Monday, December 7, 2020

Peter: Hunter of the Night (Flashpoint Class Project)

In 1898, somewhere in Europe, a city sleeps blissfully unaware of what occurs under the starry skies of the night.  A lone gruff older man walks the city streets nightly. His name is Peter. Peter is a hunter. What kind of hunter you might ask? A demon hunter. 

Peter protects his city from demons. Every night, starting at midnight, when the demons wake up from the underworld to wreak havoc on the mortal world, Peter is out working. He works to hunt down the evil spirits and protect the city.

Like a duck in water, demon hunting comes to Peter naturally.  He has a sixth sense for locating demons because Peter is half demon himself.  This half breed is a rare being because he is neither alive nor dead, evil nor good, holy nor unholy. Peter focuses only on one thing. The one thing that drives him is the hunt.  Peter sees being half demon as both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it gives him powers no mere mortal could have and a curse because Peter is a very religious man thus being half demon makes him not as pure. 

Under the dark of the starlit night, Peter prepares for a special hunt.  Tonight, the focus is on his most elusive foe, The Star Demon.  Second to only Satan himself, The Star Demon is Peter’s biggest rival.  Even though there would not be an end to the terrorists of the night, catching The Star Demon would allow Peter a small sense of peace.  Every time Peter encounters The Star Demon, he feels a strange familiarity or connection. 

Sensing his foe is nearby, Peter pauses to check his pocket watch.  “Three AM, my hunting time is almost over.” he says with exhaustion. Following beside Peter is his best friend and hunting partner, a miniature schnauzer he named Scout. Scout maybe small, but schnauzers can sense demons better than other dogs because schnauzers are secretly are half demons themselves.   The sounds of Peter’s growling stomach make him reach for a piece of bread in one hand while his crossbow is ready in the other hand.  Out of the corner of his eye he sees a dark spirit and immediately aims his weapon and hits the demon.  “Damn, not the one I am looking for, but close enough” he remarks.  

The sixth sense kicks in and Peter spots his main target, The Star Demon. Now is the moment of Peter’s destiny.  Peter raises the crossbow and aims it directly at the heart of The Star Demon. The Star Demon pleas, “Don’t kill me Peter!  Why would you kill the one who has given you the gift of life?”  Peter shoots The Star Demon using his weapon of choice, the holy arrow.  Baptized with holy water these arrows are strong enough to kill demons. After hearing The Star Demon’s plea, Peter quips, “Don’t care!  Goodbye!” The blood of The Star Demon fills the streets and Scout barks in celebration whereas Peter seems almost emotionless after killing the monster. 

Peter just killed the monster who raped his mother.  Even though Peter knew the Star Demon was his father, Peter’s passion for the hunt and the greater good won the night.  The sun starts to eclipse the starry night as the demons who weren’t slain by Peter flee back to the underworld.  The sound of church bells ringing wakes the city from its slumber.  Peter checks his pocket watch again, “Time to get dressed”.  Peter and Scout head to the church after their night of demon hunting. He returns to his day job as a priest at the local church.  Exhilarated by the defeat his immortal foe, just like the battle between good and evil, Peter’s hunt will never end. 


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