Sunday, October 10, 2021

Royal For A Day (The Background Character Club: Episode Scenario)

Spotty and the contestants head over to the fairy tale kingdom where Prince Charming and Cinderella reside and rule. As the contestants duke it out for a chance to be royal for a day and rule the Charming kingdom for one whole day, Prince Charming and Cinderella can’t keep up their fairy tale marriage anymore. Cinderella discovers that Prince Charming has had numerous affairs with numerous fairy tale princesses throughout the years and even during their relationship. 

Cinderella drinks heavily to cope with her depression and starts to reevaluate her fairy tale life. At the end of the episode, a winner is declared and made a queen for a day. Cinderella finally breaks up with Prince Charming for good filing for divorce and moves in with her new boyfriend, Hercules. Prince Charming now rules his kingdom alone, longing for what he lost, but he still must keep up the fairy tale façade. In the end, no one truly gets a happily ever after, even in fairy tales. 

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