Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Big Game (Flashpoint Class Project)



The sound of a clock ticking is heard in the background as BOB, an older gruff man, sits in his lazy boy chair watching a TV with static on the screen. 

Bob turns his head to look at his desk next to the lazy boy and there is a magazine that advertises the big football game today. Bob gets up from his lazy boy chair and starts messing with the TV antenna. Bob moves the antenna around, but the TV is still static.

Bob, in anger, hits the TV and a brief clip of the football game appears, only to disappear as soon as it appeared.

Bob, messing with antenna, discovers a sweet spot and is able to get the game tuned in.  Bob steps back from the TV on his way to sit back down and discovers that he must stay in that same spot in order for it to work.

Bob stands with the antenna in the sweet spot and watches the game. Bob zones out and his head starts to bob as he nods off. A moment later, he awakes to the sound of his dog barking.

Bob’s dog is holding his leash in his mouth. Bob sighs and carefully moves away from the antenna. He hooks up his dog to his leash and takes him on a walk.

The TV appears to be working fine and the football game goes on as normal.

Bob returns from walking his dog and is super excited to see the game as he unhooks his dog from the leash. Bob makes his way back to the lazy boy and sits down.  He looks at the TV and the screen goes black.  The power has gone out in Bob’s house.  


Bob sighs in the dark and a flash of lightning is seen. The sound of thunder and rain is outside.


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