team now consists of Professor Snout, Gangster, Dean the Giant, Tom T-Rex (Dina’s Dad), Larry the Jackalope, and the Red Bros. Loki
was also helping Dina and Tom T-Rex. Loki greatest weapon is the Sword of Power
which gives him his god-like powers. Dina now wants to steal it, so he could be
more powerful. “Yes, Loki’s Sword of Power is mine, now I Dina will have the
powers of a god,” yelled Dina. Then Dina holds Loki’s Sword of Power and soon
becomes stronger. Now we go to Tom T-Rex. “Where did my son go,” said Tom
T-Rex. Then Tom finds Loki, and he looks older and weaker. “Loki, what in the heck
happened to you,” yelled Tom T-Rex. “Your, your, son, stole, the sword, that,
that, that,” said Loki in a weak voice. “That does what,” yelled Tom T-Rex.
Then Tom heard Dina laughing and saw Dina that Dina had grown 80 feet tall. “O
my god, my son has the power of a god, but why didn’t I get the powers of a
god,” said Tom T-Rex. Now Dina is all powerful, what will our heroes do now?
We’ll find out very soon!
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