Prime Minster Mysterious is the current prime minster of Toy Land and King Dominion’s second-in-command. He is secretly leading a rebellion to overthrow King Dominion so that he can rule Toy Land himself. But for now, Prime Minster Mysterious must suck up to his boss and await the day that he’ll be the king of Toy Land.
General Metalhead is a high ranking general in the Toy Land army and King Dominion’s bodyguard. General Metalhead helped King Dominion overthrow King Magus years ago and is a loyal servant of King Dominion. He is a skilled marksman and has led many battles to victory. General Metalhead will literally take a bullet of his king as he plots with King Dominion to expand his kingdom.
The Tax Archer is a tax collector and a skilled archer. Tax Archer is an excellent marksman and fighter. The Tax Archer is not good nor evil, he’s only on one side, the one whoever pays him best!
Sheriff Piggerton Horseshoe is the local sheriff and an enemy of The King Family. He is a half-pig and half-horse creature who resides in the Wild West of Toy Land. Sheriff Piggerton is slow witted and can be easily fooled. He’s a terrible gunslinger and marksman. The only reason he still has his job is because he’s good at taking bribes and letting corruption run wild in Toy Land.
Judge Hector Hellish is a demon judge and an ally of King Dominion. Alongside his enforcer Wimpy Deerbone, the judge put many innocent people in the dungeon. And he put half of The King family in the dungeon too. Judge Hector Hellish thinks he has a lot of power and influence in Toy Land, but the true judge is King Dominion in the end.
Gerry Gruesome is King Dominion’s lawyer and a rival to Larry Laughter. Gerry Gruesome origins are unknown but legend states that he’s King Dominion’s older brother. Gerry Gruesome is a greedy and cruel man who loves putting people in prison. He’s a vampire with a smoking problem to boot.
King Dominion’s Henchmen are living among the citizens of Toy Land awaiting to report and attack the innocent or guilty. King Dominion’s henchmen were either former members of the Order of Furkus or they were former members of The King Family. They will do anything for their king and will obey him no matter what.
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