Now we go to
a roof of a huge skyscraper in Hero City where a meeting of the Super Dudes
rival group The Sinisters is being held. “Hello gentlemen, we have some news, I
made a deal with the Skull Lords and they’ll bring an army of demons here if we
can kill the Super Dudes, and in return, we The Sinisters will co-rule Hero
City, now who’s with me,” said Satan. “I have a question or
something,” asked Color Man.
“Ask away,” said Satan. “Okay, why do we need Skull Lords demons when you’re
the ruler of hell, don’t you have your own demon army,” asked Color Man.
“Indeed I do, but they’ve told me things about Hero City, that it’s actually a
whole world in a universe created by a teenager,” said Satan. “So, if we kill
the Super Dudes, we will rule Hero City, but if there’re multiple worlds, why
can’t we….,” asked Dr. Duck. “Enough, now we must kill the Super Dudes and then
the world will belong to The Sinisters,” yelled Satan. Satan and The Sinisters
started laughing evilly. “I wouldn’t be celebrating if I were you guys,” said a
mysterious voice. Satan turned around and saw Fred. “Who the heck are you,”
yelled Satan. “My name is Fred, and I escaped from a prison in Comic Book
World, so I’m basically a felon on the run from the law,” said Fred. “So Fred,
you come from another world, and you’re a convict, how about you join us,” said
Satan. “Look, I need to go because they may be watching me, but all I can tell
you guys is that you shouldn’t trust The Skull Lords, basically you guys won’t
rule anything, and you’ll just serve under the leadership of Evil
Dino-Skeleton, it’s a freaking raw deal, you won’t rule shit,” yelled Fred.
“Enough, Keeper throw this guy off the building, now,” yelled Satan. “Right
boss,” said the Keeper. The Keeper then picked up Fred and threw him down to
the ground from the top of the skyscraper. Fred landed on the ground and
surprisingly he was still alive. “Damn, I hope god can kick all there asses,”
said Fred. Fred soon saw a blackish-purplish portal open up and then he saw
Coyote and Terry the Tapir walk out of it. “Oh no, not you guys again, what do
you want with me,” yelled Fred. “Look, Moeguya is going to take over this
world, so, this is your only offer to come with us and join the Skull Lords,
and if you don’t, you’ll be in prison for life,” said Coyote. “Fine, I’ll go
with you guys, not because I want to, but because I’m running out of hiding
places,” said Fred. “Well come on, we mustn’t keep Moeguya waiting,” said Coyote.
Soon Coyote and Terry the Tapir walked into the blackish-purplish portal. Fred
sighed and then went into the blackish-purplish portal. “I hope the Super Dudes
can try to save the day,” said Fred while he was walking into the
blackish-purplish portal. Now our adventure in Hero City begins!
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