Monday, July 21, 2014

Chapter 1 Free Preview: Spotty & the Haunted House!

Spotty was going to see Beardy’s new mansion that he won in a contest. Spotty saw the new mansion, but it wasn’t new, in fact it was very, very, very old. “Wow, this place doesn’t look anything like the picture, well I guess I have to see how Beardy is doing,” said Spotty to himself. Then Spotty walked up to the door and it opened by its self. “That was weird,” said Spotty to himself. Spotty soon walked inside the mansion and then he saw three ghosts. “O my god, ghosts,” cried Spotty. Then from out of nowhere a net landed on the floor from the ceiling. “Where did this fishing net come from, hey ghosts go away,” yelled Spotty. Then Spotty started waving his net and then he caught a ghost with it. “Wow, I caught a ghost, you two are next,” said Spotty. Then the other two ghosts disappeared. “Dam, they got away, now, where’s Beardy,” said Spotty. “What the hell are you doing here,” yelled a mysterious voice. Spotty turned around and saw Ghost. “Ghost, what’s with the other ghosts,” asked Spotty. “Look, I maybe a super villain, but I also haunt houses, and I just feel sorry for your friend,” said Ghost. “What do you know about Beardy,” yelled Spotty. “Oh, he’s just on the fourth floor, but you’ll never make it up there with all the other ghosts around,” said Ghost. “Yah, will I have a net that can catch ghosts, and since you are a ghost named Ghost, I can catch you,” yelled Spotty. “You have the net, please don’t put me in the net, I’ll do anything,” cried Ghost. “Take me to Beardy and nothing more,” said Spotty. “Alright Super Spotty, I guess I’ll help you, and besides, you need a ghost around to help you stop the other ghosts,” said Ghost. “My name is just Spotty,” said Spotty. “Whatever, now let’s save your friend,” said Ghost. Soon Spotty and Ghost were heading up the stairs, and little did they know they were being watched. What will happen next? Nobody knows!

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