Monday, December 7, 2020

Super Dudes vs. Magic Wars (Short Story Version)

One day two very powerful demons decided to work together. Those two demons were Satan and Moeguya. Satan and Moeguya formed an alliance with each other and soon using their supernatural powers they merged the Magical Universe and Super Dudes Universe into one whole universe. Now that these two universes were now one, things changed within this newly created universe. Our story begins when the Super Dudes were exploring this newly created universe and they soon saw the Magical Council soldiers fighting some demons. The Super Dudes didn’t trust the Magical Council and the Super Dudes thought they were the ones who merged the universes. Soon a mini-war started between the Super Dudes and the Magical Council and both sides were evenly matched. The Super Dudes were lead by Super Dude while the Magical Council army was lead by Curt. Neither side knew that Satan and Moeguya were the true enemies and that Satan and Moeguya wanted the Super Dudes and the Magical Council to fight each other so that they could conquer the newly created universe after both sides destroy themselves. But the Super Dudes were outnumbered by the Magical Council but they wouldn’t give up. Now we go to a conversation between Super Dude and Young One. “Young One, these Magical Council guys are tuff…I don’t know if we can defeat them,” said Super Dude. “Super Dude…have you ever wondered that maybe the Magical Council isn’t the true threat….because there have been demon sightings and maybe Satan is behind all this…plus most of our allies have seen some of the Magical Council soldiers fighting the demons,” said Young One. “I don’t know…but my guy tells me that we need to make things right again and that those Magical Council guys know how to make things normal again,” said Super Dude. Then Super Dude and Young One heard a loud explosion and they rushed to see where it came from. Super Dude and Young One found out the explosion was from cannons being fired from Magical Council soldiers. “Young One…I think it’s time we negotiate with the Magical Council,” said Super Dude. Now it appears that the Super Dudes were going to negotiate with the Magical Council. But can they form an alliance? Well they’re both the good guys aren’t they!

Now we go to Coyote Corp headquarters where Coyote and Ernest B. Faun were negotiating a business deal. “So you’re the head of a magical items corporation and I’m the head of one of the largest technology manufacturers, so I say this to you Mr. Faun, can we do business together,” asked Coyote. “How do you mean Coyote,” asked Ernest B. Faun. “I mean, Coyote Corp will distribute Faun Magical Potions Corporation items to my universe and Faun Magical Potions Corporation will distribute Coyote Corp items to the magical universe,” said Coyote. “So what you’re saying is that Coyote Corp will have exclusive distributing rights to Faun Magical Potions Corporation’s magical items while my company will distributed and sell Coyote Corp items within the magical universe….how much would this deal be worth,” asked Ernest B. Faun. “It’ll be worth billions of dollars on both sides….my people with have magic while your people will have technology, what a great combination combing these two worlds of magic and technology together…can we sign the paperwork to make this official,” asked Coyote. “Sure…I bet all of this will help the magical universe very much once they become unmerged,” said Ernest B. Faun. “You two are idiots,” cried a mysterious voice. Ernest B. Faun and Coyote turned around and saw Salizard standing behind them. “Who the hell are you,” asked Coyote. “Wait I know you…you work for Moeguya,” said Salizard. “I’m a henchman of Moeguya and I came here because I wanted to recruit super villains into Moeguya’s army…and Coyote you fit the bill,” said Salizard. “Wait a minute…Coyote is a bad guy…I’m sorry but I don’t work with bad guys…I have to go,” said Ernest B. Faun. Ernest B. Faun then fled the scene. “Thanks a lot asshole…now I lost a billion dollar deal to sell magical items to mortals,” said Coyote. “Coyote…Satan said much of you…please join us,” said Salizard. “Satan…I thought you said you were working for some Moeguya guy or something,” said Coyote. “Oh, Satan and Moeguya are now working together to takeover this newly merged universe…together they be kings…now are you in or not,” asked Salizard. Coyote then paused and then Coyote grinned. “Sure…I work for Satan and Moeguya…I bet they’ll be good customers,” said Coyote. Salizard then opened a blackish-purplish portal. “Follow me to your fate,” said Salizard. Salizard then walked into the blackish-purplish portal and Coyote followed Salizard from behind. Now it seems Satan and Moeguya were now gathering the enemies of the Super Dudes for their army. But will Satan and Moeguya work together? Let’s just say this relationship won’t last for long!

After Satan and Moeguya merged their respective universes, little did they know that they had created a new entity that was more evil and powerful then both of them combined. This new entity was named Vach and Vach was a humanoid creature who feed on hatred and fear. Vach looked like a pale skin gothic young man with tattoos and scars all across his body. Vach thought of Satan and Moeguya were his parents and Vach served them. Vach was very power hungry and he wanted the universe to worship him as a god. Vach soon began to hate both the Magical Council and the Super Dudes and he would do anything to destroy them both. After finding out that Satan, Moeguya, and Vach were the true threat…the Magical Council and the Super Dudes formed an alliance with each other. But Satan, Moeguya, and Vach had built a very powerful army. Sadly many died during this war of the universes. Those who died in the war of the universes include Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, the Fartinator, R-Man, Senp, Jimmy, War The Rhinotaur, Dexter the Ape Man, and Dimmy Dodo. Vach began to gather the souls of the dead soldiers from both sides and was plotting a plan to overthrow his fathers. Even though Vach admired Satan and Moeguya, Vach wanted to overthrow them and become the ruler of the universe. Strangely out of anger and fear Vach killed both Satan and Moeguya. Vach was now the sole leader of the army of darkness. Vach soon gained dark powers through merging himself with the corpses of Satan and Moeguya. Vach now seemed unstoppable but both the Magical Council and the Super Dudes wanted him dead. More lives are soon to be lost in this never ending war of the universes. We can other hope that the good will prevail in the end…god help us all!

Vach soon grew more powerful and Vach began to gain a loyal following. Soon Vach’s followers created a new religion called Vachism and Vach was their god. The Super Dudes and the Magical Council were still battling Vach’s army but to no prevail. One day, Vach’s soldiers kidnapped Super Dudette and Vach wanted to make Super Dudette his bride. But since Super Dudette wasn’t in love with Vach and Super Dudette told Vach that she had a boyfriend. Vach was not only heartbroken but now he had a test for how strong Super Dudette and Young One’s relationship really is. Vach using his supernatural powers turned Super Dudette into an ugly ogre. The only way for Super Dudette to turn back into her old self was her true love’s kiss. Now we go to the headquarters of the Super Dudes/Magical Council alliance where Super Dude and Curt were planning an attack on Vach’s castle. But during the meeting between Super Dude and Curt an unlikely ally paid a visit. Moeguya Jr. and Vach didn’t get along very well…so Moeguya Jr. left Vach army and Moeguya Jr. seeks revenge on Vach. Moeguya Jr. now wanted to help the Super Dudes/Magical Council alliance defeat Vach and he wanted their universes to be separate again. Sadly more heroes died in battle. The heroes that died in battle include Riddle Fox, High Tech Nick, Super Spotty, Super Stork, Super Beardy, Super Woody, Abominable Man, Curt We (Wild Man III), Lee Jr. , Christy, Elizabeth, Scott Sith (The Lone Shadow), and Mr. Cecrops. Now we go to a mission where Young One and Expo Speed were infiltrating Vach’s castle. “So Young One…why are we here again,” asked Expo Speed. “Because that bastard Vach kidnapped my girlfriend and we have to save her,” said Young One. Then Young One and Expo Speed heard growling. “What was that noise,” asked Expo Speed. Then Super Dudette (in her ogre form) attacked Young One and Expo Speed. But since Young One and Expo Speed couldn’t recognize Super Dudette because she was now an ogre, they tried to kill her. Half way into the fight…Expo Speed hit Super Dudette in the head and she regained consciousness. “Why are we fighting,” asked Super Dudette. “What do you mean why are we fighting…you’re an ogre working for Vach,” said Young One. “Guys…it’s me Super Dudette…I was turned into an ogre by Vach because I wouldn’t accept his hand in marriage and also the reason I acted the way I did before was because he was controlling my thoughts,” said Super Dudette. “Wow…this magic stuff get weirder and weirder…how can we stop Vach he seems unstoppable,” said Expo Speed. “I wonder how I can make my girlfriend sexy again,” said Young One to himself. Then Young One, Expo Speed, and Super Dudette heard someone laughing evilly. Then Vach appeared before our heroes. “Well, well, well…it appears you came here thinking you can destroy me…but it’ll be the other way around I’m afraid…time for you all to die,” laughed Vach. “Expo Speed…Super Dudette…escape from this place and I’ll handle Vach,” said Young One. “But…,” cried Expo Speed and Super Dudette at the same time. “Go…return back to headquarters…hurry,” yelled Young One. Expo Speed and Super Dudette fled Vach’s castle while Young One was fighting Vach. Young One and Vach seemed evenly matched, but after a long fight…Vach had killed Young One. Vach then absorbed Young One’s dead body and basically merged with it. But don’t worry…Young One won’t be dead for long!

Expo Speed and Super Dudette returned to the headquarters of the Super Dudes/Magical Council alliance. Super Dudette later found out that Young One was dead and she was very upset. But as luck would have it, Patrick Pangolin told Super Dudette about the lamp of Charlie the Genie. Patrick Pangolin suggested Super Dudette should use Charlie the Genie’s lamp and wish Young One back to life. Super Dudette soon found Charlie the Genie’s lamp in storage and she rubbed it. Charlie the Genie then appeared in front of Super Dudette. “My name is Charlie the Genie…what are your three wishes,” asked Charlie the Genie. Super Dudette’s first wish was to bring Young One back to life and Charlie the Genie granted her first wish. Young One was now alive again. Being nice, Super Dudette gave the second wish to Young One. Young One wished his friend Fat Lazy Karate Teacher and Young One’s wish was granted. Fat Lazy Karate Teacher was now alive again. Young One and Super Dudette wished that Super Dudette could be human again…but Charlie the Genie couldn’t grant their wish. “Sorry, but since Super Dudette was turned into an ogre by a curse it can only be broken by true love’s kiss…so what is your final wish,” asked Charlie the Genie. Fat Lazy Karate Teacher wished for a doughnut and his wish was granted. “Thanks for using my services today…goodbye,” said Charlie the Genie. Charlie the Genie was then sucked back into his lamp. Young One had no choice but to kiss Super Dudette. Young One and Super Dudette soon kissed each other and slowly Super Dudette was turning back to normal. Young One broke Super Dudette’s curse and now Young One and Super Dudette were preparing for battle. It now appears the final battle between Vach’s army and the Super Dudes/Magical Council alliance will now begin. But who will win? At least our heroes now have a fighting chance with Moeguya Jr. on their side!


After several years of war, the Super Dudes/Magical Council alliance finally defeated Vach. After they killed Vach the magical universe and the Super Dudes universe unmerged with each other and they became separate universes again. Also after Vach was killed Moeguya and Satan were brought back to life and Moeguya and Satan returned to their own universes. It seems the meeting between the worlds of the Super Dudes and the Magic Wars has finally ended. The Super Dudes currently reside in Hero City as the city’s protectors while the Magical Council continued fighting in the Magic Wars. Also Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, the Fartinator, R-Man, Senp, Jimmy, War The Rhinotaur, Dexter the Ape Man, Dimmy Dodo Riddle Fox, High Tech Nick, Super Spotty, Super Stork, Super Beardy, Super Woody, Abominable Man, Curt We (Wild Man III), Lee Jr., Christy, Elizabeth, Scott Sith (The Lone Shadow), and Mr. Cecrops were brought back to life after Vach was killed and they all returned to their respective universes. But little do both universes know is that Vach may return one day…but we don’t exactly know when!


Action Figure Art 2020 Part 5


Shooting The Buck Presents: Memories

Funko Pop Murders Short Film Script (Flashpoint Class Project)



KEN, a 20-something young man, is organizing his Funko Pop collection. He places his latest Funko Pop on his table. As he’s organizing his Funko Pops, Ken is listening to classical music. 


Oh goody. Glad I can finally add you to my collection little friend. Go on, hang out with your friends while I go get a snack. 

Ken feels hungry and leaves to grab a snack.


Ken is getting a snack from a vending machine.


Everybody makes fun of me for collecting Funko Pops after the fad ended. But who cares what others think. I love my Funko Pops.

As Ken leaves the vending machine, we see one of his Funko Pops next to the vending machine.


It’s time.




I’ll show them who’s not a loser.

Ken reenters the room to find that all but one of his Funko Pops are left standing. Ken turns off the lights. When Ken turns the lights back on, they all reappear again but only now a little closer towards Ken.


Oh shit! They’re coming closer!


Kill Ken!

Ken shuts the door to exit the room but two Funko Pops are waiting outside to see him.


Oh Shit!


Kill Ken!



Ken is being chased by his Funko Pops as they slowly stalk him down the hallway.


Why are you doing this to me and how the heck are you all alive?


Kill Ken!


I get it you want to kill me! But why? I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just a collector. What is this some Twilight Zone episode or something?




Hey. That’s not nice? Again answer my question?


No. Just kill Ken! For his soul.


You want my soul? That’s why you’re going to kill me? That explains those soulless eyes of yours. Stay back damn it!

Ken is soon trapped into a corner between himself and his now living Funko Pops as the Funko Pops sing an unholy chant.

Ken does a sign of the cross as the Funko Pops get closer to him.



Ken lies dead with a Funko Pop having killed him.

We hear an evil laugh from one of the Funko Pops after killing Ken. That same Funko Pop attacks the camera. 


Peter: Hunter of the Night (Flashpoint Class Project)

In 1898, somewhere in Europe, a city sleeps blissfully unaware of what occurs under the starry skies of the night.  A lone gruff older man walks the city streets nightly. His name is Peter. Peter is a hunter. What kind of hunter you might ask? A demon hunter. 

Peter protects his city from demons. Every night, starting at midnight, when the demons wake up from the underworld to wreak havoc on the mortal world, Peter is out working. He works to hunt down the evil spirits and protect the city.

Like a duck in water, demon hunting comes to Peter naturally.  He has a sixth sense for locating demons because Peter is half demon himself.  This half breed is a rare being because he is neither alive nor dead, evil nor good, holy nor unholy. Peter focuses only on one thing. The one thing that drives him is the hunt.  Peter sees being half demon as both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it gives him powers no mere mortal could have and a curse because Peter is a very religious man thus being half demon makes him not as pure. 

Under the dark of the starlit night, Peter prepares for a special hunt.  Tonight, the focus is on his most elusive foe, The Star Demon.  Second to only Satan himself, The Star Demon is Peter’s biggest rival.  Even though there would not be an end to the terrorists of the night, catching The Star Demon would allow Peter a small sense of peace.  Every time Peter encounters The Star Demon, he feels a strange familiarity or connection. 

Sensing his foe is nearby, Peter pauses to check his pocket watch.  “Three AM, my hunting time is almost over.” he says with exhaustion. Following beside Peter is his best friend and hunting partner, a miniature schnauzer he named Scout. Scout maybe small, but schnauzers can sense demons better than other dogs because schnauzers are secretly are half demons themselves.   The sounds of Peter’s growling stomach make him reach for a piece of bread in one hand while his crossbow is ready in the other hand.  Out of the corner of his eye he sees a dark spirit and immediately aims his weapon and hits the demon.  “Damn, not the one I am looking for, but close enough” he remarks.  

The sixth sense kicks in and Peter spots his main target, The Star Demon. Now is the moment of Peter’s destiny.  Peter raises the crossbow and aims it directly at the heart of The Star Demon. The Star Demon pleas, “Don’t kill me Peter!  Why would you kill the one who has given you the gift of life?”  Peter shoots The Star Demon using his weapon of choice, the holy arrow.  Baptized with holy water these arrows are strong enough to kill demons. After hearing The Star Demon’s plea, Peter quips, “Don’t care!  Goodbye!” The blood of The Star Demon fills the streets and Scout barks in celebration whereas Peter seems almost emotionless after killing the monster. 

Peter just killed the monster who raped his mother.  Even though Peter knew the Star Demon was his father, Peter’s passion for the hunt and the greater good won the night.  The sun starts to eclipse the starry night as the demons who weren’t slain by Peter flee back to the underworld.  The sound of church bells ringing wakes the city from its slumber.  Peter checks his pocket watch again, “Time to get dressed”.  Peter and Scout head to the church after their night of demon hunting. He returns to his day job as a priest at the local church.  Exhilarated by the defeat his immortal foe, just like the battle between good and evil, Peter’s hunt will never end. 


My Teacher Michael and I (Flashpoint Class Project)

I can remember when I first walked into the old iO Theater like it was yesterday.  Small and tight cornered, I felt cramped with my large frame.  Historically, all my improv and writing experiences were in the large walls of The Second City, another local comedy theater and school.  When I found my way to iO, it was a bit of a culture shock. This new environment felt old and rusty compared to the more corporate Second City.  I tried to push through my anxiety and uncertainty as I tried to assimilate to these new surroundings.  Little did I know, I would soon meet someone who would help me call iO my new home.  

While waiting for a workshop to start, my attention was drawn to man being assisted into the building.  The man struggled with his walker.  It turned out the man in the walker was the leader of the workshop.  Little did I know, I was meeting the person who would become my favorite teacher and mentor.

The man was Michael C. McCarthy. Michael C. McCarthy, like myself, was an alumnus of The Second City who also flocked to iO.  Michael was a prolific writer, with credentials to match.  Some highlights of his career included writing for Saturday Night Live and Sesame Street.  He developed the Comedy Lab at the iO Theater.  I knew I was fortunate to be in his workshop.  Unfortunately, by the time I was able to meet him; he was battling cancer. The cancer was visibly debilitating as Michael needed the walker to get around.

When I first met Michael, I felt he didn’t like me that much because I asked too many dumb questions.  But honestly, I don’t really know if he did not like me at first. However, when I took his TV Pilot class at iO Theater, our relationship and understanding for each other really began.  

At the time I was working a TV pilot script called. “51 Heroes”.  Michael provided good feedback to improve my script.  Additionally, he helped me stage a live reading of my script at iO Theater. I remember preparing for that staged reading.  Michael kindly guided me to reserve the theater space and audition actors for the reading.  

The day of the live stage reading I was nervous.  Michael calmed my nerves with casual conversation.  Since this was a special night, my Mom and Grandma drove in from the suburbs to see the show.  Michael was about to introduce the show, but all I could think about was the fact my Mom and Grandma had not made it into the theater yet.  I asked Michael if he could stall the introduction and he was a bit annoyed.  He decided the show must go on, but in true Michael fashion, he tied “Welcome, mom and grandma” into the introduction as they entered the theater at that final moment.  The crowd laughed and giggled which brought complete levity to the situation.  This was typical of our relationship, me annoying Michael and Michael finding a way to tolerate me.  I feel he understood my Aspergers.  I am grateful to him for giving me this special moment.

I asked Michael if he could give me an old Sesame Street script he wrote, and he said yes. How kind is that? Unfortunately, I never got the script because it was in the attic of his house and not easy to get to.  Besides, he was fighting for his life, so we both agreed to let that go. 

I rode in on a dingy Metra train to attend one of the last Writer’s Workshops he taught. I entered the old iO Theater and as usual I was the first person there. Michael was there getting ready for the workshop, so we had time to catch up.  I checked on his wellbeing.  He walked with a cane, so it appeared his health was improving.  We chatted again after the workshop, but the time was cut short because I had to catch a train to go home.  Little did I know, that was the last time I would see him. 

Sadly, as you might have guessed Michael eventually passed away from cancer. Michael died during COVID, so his memorial was over Zoom.  The memorial is something I’ll never forget and I’m glad I attended. My teacher, my mentor touched so many lives.  Celebrities and fellow Second City alumni Tim Meadows and George Wendt were there and told stories of how Michael impacted their lives too. To me, Michael was a kind person who did a lot for many people.  I caught him in the tail end of his life, but I think fate brought me to meet him. Hell, Michael wrote for two of my favorite shows Saturday Night Live and Sesame Street. 

How I wish Michael was still here.  Michael was Second City’s first intern.  I wish he was here so I could tell him I have landed my first internship in the industry.  I feel Michael would be proud of this fact.  

I will be forever grateful for our last text exchange in which I explained what he meant to me as a teacher and a mentor.  Michael responded, “Thank you Steven, it means a lot that you would say this…. but don’t count me out yet. I look forward to seeing you again in the not too distant future! All the best, Your fan, Michal.” The fighting spirit of this man still amazes me. 

From time to time, I read our last words together and get teary eyed and sometimes even out right cry.  I’m honored to be fan of Michael, but even more touched to know he was a fan of me. That’ll always make my day. Rest in peace Michael and I hope we’ll meet again someday.  From one fan to another. 

The Baseball Bet (Flashpoint Class Project)

At a Buffalo Wild Wings, two friends Ben and Rich sit at the bar inside the restaurant. 


“Freaking Red Sox! Am I right, Rich,” said Ben.


Rich nervously says “I hope the Red Sox lose.” 


Ben concerned replies “What’s wrong Rich? Betting on baseball again?”


Rich replies “I bet about $4,000 on the Chicago Cubs to win,”


Ben jumps up from his seat 


Ben disappointedly says “Damn Rich, what the hell man?”


Rich replies “I need the money really bad Ben. Or else I’ll be in big trouble,”


Ben places his hand on Rich’s shoulder “This doesn’t involve the mob does it?”


Rich nods his head yes.


Ben angrily growls “Ah fuck, Rich.”


Two mob goons enter the bar as Ben and Rich spot them. “They’re here,” said Rich.


A waitress walks over with a plate of wings and Ben nervously chuckles “At least the wings finally came,”.


Comic Book Industry Survival in the Digital Age (Flashpoint Class Project)

What do Superman, Batman and Spider-Man have in common? Besides being superheroes, they all originated from comic books. Writers and artists have spent decades developing these characters into what they are today. Sadly, these talented comic book creators rarely see residuals for their work appearing in movies, TV shows, video games and even new comic books. Yet if it weren’t for them, these characters would not exist. Now you might be saying “comic books are still a thing?”  Indeed, comic books are still a thing and the industry is struggling to survive. Like the print industry in general, comic books either need to adapt to the digital age or they will probably not survive much longer.  The survival of the comic book industry will depend on its ability to maintain and attract new readers in the digital age though a base of hard-core fans that keep the industry alive.  

As the print industry is dying, the comic book industry is trying to survive in the digital age.  Signs of the industry’s collapse began back in the 90’s.  The speculator boom, Marvel Comic’s bankruptcy and the uninteresting stories all were contributing factors according to moviebob’s, “Comics in the 90’s: What Happened?” on Youtube.  This video shows how the ripple effect of the collapse is still felt today. 

A transition of comic books to digital media can be seen.  According to Comic Tropes, “How Distribution has Saved and is Now Killing Comics”, Diamond Distribution is the only distributor left to distribute print comics to comic book retailers. reports comiXology, which is owned by, is a large digital medium platform for comics that is helping comics survive in the digital age.  

There are so many ways to buy, read, sell, and publish comic books now it’s crazy. Many websites both publish and fund the publication of comic books to the point that creators might not have to go to traditional publishers anymore. With social media it’s easier to discover new comic books and creators.  Even with the new digital opportunities out there, creators still struggle to do this for a living.   Comic book creator Curt Pires, creator of “Olympia”,  put a statement at the end of his comic book that I recently read,  “Just wanted to take a second to personally thank every retailer and every reader who is holding this comic book in their hands and who has taken time and money to support this story.  You are the life blood of this wonderful industry and as someone who makes a living doing what is such a dream job, such an immense blessing, your support does not go unnoticed.  Thank you so much.  This is the most personal and important story I have ever told, and it is an honor to share it with you.” 

With the evolution of retail and digital options for comics, brick and mortar comic shops are struggling to stay afloat.  Comic bookstores get their printed media directly from comic book distributors market.  The direct market model is fading away per Business Insider Article, “2 major changes happening in comic books could shape the industry’s future-and comic shops will have to adapt to survive” because the distribution model is changing.  The distribution model is switching over to the digital medium.  Like brick and mortar retailers struggling to survive against online shopping, comic bookstores are also hit hard. Even before the recent pandemic, comic book shops have been closing left and right. What used to be a meeting place for fans and collectors has now once again been replaced with online shopping and social media. My local comic bookstore closed in Crystal Lake recently and pretty much every time I was there before it closed, there wasn’t a soul except for me and the clerk inside the store. 

Additionally, the comic book community is fading due to closure of comic book shops.  There is no longer a gathering space for fans to foster the unique social relationship, per article, “Comics VS Coronavirus: Comic Industry Shut Down for the First Time in Almost a Century”.  The loss of the gathering space may not be the only factor affecting the comic book community.  The comic book collectors’ market is not as profitable as it once was.  Too many copies of comic books were published post 1990’s causing too much inventory and decreasing the books values.  According to Science article, “Your Comic Book Collection? Yeah, It’s Pretty Much Worthless”, milestone and cross over comics used to be in high demand, but the resale market for those has bottomed out due to too many reprints.     

The need for large publishers in the comic book industry is fading due to self-publication and self-promotion.  For traditional publishers like DC Comics and Marvel Comics, creators work under a work for hire agreement and don’t own their work. The New York Times article, “In the Comics World, Needy Have Heroes of Their Own” the industry paid their creators on a per page basis. This left the publishers to own the characters the creators create.  The characters that originate in comic books have now been turned into movie blockbuster epics.  For a company like WarnerMedia, DC Comics, their subsidiary, is basically an afterthought. Disney (which owns Marvel Comics) and WarnerMedia could possibly use the comic books as idea testing grounds for new movies, TV shows and video games.   After talking with my Mom, I myself came to this simple answer. The screenwriters can just make new creative content without needing the comic books as a source. DC Comics was recently hit with layoffs that cut a number of high-profile positions. According to article “The DC Comics Layoffs: How The Publisher Could Change In 2021” DC Comics laid off a third of its staff including editor-in-chief Bob Harras. 

The traditional process for creators to get their work published is changing.  The creators don’t need publishers like Marvel and DC anymore.  Kickstarter and other crowd funding sites have helped creators get funding to create and publish their own work says, The New York Times article, “Comic Books Flourish on Crowdfunding Sites, Drawing Big Names”.  The article on, “How Graphicaly is Paving the Way for Self-published digital comic books”, lets us know there are avenues besides traditional publishers to get their work published and sold.

Will all the other distractions add to the death of comic books?  If the comic book industry is to survive, it will require the support of favorite comics, creators and retailers by their readers.  This can be done by either promoting the comics through social media or just by buying them. People today have so many distractions for entertainment that they may not even bother reading comic books.  Overall, things look bleak, but also bright for the comic book industry. As I was saying earlier the industry’s survival depends on it gaining new fans and readers. Even though the stores rarely see customers, the hardcore fans will still support their favorite comics, creators and retailers because of their love for the medium. The short and sweet answer to the question will the comic book industry survive in the digital age? Only if fans and new readers can support it. 

Cool Fox Legend (Short Story Version)

Once upon a there was a magical book which told a story about a brave hero in a fantasy world of knights and dragons. This book was named “Legend” and our story begins in the attic of Cool Fox’s house. Cool Fox and his son Cody Fox were cleaning the attic. While they were cleaning the attic, Cool Fox had to answer a call from work. While Cool Fox went to answer his phone, he left his son Cody to finish cleaning up the attic. Cody would find the magical book which only read “Legend” and Cody began to read. But…while Cody Fox was reading the magical book…the magical book sucked him inside it. Cody Fox was trapped inside the magical book. His father Cool Fox returned to the attic to find his son missing. But as Cool Fox looked around he heard his son screaming within the book. Cool Fox opened up the magical book and now he too was sucked into it. Cool Fox soon awoke in a medieval kingdom and began to look around. Cool Fox soon began to wonder where he was. But little does Cool Fox know is that in real life…inside this magical book…he is the hero! Cool Fox began to walk around the medieval village and while he was walking he bumped into Bear and Snake. “Bear, Snake, thank god….where the hell are we,” asked Cool Fox. “Look buddy do we know you…plus we can’t talk right now…the royal guard is after us, we stole some gold from the king….so…see ya,” yelled Snake. “Wait, you two are my friends, what do you mean you don’t know who I am,” cried Cool Fox. But before Bear and Snake could respond to Cool Fox’s question…Cool Fox, Bear, and Snake were arrested by the royal guard. Soon Cool Fox would be headed to the dungeon…but he won’t be held prisoner for long!

Cool Fox soon saw that the members of the royal guard were some of his friends. Members of the royal guard included Gator Guard, Stunt Duck, Bob Jordan, Dark West (Todd Fredstone), and Randy Metal Hands. Cool Fox also saw that his friend Toby the Dog was a slave/servant. Also in the dungeon with Cool Fox he found out the village idiot was his friend Weirdo. But the strange thing was none of his friends knew who Cool Fox was. Cool Fox began to realize that his friends in this universe are basically the characters in the book. So they are just characters in a story that happen to look like his friends. Soon Cool Fox, Bear, and Snake were sent to the throne room of the king to find out their punishment. Cool Fox soon found out that the king was none other than his boss General J. Cool Fox also saw his wife Mary Y. “Mary…is that you,” asked Cool Fox. “Don’t talk to my daughter you peasant, I’m King J, now what be the punishment for the three thieves that stole my riches,” said King J (General J.). “Your majesty, the fox didn’t steal your gold but somehow we found out that he fell from the sky,” said Gator Guard (who was the head of the royal guard). “Fell from the sky, you mean like the prophecy,” said Mary Y. “What prophecy,” asked Cool Fox. “Daughter, you don’t mean that this young hooligan is that fabled hero that can stop the evil King Dina,” said King J. “Indeed father, the prophecy states that a knight sent by the gods will save our kingdom…and this young man fell from the sky….plus the prophecy also states he’ll usually act confused,” said Mary Y. “Alright, I’ll listen to my daughter, Mr. Cool Fox is it…you have three days to stop King Dina and if you don’t it’ll be your head, free him guards and let him do his quest,” said King J. “Hold it…if your freeing me, than you have to free Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog as well,” said Cool Fox. “You mean you want me to free two thieves and a servant, why,” asked King J. “Because I could use their help, now do we have a deal,” asked Cool Fox. “Guards, free Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog, our hero commands it,” said King J. Soon Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog were free. “Why the hell did you free me, I barely know you….plus I’m not a knight, I’m but a servant,” said Toby the Dog. “Let’s just say I need help from my friends now Bear, Snake, and Toby…let’s stop King Dina, save my son, and help me get the hell out of here,” said Cool Fox. 

Cool Fox, Bear, Snake, and Toby started their quest. Now we go to the bedroom of Princess Mary Y. where she was talking to her lady-in-waiting Annoying Girl. “Annoying Girl, that fox that we set free, he acted like he knew me or something,” said Mary Y. “Well me princess you are the princess so I guess you’re kind of famous already,” said Annoying Girl. “But he seems to not be from this world…like he’s from another, I wonder if I did the right thing,” said Mary Y. “It’s getting late me lady, you better go to sleep and I mean like deep sleep and…,” said Annoying Girl. “Okay lady-in-waiting just let me get ready for bed, I don’t need you any more for tonight,” said Mary Y. “Okay me princess,” said Annoying Girl. Annoying Girl left Mary Y.’s room. “God I wonder if my lady-in-waiting will ever shut up, I hope that Cool Fox fellow will free our land...god I hope he can,” said Mary Y. Now Cool Fox was on a quest with his friends and his goal is to just get back home. But can Cool Fox save the day? What kind of question is that!


Before Cool Fox, Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog began their quest they stopped by the village blacksmith. By the way, the village blacksmith is Cool Fox’s best friend Camel (but in this world Camel doesn’t know who Cool Fox even is). Camel gave our heroes some weapons and armor, and Cool Fox convinced Camel to join them on their quest. Shockingly, Camel agreed to help Cool Fox on his quest even though they’ve just met. Now Cool Fox, Camel, Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog were off to King Dina’s castle…but our heroes made a quick stop to talk to two wizards. And those two wizards are none other than Cool Fox’s friends the Scuba Diver Bros. (Scott Diver and Rick Diver). In this world the Scuba Diver Bros. are wise and very powerful wizards. The Scuba Diver Bros. began to explain to Cool Fox how his role in this book world works and how he can get out of the book safely. The Scuba Diver Bros. told Cool Fox that if Cool Fox finishes his mission, thus finishing the story, he and his son Cody Fox can return home. Cool Fox, Camel, Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog left the Scuba Diver Bros. castle and continued their quest to stop King Dina. On their way to King Dina’s castle, they were soon attacked by Cool Fox’s old foe and Dina’s henchman Dean the Giant. Our heroes began to fight Dean the Giant and they were both evenly matched. Now we go to King Dina’s castle where King Dina was sitting on his throne with his royal adviser Professor Snout by his side. Just the King Dina’s royal jester Larry the Jackalope entered King Dina’s throne room. “I thought I fired you fool,” said King Dina. “That’s royal jester,” said Larry the Jackalope. “Again, why are you here,” asked King Dina. “Yes, tell his majesty why a fool like you dare stand in his presence,” said Professor Snout. Larry the Jackalope then told King Dina some information that could help him take over the world. “You mean that kid we found is not of this world…and that we could use him to get to conquer another world,” yelled King Dina. “Yes your majesty, you better find that brat and ask him if he knows how to get out of this accursed place,” said Larry the Jackalope. Soon King Dina’s general and Cool Fox’s old foe Gangster entered King Dina’s throne room…and he looked worried. “Sir see…ya….we have a little problem see…ya,” said Gangster. What is the problem that Gangster is talking about and why does King Dina want to use Cody to help him conquer the world? All answers will be answered soon enough!


Soon Cool Fox, Camel, Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog defeated Dean the Giant and they continued their quest. But on the way to King Dina’s castle our heroes saw a mysterious person wearing a black hooded robe. “Who are you,” asked Cool Fox. The mysterious person wearing a black hooded robe pulled down his hood…and it was none other than Dina’s son Prince Dina Jr. “Oh my god…its Prince Dina Jr., please don’t hurt us,” cried Toby the Dog. “Look you guys, I’m on your side…I hate my father and he is plotting something big….and I need your help to stop him…he’s trying to take over the universe outside this world,” said Dina Jr. “Wait, you mean your father wants to conquer the world outside this book,” asked Cool Fox. “I don’t know what you mean by calling our world a book, but he’s planning something big…so hurry before it’s too late…I must return to the castle…you mustn’t speak of me helping you I wish to remain undercover…good bye,” said Prince Dina Jr. Just then Prince Dina Jr. disappeared in a cloud of smoke. “Come on, we have to continue our quest,” said Cool Fox. But before our heroes could continue their quest…Cool Fox’s father Dark Fox jumped from out of nowhere in front of our heroes. “Dad, what the heck are you doing here,” cried Cool Fox. “I’m not your father dummy, I’m the world’s most famous thief Dark Fox…now give me all of your riches or perish by my sword,” said Dark Fox. “Dad, I don’t want to fight you,” said Cool Fox. “Since Cool Fox doesn’t want to fight you…I guess it’s up to me,” said Camel. Then Camel and Dark Fox began fighting each other. 

After a couple of hours fighting, Camel was about to kill Dark Fox when Cool Fox pulled Camel back. “Camel, don’t kill my father…let him go,” said Cool Fox. Camel then put his sword away and Dark Fox lay injured. Cool Fox then threw a small bag of gold in front of Dark Fox. “You owe me one father,” said Cool Fox. Cool Fox then started walking away. “Come on guys, let’s continue our quest,” said Cool Fox. Our heroes then continued their quest and Dark Fox who was still laid injured after fighting Camel was very confused. “Why did that one warrior call me his father….I’m just beginning to wonder how I can repay my debt to those brave heroes who spared my life…but at least I have some more gold,” said Dark Fox to himself. Just as Dark Fox slowly began to get up…King J’s royal guard appeared around him. “Dark Fox…for years of trouble making you are under arrest by order of King J,” yelled Gator Guard. “So I guess I’m off to the dungeon…since I’m injured I can’t really defend myself or move very well…so take me away,” said Dark Fox. Now Dark Fox was arrested by King J’s royal guard and Dark Fox is now in prison. But our heroes were almost close to getting to King Dina’s castle. But can our heroes defeat King Dina? Why do we need to ask that question anyway…we already know who’ll win!


Now we go to King Dina’s castle where King Dina, King Dina’s royal adviser Professor Snout, General Gangster, Larry the Jackalope, and King Dina’s father Tom T-Rex were interrogating Cody Fox about how to enter the real world, but Cody Fox had no idea how he was sucked into the book and he only wanted to go home. “This kid don’t know shit…but he’s the key alright, I know it,” said Tom T-Rex. “Guards, arrest Larry the Jackalope and throw him into the dungeon,” said King Dina. “What, why I’m I going to the dungeon your majesty,” cried Larry the Jackalope. “Because you’re pissing me off and you gave me false hope, get that royal fool out of my sight,” said King Dina. “King Dina….what have you done with my son,” cried a mysterious voice. Cool Fox, Camel, Bear, Snake, and Toby the Dog then entered King Dina’s throne room. “Daddy,” cried Cody Fox. “So if it isn’t the fabled hero I heard so much about, guards take care of these fools,” said King Dina. “King Dina…you’re a coward…instead of using your stupid guards why don’t we fight man to man,” yelled Cool Fox in anger. “You think you can defeat me,” laughed King Dina. “I have before….now let’s fight,” said Cool Fox. 

Soon King Dina got off his throne and pulled out his sword. “Shall we,” said King Dina. Cool Fox and King Dina began fighting each other. After a long battle, Cool Fox killed King Dina and freed his son. King J’s royal guard soon arrived and they arrested King Dina’s royal adviser Professor Snout, General Gangster, Larry the Jackalope, and King Dina’s father Tom T-Rex. But King Dina’s son Prince Dina Jr. mysteriously fled the scene and hasn’t been heard from again. Cool Fox saved the day once again and soon Cool Fox awoke in his attic. “I’m back inside my attic, how did I…,” said Cool Fox to himself. “Hey dad look,” cried Cody Fox. Cool Fox went to his son who was holding the magical book. “I started reading the book we were sucked into and it seems everything’s alright, we saved the day…and by we…I mean you,” said Cody Fox. “Son, I know what we must do with that book,” said Cool Fox. Soon Cool Fox and his son Cody Fox drove to a nature preserve and together they buried the magical book which only read “Legend” into the ground. After the deed was done, Cool Fox and Cody Fox returned home and ate dinner together. A couple of days later, some children found the magical book which only read “Legend” buried in the nature preserve. The children donated the magical book which only read “Legend” to a local museum. I guess someone else will become a hero in a never ending story that should really be called “Cool Fox’s Legend”. 




The Origin of R-Man (Short Story Version)

Who is R-Man? R-Man is a fictional character from of movie of the same name. But, the actor who played R-Man’s career died shortly after the movie came out. That actor soon without work came up with a scheme. He would become R-Man with the help of superpower-like technology and become a real superhero. R-Man is in really just a washed up actor, who now wants to be a superhero….just for the fame. But before R-Man joined the Super Dudes he was just a superhero rookie. R-Man’s first real foe was a super villain named Hypno. Hypno had a lot in common with R-Man, Hypno was an Arabic magician whose career died after the release of the R-Man movie of which he starred in. Hypno soon went mad and then began to learn the art of hypnosis and he would use these powers for crime. 

Hypno soon began a series of bank robberies that soon drew the attraction of crime lord Raptor Claw. Raptor Claw and Hypno soon join forces. Now we go to a meeting between Raptor Claw and Hypno. “Now Hypno, I have a plan of how you can rob this bank tonight, now I need you to meet your partner,” said Raptor Claw. Soon R-Man walked into Raptor Claw’s office and soon Hypno remembered him. “You, you’re the one who killed my career,” cried Hypno. “Hypno, what the hell are you doing here,” cried R-Man. “Gentlemen, calm down, let me explain my plan…which is that we’re going to fake a bank robbery, now here’s what we do,” said Raptor Claw. Now it seems Hypno and R-Man are working together and now a fake bank robbery will take place that will lure the Super Dudes to their possible demise!

Now we go to R-Man, Hypno, and Raptor Claw’s henchmen robbing a bank. “Alright I’ll use my powers of hypnosis to…,” said Hypno. “No…you’re going to rot in jail because I’m the hero,” cried R-Man. R-Man then attacked Hypno and knocked him out. Soon the police arrived and arrested Hypno. But soon the Super Dudes arrived to stop the bank robbery but someone beat them to it. “What happened here,” cried Super Dude. “I saved the day,” said R-Man. “Who are you,” asked Super Dude. “My name is R-Man and I’m the new hero in town, now before I go…does anyone want an autograph,” asked R-Man. R-Man and Super Dude first meeting showed signs of a soon to be awkward relationship. And that’s the origin of R-Man, the fame seeking superhero!


High Tech Nick Remake Short Story

Nick Green is a normal teenager and he is 14 years old. Nick’s dad was in the army and he died in war. Nick Green lives with his mother, sister, and his uncle. His uncle was named Ron J. Orson and he ran a computer company called Orson Computers. His Uncle Ron wanted to do a project, which was to make a person one with machines maybe even half-robot. So when nobody volunteered to test his idea. So he did it on his nephew Nick. So when he paid for an operating room he made his nephew into a robot boy. “Nick, wake up,” said Ron. “Ah, I feel like I’m made of metal what did you do to me again,” said Nick. “Nick, you were a project to make man into machine it was a success you’re half-human half-robot,” said Ron. 

Nick screamed and soon he had the powers to stretch 50 feet tall with metal legs and arms that were like rubber bands, jet-packs on his feet, springs on his feet, able to stretch his neck 50 feet too, his hand can become a laser sword, a voice changer that can make any voice of human and animals, and his brain is a computer. Nick Green soon became a new super-hero High Tech Nick. High Tech Nick became very popular stopping many bank robbers, evil aliens, and giant monsters. Now we go to the headquarters of Raptor Claw a mafia man who as a mutant hand which looks like a Velociraptors hand. “So, High Tech Nick thinks he can stop my business by taking out all my men wait until he meets Raptor Claw,” yelled Raptor Claw. Will High Tech Nick be able to stop Raptor Claw? Nobody knows! 

High Tech Nick soon got some sidekicks one a robot jet-pack dog called Tech Spot and a talking robot bike called Nickbike. Soon Nick Green was a genius because of having a computer for a brain. Now it was Friday and Nick didn’t have to go to school, so he went a patrol for crimes. He found Raptor Claw’s headquarters and started fighting him. “You can stop me lizard hand,” yelled High Tech Nick. “You’re going to die High Tech Nick,” yelled Raptor Claw. Then High Tech Nick had a can of sleeping gas and put on a mask and threw it. “Master High Tech Nick what should me and Tech Spot do,” said Nickbike. “Bark, Bark,” barked Techs Spot. “Nickbike call the police, and Tech Spot help me tie up Raptor Claw,” yelled High Tech Nick. So Raptor Claw went to jail and so High Tech Nick saves the day!

The End 

Super Dudes vs. KWE (Short Story Version)

“Hello and welcome to the KWE, I’m Jack Sports and with me is my co-color commentator Dr. Wrestling, today’s matches are…,” cried Jack Sports. Just then from up above, the Super Dudes landed in the ring. Super Dude then demanded a microphone. “Hello, my name is Super Dude, I’m a famous superhero and this is my team the Super Dudes, now since we are taking a day off from crime fighting I issue a challenge to any KWE wrestler who wants to face us in the ring,” cried Super Dude. Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly then came out of the backstage area with a microphone in his hands. “Super Dude, this isn’t your world it’s mine, and about you facing my wrestlers…I accept…I one condition…I make the matches while you face the people I pick, this will truly be a battle of the ages…the KWE vs. The Super Dudes, and I vow the KWE will kick your ass,” yelled Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly. “It’s on,” cried Super Dude. “Wow for the first time ever the KWE vs. The Super Dudes…now hold on I’m receiving information on tonight’s matches…our first match will be Young One vs.  Pump Daddy, also we’ll have a super villain battle royal, plus we’ll have Super Dudette vs. Kelly JJ, and our main event will be Super Dude vs. Kazam, hold on folks cause here we go,” yelled Jack Sports. Now we see Young One walking down to the ring with Fat Lazy Karate Teacher by his side. Now we see Pump Daddy walking down to the ring with Scott Superstar by his side. “Ding, ding, ding,” rang the bell. Young One then punched Pump Daddy and then flew up and kicked him in the face. While the match was going on Fat Lazy Karate Teacher was arguing with Scott Superstar. Young One then used a piledriver on Pump Daddy and then he pinned him. “1, 2, 3, ring the bell,” yelled the referee. “Wow Young One won the match…but hold on folks…it now seems Young One and Fat Lazy Karate Teacher are brawling inside the ring with Pump Daddy and Scott Superstar,” yelled Jack Sports. Soon Young One and Fat Lazy Karate Teacher and Pump Daddy and Scott Superstar were beating each other up in the ring. Just then the lights in the KWE arena turned off. And when the lights came back…Reaper stood alone in the ring with a microphone in his hand. “Mortals, the Super Dudes and the KWE’s universes may have crossed but let this fact be known, I know how to stop the Super Dudes and I’ll have a surprise attack during one of the next matches tonight…mark my words, the Super Dudes will Rest…In…Peace,” yelled Reaper. The lights in the KWE Arena soon turned off and when they turned back on Reaper was gone. “Wow, what’s going to happen next…stay tuned,” yelled Jack Sports.


“Welcome back, now we have a super villain battle royal featuring some of the Super Dudes greatest enemies,” yelled Jack Sports. “I still wonder why the enemies of the Super Dudes would want to take part in these events, but I guess it doesn’t really matter because it’ll be a great show,” yelled Dr. Wrestling. Now we see Color Man, Roncor, Night Watch, Dr. Duck, Komodo King, Boogie Man, Robo-Spotty 4.0, the Keeper, Satan, Raptor Claw, and Hypno walked down to the ring. “Ding, ding, ding,” rang the bell. Soon all the villains eliminated themselves from the battle royal and Satan was the only one left in the ring. “Wow, it seems Satan one the battle royal in a villainous way, but….,” yelled Jack Sports. Just then the lights in the KWE arena turned off and when they turned back on Reaper was standing inside the ring with Satan. Soon Satan and Reaper began fighting each other. Satan then used the Knockout Touch (Reaper’s finishing move) on Reaper and Reaper was soon knocked out. “See you all in hell,” cried Satan. Satan then fled the scene. “Wow that was weird, now we have to take a quick break but we’ll be back,” yelled Jack Sports. 

“Now we go to Super Dudette vs. Kelly JJ,” yelled Jack Sports. Now we see Super Dudette walking down to the ring with Super Mutt by her side. Now we see Kelly JJ walking down to the ring with Fatty Sammy by her side. “Ding, ding, ding,” rang the bell. Kelly JJ then attacked Super Dudette and out of fear Super Dudette used her heat vision on Kelly JJ. Kelly JJ was soon burnt and then the referee rang the bell. “It seems Super Dudette is disqualified because she used her heat vision, it seems Kelly JJ won the match but is seriously wounded,” yelled Jack Sports. Just as paramedics took Kelly JJ away, Fatty Sammy began to beat up Super Dudette. Super Mutt then bit Fatty Sammy in the butt and took off her short shorts. Fatty Sammy ran out of the ring and everyone in the KWE Arena began to laugh. “Wow now that’s embarrassing, it’s finally time for our main event Super Dude vs. Kazam, so keep watching and we’ll be back,” yelled Jack Sports. 


“Now it’s our main event Super Dude vs. Kazam, two legends facing each other for the first time, let’s watch,” yelled Jack Sports. Now we see Super Dude walking down to the ring with R-Man by his side. Now we see Kazam walking down to the ring with BWK by his side. “Ding, ding, ding,” rang the bell. Just before the match started the lights in the KWE arena turned off and when they turned back on there was a huge piece of Rainbow Rock in the ring. “Oh no, it’s Super Dude’s weakness Rainbow Rock, which is also the weakness of Super Spotty, I bet Reaper put the Rainbow Rock in the ring,” yelled Dr. Wrestling. Super Dude then suddenly became ill due to the Rainbow Rock and Kazam then kicked Super Dude in the nuts. Kazam then pinned Super Dude. “1, 2, 3, ring the bell,” yelled the referee. Soon paramedics carried Super Dude out of the ring. “Well this end tonight’s event, it will truly be historic because all of the wrestlers in the KWE managed to be strong enough to go one on one with the Super Dudes, I’m Jack Sports…good night folks,” yelled Jack Sports. Now we go to the office of Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly. Soon there was a knock on Mr. Manly’s door. “Come in,” said Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly. Soon Raptor Claw walked into Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly’s office. “Hello Pete, where’s the money you owe me,” asked Raptor Claw. “I’ll give you the money when I can,” cried Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly. “You said you would have my money ready by today,” yelled Raptor Claw in anger. “Could we maybe make a deal…,” screamed Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly. Raptor Claw then shut Pete “Mr. Gold” Manly’s office door. “Sorry, we’ll folks good…hold it….wait this can’t be correct….Raptor Claw co-owns the KWE…what the…good night folks and…this can’t be true…what’s…,” cried Jack Sports.


The End!

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