Sunday, September 1, 2013

Coo-Coo Bird & Dingo Meet The Scared Leopard!

The Scared Leopard and Brabe the Dog were on vacation in Australia. “Why are we in Australia again,” asked Brabe the Dog. “We’re here to see my old friend Dingo, Dingo lives in the jungle so let’s go find him,” said The Scared Leopard. The Scared Leopard and Brabe the Dog finally made it to the jungle when they spotted Coo-Coo Bird & Dingo chasing each other. “Which one’s your friend,” asked Brabe the Dog. “The Dingo,” said The Scared Leopard. “You mean the orange dog or the chicken,” asked Brabe the Dog. “Hey Dingo,” yelled The Scared Leopard. Dingo then stopped chasing Coo-Coo Bird for a moment to say hi to his old friend. “Scared Leopard…how are you…long time no see right…BOO!” yelled Dingo. Then The Scared Leopard jumped in fear after Dingo said BOO! Dingo then began to laugh. “Why did you scare my friend,” asked Brabe the Dog. “Because he’s easy to scare…so who are you,” asked Dingo. “I’m his friend Brabe the Dog…I tried to teach him not to be such a fraidy-cat and meet new people…how did you two meet,” asked Brabe the Dog. “We went to college together,” said Dingo. “Oh so you two met in college…I never knew The Scared Leopard attend college,” said Brabe the Dog. “Actually, he dropped out of college before senior year,” said Dingo. “Why,” asked Brabe the Dog. “Because I got scared at a football game and ran into the field and bumped into the quarterback breaking his leg by accident thus we lost the championship and the dean expelled me,” said The Scared Leopard. “That was a weird story,” said Brabe the Dog. “Sorry, I have to go back to chasing Coo-Coo Bird…I must catch him,” said Dingo. “Why are you chasing that stupid bird again,” asked Brabe the Dog. “Because I…you know I really forgotten the reason why I was chasing him in the first place…funny I been chasing him for years and I forgotten why,” said Dingo. Then The Scared Leopard screamed. “What’s wrong now,” asked Brabe the Dog. “I just saw a huge bug,” screamed The Scared Leopard. “You mean the one that’s on your back,” said Brabe the Dog. Then The Scared Leopard looked at his back and saw the bug and he then passed out. Then Coo-Coo Bird flew down and ate the bug. “Hi Coo-Coo Bird, my friend is friends with your friend Dingo,” said Brabe the Dog. “Dingo isn’t my friend…he’s just a guy who wants me for dinner,” said Coo-Coo Bird. “Oh yah, that’s why I been chasing him all this time…he’s food,” said Dingo. Then Dingo began to laugh and then Dingo attack Coo-Coo Bird. Dingo then continued to chase Coo-Coo Bird and Brabe the Dog woke up The Scared Leopard. “What did I miss,” asked The Scared Leopard. “Your friend Dingo is chasing that Coo-Coo Bird guy for no apparent reason and I really think he’ll never catch him,” said Brabe the Dog. “Oh…want to go to get something to eat,” asked The Scared Leopard. “Sure…should we invite Dingo,” asked Brabe the Dog. “Nah…let him chase that stupid Coo-Coo Bird…let’s go to that nice restaurant we saw on the way here,” said The Scared Leopard. Soon The Scared Leopard and Brabe the Dog left the jungle without saying goodbye to Dingo and went off to eat at a local restaurant. Dingo then gave up chasing Coo-Coo Bird for today and wondered where his friends went. “I wonder why they went…oh well…it’s getting late…I better get home and go to bed,” said Dingo. As Dingo was heading back home, Coo-Coo Bird dropped an anvil on his head. “Good night Dingo,” said Coo-Coo Bird. Coo-Coo Bird then flew away while Dingo lay knocked out after having an anvil dropped on his head. The Scared Leopard and Brabe the Dog then went to sleep in their hotel room when Dingo called The Scared Leopard. “Hello,” asked The Scared Leopard. “BOO!” yelled Dingo over the phone. Then The Scared Leopard screamed so loud that the whole city woke up!

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