Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dream Cast For The Lost Worlds of Buckstevenson Movie: Part 4!

Andrew Dice Clay as Fat Lazy Karate Teacher

DMX as Sammy T

Daniel Tosh as Kip the Pirate

Steve Buscemi as Larry the Jackalope

Sylvester Stallone as Sure 5

Jesse Eisenberg as Broiler

Larry the Cable Guy as The Frog

Dax Shepard as Snow White the Viking

Sam Elliott as Reaper

Dana Carvey as Boogie Man

Dr. Phil McGraw as Smart Raptor

Jo Koy as Mr. Ninja

Bo Burnham as Binky Bear

Megan Fox as Jessica Kinling

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Brick Archer

Emma Stone as Misty Mount

Zachary Levi as Arthur Willings

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dream Cast for The Lost Worlds of Buckstevenson Movie: Part 3!

Jim Cummings as Terry the Tapir

Carlos Mencia or Gabriel Iglesias as Termite

Robert Englund as The Skull Slasher

Blue Demon, Jr. as El Killo

Andy Dick as XZ

Patrick Ewing as Bob Jordan

Tim Curry as The Groundskeeper

Verne Troyer as Bug Boy

Quinton Jackson as Lester BarnSwallow

James Hong as Uncle “Anime” Akira

Alan Tudyk as The Mayor of WackyLand

Jackie Earle Haley as Fearsome the Alligator

BD Wong as Expo Speed

Tim Conway as The Human Spring

Marilyn Manson as Vach Jr.

Eddie Murphy or Arsenio Hall as Funky Monkey

Damon Wayans Sr. as Yunko the Clown

Jim Carrey as Gacy Gein Dahmer

Lewis Black as Fatty the Elephant Seal

Aziz Ansari as Barack Blenny

Tara Strong as Heather (Spotty’s Daughter) 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Classic Bucky Talk 2013!


To: Memere & Papa

Hello, as usual I both love and miss you guys. I have the place to myself for a week because Dad and Kelly are in Las Vegas and I finally finished my improv acting class. Woody is also doing fine and he just barks nonstop. I haven’t heard much about Nikki and Nina lately but I think they’re doing fine. Anyway summer’s almost over and I really have nothing going on (really have no idea about the future). Oh, and I lost the book contest (sad day for me as a writer) but I’ve been keeping busy since then. Have a nice day and Read 4 Life!

Love: Bucky J

An “untitled Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament story crossover with That Spells Action Heroes” story line!

An “untitled Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament story crossover with That Spells Action Heroes” when the evil promoters’ discover time travel technology they decide that they should use this time travel technology to bring great warriors from throughout history in order to force them to fight in the tournament. It just so happens that some of the warriors from the past they pick are the “That Spells Action Heroes” and now our heroes are now forced to fight in the tournament and they might have to fight their fellow heroes in a fight to the death. “That Spells Action Heroes” to be featured include Storm Killer, Max Storm, The Skull Slasher, Mike Storm, Super Dude, Robot Blue, XZ, Dr. Strong (Dr. Bob Scott), The GreenSpeed (Gus Speed), Stretch Man (Jack Capper), Goddiess, Ted Brook, Spy Lion, Mr. Tallenstine, Crane Man, Element (Ken P. Fillips), Lester BarnSwallow, Noise Maker, Electric Girl, Goo Dude, Spy Lion 3000 (Alex J. Johnson), X-Eye 3000 (Ben Q.), and Vicky Speed Jr. Also the evil emperor and the evil promoters work alongside with Zrotk, Sure 5, and Mega Mind while the “That Spells Action Heroes” are fighting in the tournament. Plus Ke-li and Mortaki will also make appearances as well. Can our heroes survive in the tournament and defeat the bad guys? Read the “untitled Futuristic Space Fighting to Death Tournament story crossover with That Spells Action Heroes” when it comes out very soon!

“Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” story idea!

“Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” is a new story is the “Sith Vs. Sikios” series. This story begins when Sikios who left W.H.O. to return to being a lone bounty hunter is called back to join W.H.O. when they need his help in a battle against a new threat to the world inside a crystal ball, which is the demon king Oouguya. Now Sith and Sikios are partners again as they face a very powerful foe. Also the story is called “Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” because throughout the story characters in the world inside a crystal ball will be raptured out of it by the creator of the world inside a crystal ball The Wise Wizard and return to the real world. Also new characters will be introduced to the series and those characters include Gacy Gein Dahmer, Fatty the Elephant Seal, Paul Proboscis Monkey, Yunko the Clown, Sator Wee, Caveman Jr., Gar Jong, U Tucker, Hud Howler Monkey, Chillie Chinchilla, The Shrew King and The Frog. Will Sith and Sikios be able to work together to defeat Oouguya? Will Sith and Sikios be raptured? All we know for now is once the very few are raptured those left in the world inside a crystal ball will face an apocalypse the likes of which has never been seen! This might very well be the final chapter in the “Sith Vs. Sikios” series and read “Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” when it comes out very soon!

An “untitled prequel to The Beast & The Bow” story idea!

An “untitled prequel to The Beast & The Bow” will focus on the story of Misty Mount before the events of “The Beast & The Bow”. The story begins with Misty Mount a young female giant/human hybrid living in the woods outside of a magical kingdom. Misty Mount is very kind and just wants to be left alone, but villagers of the magical kingdom fear her as a threat even though in reality she’s harmless. The villagers capture her and bring her before the king and queen, but before they kill her…Princess Olivia saves her life. Princess Olivia soon orders the villagers not to kill Misty Mount but for her and the villagers safety Prince Olivia makes Misty Mount her servant and bodyguard. Throughout the story Princess Olivia and Misty Mount become friends. But sadly, when Misty Mount is deceived by The Witch (who was working as a servant of Princess Olivia), she teams up with her to curse Princess Olivia and her kingdom thus the story of “The Beast and The Bow” begins. The “untitled prequel to The Beast & The Bow” will feature cameos by “The Beast and The Bow” characters like Prince Oliver, Brick Archer, Simon, and Hugo. A new story before the story is about to be told, read the “untitled prequel to The Beast & The Bow” when it comes out very soon!

An “untitled wrestling fan becomes friends with a dying wrestler story” story idea!

An “untitled wrestling fan becomes friends with a dying wrestler story” is about a wrestling fan named Alex Norman who is a fan of the wrestler Dean Deathlock and Alex just finds out Dean Deathlock has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a month to live. Alex Norman and Dean Deathlock soon become friends even though at the beginning of the story Alex is a stalker and an obsessed fan. During the story Dean Deathlock trains Alex Norman to become a wrestler like Alex always wanted. This story will feature many references to the KWE/BWC (even the two main characters of this story are wrestlers in the KWE/BWC). To sum it up, this story is basically a fan meeting his hero and soon befriending him. Read “untitled wrestling fan becomes friends with a dying wrestler story” when it comes out very soon!

“Holocaust Dog” Story Idea!

“Holocaust Dog” is the story about a German Shepherd named Ezekiel who’s owner is an old Jewish man who was sent concentration camp and now Ezekiel goes through important events in history while gaining many new owners along the way. Owners include two famous people like Adolf Hitler and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Also his other owners throughout the story are a Nazi officer, an immigrant coming to America, and countless others. But Ezekiel still misses his first owner but he dreams that they will someday meet again. “Holocaust Dog” is basically the history of the holocaust and World War 2 through the eyes of this fictional dog. Read “Holocaust Dog” when it comes out very soon!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Me And A Wrestling Legend!

Kevin Nash is a wrestling legend and I was lucky enough to get his autograph back in the day. He seemed really nice and the best memory I have is at looking at this photo of us is that sitting down...we're both the same height. Kevin Nash who is billed as 7 feet tall is just as tall as me sitting down. So WWE, I'm available! Because part of me thinks I want to be a professional wrestler someday (along with my other dream jobs) and if I were ever to step in the ring I could just show this photo to any promoter and it will show that I'm very big and strong to compete in the world of wrestling. To end this, I saw Kevin Nash twice in person, first at this autograph signing and at a wrestling show (I bet he didn't even know I was there and he doesn't even know who I am). Plus a side note, if one of my books were to become a movie I want Kevin Nash to play a character called Dark Mark (he's the father of Faterella and Nick). So maybe we might meet for a third time (dare to dream) but this might be in the ring or on a film set. But only this time it won't be as fan and celebrity but as co-workers. Again dare to dream and I hope my can come true someday. Read 4 Life!

Bucky Talk Comics Coming Soon!

Bucky Talk is now going to have web comics I've made over the years and you can read them for free on my blog. I am not a very good artist but I'm known to be a pretty funny guy so I know how to make people laugh. So read my web comics on Bucky Talk because they'll be more on the way. BUCKY TALK COMICS COMING SOON! Have a nice day! Oh, and if you can't read it that well just click on it and it will become larger!

Faterella: The Funny Stories Version!

Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far, away lived a heavier set, homely girl named Faterella. She lived with an evil stepmother, two evil stepsisters, and one stepbrother named Nick. Nick is Faterella’s only friend and he cares about her a lot in a brotherly way.
Faterella was a professional Sumo wrestler and a very good Sumo wrestler indeed. Also Faterella was madly in love with the prince in the magical kingdom. Even though Faterella never met the prince she just seen his picture and thought he was handsome.
When it was announced that the prince was holding a royal ball and her family was invited too, Faterella decided that she needed to lose some weight in order to be beautiful enough to win the prince’s heart.
So Nick helped her learn how to exercise and eat a proper diet to help her lose some weight. But it was to no prevail, Faterella was still very fat and with the Prince’s Ball coming up later that week she began to cry because she’ll never get thin enough before the ball.
Faterella soon gave up her exercise and proper diet and the night of the ball she still didn’t feel beautiful enough to win the prince’s heart. Then suddenly from out of nowhere a magical fitness fairy appeared. The fitness fairy heard Faterella’s problem and with a wave of his magical dumbbell he turned Faterella into a very thin and muscular beautiful supermodel-like young woman. Faterella now felt beautiful on both the inside and the outside.
The fitness fairy instructed Nick to keep a very close eye on Faterella at the Prince’s ball and she would only stay thin and beautiful until the clock stuck 12 times at midnight.
Soon Nick and the newly thin Faterella headed to the Prince’s Ball. At the royal ball, the prince was surrounded by many beautiful women and all of them wanted to marry the handsome and wealthy prince.
Then the prince noticed the now sexy Faterella it was love at first sight. So then the Prince went to introduce himself to Faterella and they began to get to know each other. During the royal ball, the Prince and Faterella began to talk, dance, and have a really wonderful evening together.
While Nick was busy pigging out on the party snacks at the buffet (because Nick is a thin starving peasant), Faterella and the Prince slipped away outside to the Prince’s castle’s patio. Nick was chewing into a buffalo wing when he just heard the clock starting to ring 12 times for midnight. “Oh shit,” cried Nick.
Nick then tried to find Faterella before it was too late, but sadly it was too late. For just as the Prince and Faterella were about to kiss each other, out popped Faterella’s real belly and Faterella was now obese and ugly again.  Then the Prince said “I think it’s not going to work out for us Faterella, I want my future wife to be sexy not a fat lady, so I think we should see other people,” said the mean prince. Then the prince spotted another sexy babe and started to talk to her. Then Faterella began to cry and cry. Nick then went to cheer her up. “There, there, Faterella…but hey…at least you still got me,” said Nick.
Then Faterella cried “Shut up, Nick.”
And none of them lived happily ever after! Except the prince who’s still handsome and rich!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bucky 4 Hire!

I'm currently unemployed and really wish I can find a job I can enjoy. So possible employers...I'm available. At the bottom of this blog post is a link to my resume and my skill set. Hope we can do business!

Bucky's Movie Scripts!

I've written many movie scripts over the years and I've always wanted one of my stories to become a movie. Personally I would love to work with Disney or DreamWorks Animation to make an animated movie based on one of my stories. So far these scripts have not become movies yet but I'm never going to stop dreaming. To read my movie scripts go to the links at the bottom of this blog post to check them out. Never give up and dreams can come true! Have a nice day and read 4 life!

Butler INC. Wiki: The Wiki 4 Everything About Butler INC.

I've created my own wiki called "Butler INC. Wiki" and it features bios of every character I've ever created and a lot of other fun facts about my books, web videos, and home movies. It also features characters created by others (mostly friends and family) that I've been given permission to use for my own creative purposes. I'm amazed at how many characters I've actually created and each of my characters are like my children. The link to "Butler INC. Wiki" is at the bottom of this blog post. So check out my wiki today! 

Bucky's Web Comics & Photo Art!

Since I've been rejected by most newspaper syndicates and I've written and drawn a lot of comic strips over the years, I finally uploaded them to the internet. And for some strange reason I like to take photos of my action figures in weird poses, so I've taken a ton of photos of that and I call it action figure art. I can't draw for crap and I don't know if any of my comic strips are truly funny but see for yourselves. The link to my comic strips and photo art is at the bottom of this blog post. Have a nice day!