Monday, December 2, 2013

Chapter 1 Free Preview: Super Dude vs. Boogie Man!

“Okay gentlemen, I’m working for Satan to collect souls and now I just need the soul of one of you guys,” said Boogie Man. “I thought you were in jail,” said Super Dude. “Yah, the Satan got me out of jail, so, who wants to give up there soul for me, huh, anyone,” said Boogie Man. Then Super Dude punched Boogie Man in the jaw. Then Super Dude and Boogie Man started fighting each other. Then Super Dude pushed Boogie Man to the ground. “Please, let me get one of your souls, if I don’t Satan will take mine, I’m a monster looking to live please give me one of your souls,” cried Boogie Man. “But you have a criminal record, and you’re working for the devil,” said Super Dude. “Yah, I heard a kid turned you into the police 4 times,” said Young One. “Look, I not a criminal, I’m the god dam Boogie Man, the monster who lives under your bed, that little boy ruined my life, now I’m a wanted man, or even worse, I own Satan my soul,” said Boogie Man. “We’re not giving you our souls, understand,” said Super Dude. “Ah, to hell with it,” said Boogie Man. Then Boogie Man went up to Super Dudette and garbed her soul. “Score one for the Boogie Man,” yelled Boogie Man. Then Boogie Man ran away. “No, why Super Dudette, I have to stop him,” said Young One. “I’ll go with you,” said Super Dude. Then Super Mutt flew in and barked. “You too little buddy,” said Young One. “Well you guys are out could you get some more beer, we’re all out,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “When are you going home,” yelled Super Dude. “Hello, I’m right here,” yelled Super Dudette. “Wait, you’re alive, but Boogie Man took you’re soul,” yelled Young One. “Ah, well I guess he didn’t, so, what are we doing,” said Super Dudette. “I guess Boogie Man didn’t take her soul, what’s up with that,” asked Young One. “Let’s stop Boogie Man before he gets more souls,” said Super Dude. “You guys have fun doing that, I’m going to the mall, so long losers,” said Super Dudette. “What’s with her,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. What will happen next? Nobody knows! 

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