Wednesday, August 14, 2013

“Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” story idea!

“Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” is a new story is the “Sith Vs. Sikios” series. This story begins when Sikios who left W.H.O. to return to being a lone bounty hunter is called back to join W.H.O. when they need his help in a battle against a new threat to the world inside a crystal ball, which is the demon king Oouguya. Now Sith and Sikios are partners again as they face a very powerful foe. Also the story is called “Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” because throughout the story characters in the world inside a crystal ball will be raptured out of it by the creator of the world inside a crystal ball The Wise Wizard and return to the real world. Also new characters will be introduced to the series and those characters include Gacy Gein Dahmer, Fatty the Elephant Seal, Paul Proboscis Monkey, Yunko the Clown, Sator Wee, Caveman Jr., Gar Jong, U Tucker, Hud Howler Monkey, Chillie Chinchilla, The Shrew King and The Frog. Will Sith and Sikios be able to work together to defeat Oouguya? Will Sith and Sikios be raptured? All we know for now is once the very few are raptured those left in the world inside a crystal ball will face an apocalypse the likes of which has never been seen! This might very well be the final chapter in the “Sith Vs. Sikios” series and read “Sith Vs. Sikios: Rapture’s Delight!” when it comes out very soon!

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