“The Cool Fox Show” is a fictional talk show hosted by an old childhood toy of mine and one of the coolest guys around, Cool Fox. Cool Fox is joined by two sidekicks, the show’s head writer and retired professional wrestler The One Man Gang and Tiny Batman, a smaller and sillier version of the famed Caped Crusader. “The Cool Fox Show” airs on a local small time public access TV station near Chicago, Illinois and airs usually at 2AM close to the graveyard slot, but the show is a ratings hit for the station, making the station’s rich owner Mr. Thing, quite rich. Each episode of “The Cool Fox Show” has our host interview a famous character or celebrity, but it’s their Funko Pop version and not really them.
Usually, most episodes follow the same structure, an awkward interview with a guest, the station and characters doing anything for money and ratings, and just complete chaos and silly hijinks in general. So tune in to “The Cool Fox Show” on the official “Shooting The Buck Podcast” YouTube channel.
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