“Greg the Comedian” is a short film about a struggling stand-up comedian named Greg who wishes to be like his comedy idol Rodney Williams. Oddly enough, even though Rodney Williams is dead, and Greg has never met Rodney in real life, Greg’s comedy idol appears before him. The imaginary Rodney Williams serves as Greg’s mentor, critic and friend. Greg has a day job working as a repairman, which he’s pretty good at, but he longs for more.
Greg is excited because a talent scout from a cable TV network is coming to his next performance. Greg needs to have a killer set. Greg, with the help of the imagined Rodney, work all day on his set with the goal of performing it that night. While Greg is working on his set, his comedian friend Cindy notices that Greg’s comedy is ripping off Rodney Williams and she has videos to prove it. Greg realizes that he’s been imitating his idol and now knows he must come up with his own original jokes.
At the comedy show, Greg bombs and Cindy ends up getting the attention of the talent scout. Greg goes home as the imaginary Rodney Williams says goodbye. Greg starts to work on his own material. At the next comedy show, he kills it and realizes he doesn’t need Rodney to be funny.
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