shaking in fear. “Oh, dreadfully sorry my boy. My name is Merlin. I’m a friend of your father. I sensed that you three need help getting to Camelot, I am right?” asks Merlin. “Yes. But how can I trust you?” asks Arthur. “Sleep my boy and when you awaken, you and your brothers will be in Camelot. See you in the morning. We’ll meet by the Sword in the Stone,” said Merlin. Arthur fell asleep as they campfire slowly went out. Merlin claps his hands as the campfire goes out into the night sky.
The next morning, Arthur, Robin, and Little John wake up in a room inside a little inn. They were all wearing new clothes that fit them comfortably and with fresh delicious food abound.
Robin notices at the end of his bed a new metal bow and metal arrows. Robin went to examine his new bow and arrows while Little John and Arthur ate breakfast. Suddenly, outside the sounds of powerful horns are heard alongside the sounds of a cheering crowd. “What the heck is that?” asks Little John. “I don’t know Little John, but something tells me we need to follow that noise,” says Arthur. Arthur and Little John finish eating as they exit the room. Robin grabs his new weapon his trusty bow and arrows and is about to head out, but he feels a little cold. Before Robin leaves, he puts of the hood of his new green jacket over his head. “Huh, I haven’t worn a hood before. It feels nice and cozy. Look out world here comes Robin Hood! I may need to work on that name though,” said Robin to himself.
Now we go to the wondrous Sword in the Stone ceremony which is outside a grand golden castle. Many brave knights wait in line just to pull the sword out of the stone, and sadly usual, to no avail. When Robin, Arthur, and Little John arrive they notice that The Sheriff of Nottingham and his men are the guards of this pulling the sword out of the stone event. Robin lifts both Arthur and Little John’s hoods up at the same time as he whispers in their ears. “Wait in line, Arthur. Little John and I we’ll protect you,” said Robin. Robin was about to go then Arthur grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Thanks again, my brother,” said Arthur. Arthur gave Robin a huge hug and then ran to the line. Robin and Little John hide in the crowd keeping guard of Arthur. As Arthur waited in line after an eager young handsome knight Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot, through a young man, looks like he has seen quite his battles in his life even though he looks to be only two years older than Arthur. Sir Lancelot carries two swords on his back and a small baby dragon skull around his neck. Sir Lancelot is in front of him feeling very gleeful. “Hello sir, my name is Sir Lancelot. I’ve haven’t seen you around here before. Where are you from and what is your name?” asks Sir Lancelot. “My name is Arthur and I’m from Nottingham. I’m feeling nervous right now,” said Arthur. “You know what Arthur. I’m nervous too. Look at it this way. Whatever happens, happens. Best of luck to you Arthur,” said Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is next up to pull the sword of the stone and he tries but fails to get the sword out of the stone. “Good luck, Arthur. I also was a friend of your father King Uther. I’ll protect you from the sheriff and his men,” said Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot pats Arthur on the back as he leaves while rubbing his arm in pain. Arthur gulps and walks up to try and pull the sword out of the stone. Little does Arthur, know he is also being watched by his short tubby cousin Prince John and Merlin as he attempts to pull out the sword in the stone. “Why do we hold this event every year, Merlin?” asks Prince John. “Because we need to find the rightful King of England,” says Merlin. “But I should be king. I’m the only heir apparent left. We’ll never find the legendary true heir. That’s a myth. So, I should declare myself king right….,” cries Prince John.
Before Prince John could finish his sentence, just then Arthur did the unthinkable. He did what no one else could do. Arthur pulled the sword of the stone. As a heavenly light shines down on Arthur as he holds the magnificent sword in the air, all the citizens of Camelot bowed down to their new king. Robin and Little John were a gasp and just fell to their knees on instinct because they knew that their nerdy friend who they treated as their little brother, had just become the King of all of England. The Sheriff of Nottingham was livid, as he pulled out his crossbow and aimed it directly at Arthur. Robin spotted the sheriff attempting to kill his friend and foster brother. Robin rapidly shot an arrow into The Sheriff of Nottingham’s leg and quickly grabbed another arrow to shoot just in case. The sheriff fell to the ground and moaned in pain. The crowd lifted Arthur and carried him into his new castle home. The Sheriff of Nottingham was being escorted out by his men to a horse and buggy. Robin was about to go after him but then Sir Lancelot appeared and grabbed Robin. “We’ll deal with him later. We need to see our new king right now,” said Sir Lancelot.
Inside King Arthur’s glorious throne room, he sat on the same throne as his father as he, Merlin, Sir Lancelot, Prince John, Robin, and Little John discuss what happens next as a huge wooden round table was being built in the background. “I Arthur, the newly crowned King of England, declare, Merlin, you will be my royal advisor. Sir Lancelot, you will be the caption of the royal guard. And as for you my cousin Prince John. Since you couldn’t have my throne. Out of pity, I will let you rule a single part of England. Prince John, I declare you the new ruler and my advisor to the village of Nottingham. You will report to Nottingham’s sheriff and me with updates about the village. But overall, it’s your toy box. This meeting has concluded. Good day,” said King Arthur.
Prince John jumped up and down with joy as he exited the throne room. Sir Lancelot raised his sword in the air before he left. Merlin went up to King Arthur’s side as Robin and Little John stood confused. “Your highness, not to be rude but don’t Little John and I get anything?” asks Robin. “Of course, my brothers. You are my real advisors and royal guard of Nottingham,” said King Arthur. “Wait, so we all together keep an eye on Prince John?” asks Robin. “Exactly, now I suggest that you and Little John look for some new Merry Men,” said King Arthur. “We will. Good luck, my brother,” said Robin. “Hey Arthur, I had a question. We’ll we get paid for this or should we take a little from the side if you know what I mean?” asks Little John. “Little John, Robin, you can’t steal from the poor citizens of Nottingham. But the rich citizens of Nottingham are fair game. Farewell my brothers and keep Nottingham safe,” yelled King Arthur. Robin and Little John each hugged King Arthur before they left. Robin and Little John waved goodbye as Robin put his hood up and strapped his bow around his back. King Arthur leans back on his throne and strokes his chin. “Merlin, what should I do as my first day as King of England?” asks King Arthur. Merlin laughs and says, “I believe you just create another legend that’ll be equal to your own,” laughed Merlin as his cheeks blushed. “What do you mean Merlin?” asks King Arthur. “Three legendary events happened today in England. The Sword in the Stone was pulled out, a king has been crowned, and Robin Hood and his Merry Men will steal from the rich and give to the poor. This is going just like how I predicted it,” said Merlin. Under the reign of King Arthur, England and its subjects would live in peace and harmony for years. And under the watchful eye of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Nottingham is now a thriving village full of life and no longer of dread. And they all lived happily ever after.
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