Friday, June 21, 2013

An untitled “Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament" Story Idea!

An untitled “Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament story” will be about a tournament that takes place in the future on another planet. Fighters are either human or alien and they all fight to the death for the amusement of the masses. The story will focus on one fighter who started out sparring partner but mostly a punching bag to the other fighters shows signs of great strength and speed which attracts the promoters’ attention. This fighter starts out as a teenager in the beginning of the story but by the end of the story he will be in his mid 60’s. This new fighter is named Ke-li and he will soon become a very popular fighter in the tournament. Ke-li is a rookie but he has killed many fighters in the tournament and feels guilt and remorse to his fallen opponents. Ke-li soon finds a mentor in another human fighter who has never lost and his name is Mortaki. Mortaki trains Ke-li and he feels that Ke-li is his replacement as a popular fighter. Ke-li dreams of freedom because fighters in the tournament are either prisoners or slaves held against their will by the evil promoters’. So in a way you could compare the tournament to gladiator fighting in ancient Rome. Ke-li will eventually fight his mentor Mortaki and kill him. Ke-li becomes so popular that the evil promoters’ want him to lose a match on purpose so that they can find his replacement as their star fighter. But Ke-li wants to find his own replacement or someone he feels is worthy to fill his shoes. Also Ke-li tries to convince the other fighters to rebel against the evil promoters’ and gain their freedom. But not only are the evil promoters’ a threat, but the evil emperor also plays a role in the tournament. The emperor uses the tournament as a distraction from his empires’ flaws. But over time Ke-li hope for a rebellion against the evil promoters’ begin to diminish. As years pass Ke-li becomes the oldest fighter in the tournament and his undefeated streak continues. Ke-li doesn’t want to die and one day he challenges the evil emperor to a fight to the death. When the emperor accepts the match not only if the evil emperor loses will he meet his end, but Ke-li will become the new emperor. Can Ke-li defeat the evil emperor and gain his freedom? Read untitled “Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament story” when it comes out very soon!

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