Monday, April 4, 2016

Co-Creator (Second City Class Sketch)!

(In an office building, Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson are lying back in their chairs next to their drawing boards having a conversation)

                     BOB KANE
Hey Jerry, do you think that Green Arrow is a Batman rip off? Like, should I sue that guy or something?

                    JERRY ROBINSON
Does The Scarlet Pimpernel mean anything to you?

                     BOB KANE
Oh yeah, totally forgot that Batman was a rip off too! Nothing’s original anymore! Hey, when do you think the money will start pouring in? I mean Batman’s going to be a hit sooner or later, right?

(Bill Finger walks in holding a contract)

                    BILL FINGER
                       (PISSED OFF)
What the hell, Bob! You created Batman! Seriously?

                    BOB KANE
Well, I did create Batman! I pitched it too you and you loved it!

                         BILL FINGER
Bob, you came to me after Jerry and Joe made a shit load of money after creating Superman and you wanted your own cash cow!

                   JERRY ROBINSON
Dude, I don’t make shit here!

                        BILL FINGER
I meant Jerry Siegel, you idiot! Bob, the first comic sold like crazy and I didn’t get any money from it. Where’s my cut, Bob?

                       BOB KANE
Why should you get money? I created Batman! I drew the costume…

                      BILL FINGER
Yeah, a red costume and then I said make it black and less gay. So since you just came up with the name Batman, you think you deserve all the credit? Is that your way of thinking, Bob?

                      BOB KANE
Look Bill, I created Batman. Stop stealing my thunder. Let it go!

                     BILL FINGER
Okay, you named the character Batman and you drew him in a non-black costume. But who came up with the Batcave?

                       BOB KANE
You did.

                     BILL FINGER
Who came up with Batman’s secret identity billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne?

                      BOB KANE
You did.

                     BILL FINGER
And who came up with Batman having a sidekick named Robin?                  

                  JERRY ROBINSON
I did, remember! You told me it was stupid and it might make Batman seem like a pedophile. Then you stole it from me, you asshole!

                 BILL FINGER
Whatever Jerry. Look Bob, basically, I made Batman, the essence of Batman, and I’m willing to share credit with you even though you did next to nothing to earn it. Because you’re my best friend and you got me a job here at DC Comics!

                   JERRY ROBINSON
Yeah, as a janitor!

                   BILL FINGER
Seriously Jerry, okay! So, what do you say, Bob, split the profits 50/50 and have both of our names appear in the credits of each issue of Batman?

                   BOB KANE
Fine Bill, god, I’ll give you credit for creating Batman. Even though we both just ripped off The Scarlet Pimpernel anyway!

                   BILL FINGER
Cool! Now, I’ve written another script for next week’s issue of Batman! I created a new villain for Batman called The Joker! Can’t wait to see how it turns out and I can’t wait to see my name as the co-creator of Batman and The Joker. Well, I have to go clean the bathroom now! But I’m glad we resolved this little issue of who truly created Batman!

(Bill Finger slowly exits the scene while sweeping and Bob Kane begins drawing on his drawing board)

                   JERRY ROBINSON
Hey, could I get credit for creating The Joker?

                     BOB KANE
Sure Jerry, I’ll give you co-creator credit on The Joker. Basically I’m giving my ideas away anyway!
                  JERRY ROBINSON
Hooray for doing nothing! Oh Bob, I have a new idea for a superhero. He has a magic ring and I’m calling him Green Lantern! You want to draw the first issue with me?
                   BOB KANE
Sounds like a stupid character, Jerry. Plus there’s already Green Arrow, so another green colored superhero sounds super lame and…

                 JERRY ROBINSON
You’re right, Bob. Boy do I feel silly! I’ll just throw this script away…

(Jerry Robinson walks over to the trashcan and throws his script for Green Lantern away)

(Jerry Robinson sits back down at his drawing board and he begins to draw)

(While Jerry Robinson and Bob Kane aren’t looking Bill Finger reenters the room to collect the trash)

                  BILL FINGER
                     (TO HIMSELF)
Time to get rid of the garbage…hello what’s this…

(Bill Finger picks up the Green Lantern script and makes sure no one is looking. He pulls out a Sharpie and crosses out Jerry Robinson’s name)


                      (TO HIMSELF)
Green Lantern, created by Bill Finger! Let me just take this script over to Martin Nodell and then I’ll have another cash cow! God I’m a creative genius!

(Bill Finger fleas the scene like a madman holding the Green Lantern script tightly in his hands)

(Stan Lee shows up from out of nowhere and enters the scene)

                   STAN LEE
                     (ADDRESSING THE CROWD)
You see, true believers! This shit will never fly over at Marvel! We’re an honest company…                 

                 JERRY ROBINSON
Tell that to Jack Kirby!

                   STAN LEE
                     (ADDRESSING THE CROWD)
Just ignore that! I created so many wonderful characters on my own…

                   BOB KANE
Tell that to Steve Ditko, dickweed!

                  STAN LEE
                    (ADDRESSING THE CROWD)
You know what, fine. I didn’t come up with anything. I just gave myself credit because I could, okay? I was just the editor of Marvel Comics and nothing more! I’m Stan Lee and either way you’ll always know who I am! See me in the movies! Excelsior!

(Stan Lee shoots a web like Spider Man and swings away)


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