Thursday, April 4, 2019

“51 Heroes: Pilot Script” Page by Page Outline

1. Kenny Pezike is animating a scene for an upcoming movie when his boss, Max Hogan the 4thenters Kenny’s office.
2. Max fires Kenny due to budget cuts and Kenny is heart broken.
3. TITLE SEQUENCE, Kenny is in his apartment depressed watching cartoons when his roommate Paul Emith arrives.
4. Kenny and Paul have discovered each other have been fired from their jobs on the same day. They are stressed because their rent is due. 
5. Kenny surprisingly discovers that Paul’s uncle is professional wrestler Wally “The Animal” Winner, and from that, gives Kenny the idea to make a documentary about his heroes.
6. Kenny and Paul visit Wally in his trailer at a local trailer park. Kenny and Paul record an interview with Wally.
7. Kenny and Paul attend an independent wrestling event held in a bingo hall where Wally, not in his prime, wrestles before a crowd of 30 people.
8. After that, Kenny and Paul drive home in Paul’s van where Kenny discusses future heroes he wants to meet.
9. Kenny wants to interview his Moms for the documentary along with former animator Earl Goodjill.
10.        The next day, Kenny and Paul visit Paul’s            brother Mike, who is a talent agent and Paul’s former boss. Mike is in the middle of trying to sign a client, plus size model and social media star Kelly McCloud, to a modeling contract with the agency. 
11.       Kenny has a crush on Kelly. Mike gives Kenny and Paul a loan to help fund the making of their movie, while Kelly McCloud gives Kenny info on where he can find Earl Goodjill. 
12.       Kenny and Paul visit Earl Goodjill in a nursing home. Earl is excited to have visitors.
13.       Kenny and Paul interview Earl for their documentary.
14.       That night, Wally, who is drunk, tells Kenny and Paul he’s moving in with them because he got kicked out of his trailer.
15.       Kenny’s Moms are planning a surprise visit to see him.
16.        Kenny finds out his Moms are coming to visit because one of Kenny’s Moms accidently left a message on Kenny’s voicemail.
17.       Kenny gets an email from his old boss asking him to possibly rejoin the studio.
18.       Kenny goes to the Hogan Bros. studio and learns he could get his job back, but only with a pay cut.
19.       Kenny refuses the offer and leaves the studio. Max asks a janitor to do Kenny’s job to save money.
20.       Kenny returns back to his apartment and tells Paul he didn’t take his old job back.
21.       Kenny tells Paul his next interview is with his former improv teacher Danny Kail.

22.       Kenny visits Earl again to get some advice.

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