Monday, May 27, 2013

“Coyote & the Tyrants” Story Idea By Me!

“Coyote & the Tyrants” is a new Spotty story about Coyote cloning history’s most evil tyrants in order for them to help him kill Spotty. Evil tyrants Coyote cloned include Nero, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Henry VIII, Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte, Shaka, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung, Ayatollah Khomeini, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, and former U.S. president Chester Alan Arthur. Coyote has to work together with these tyrants but it proves more difficult than it sounds. Because as this story unfolds Coyote gets annoyed by the behavior of the evil tyrants so Coyote has to keep the team together. Examples of the tyrants’ personalities include Nero singing everything he says, Vladimir Lenin being insane and gun crazy, Henry VIII being a glutton, Napoleon Bonaparte short temper, and Adolf Hitler acting a little like a homosexual. While the only reason former U.S. president Chester Alan Arthur was cloned was to be the servant to Coyote and the other tyrants like ordering pizza for them or taking care of cleaning the headquarters. But in the end Chester Alan Arthur turns out to be the craziest and the evilest among the tyrants. Will Coyote and the evil tyrants kill Spotty? Sadly they won’t, because Spotty always wins! So be on the lookout for “Coyote & the Tyrants” when it comes out very soon!

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