Thursday, September 17, 2015

“Max Storm’s Mother” Future Storyline Idea!

“Max Storm’s Mother” is a future “That Spells Action Heroes” storyline where we finally discover who Max Storm’s mother really is! One day, Max Storm and his family are visited by a young woman claiming to be Max’s mother, using her magical powers she sends a message into Max Storm’s mind revealing a shocking truth about his own origin. This shocking truth is that Max Storm is actually more than human and that he discovers that he’s half human and half Uwandatari creature. The Uwandatari are a god like magical race who rule over the magic dimension and secretly interfere with the events in our dimension. Now Max’s mother who is a powerful female Uwandatari wants to bring Max’s five year old son Mike Storm back with her to the magic dimension to harness his magical powers which she was never able to do with her own son Max Storm. Max’s wife and Mike Storm’s mother Kim Shotwer refuses Max’s mother’s demands but from out of nowhere Max’s mother kidnaps Mike Storm and disappears without a trace. Then another odd thing happens, Goddiess appears and soon takes our heroes to the magic dimension to rescue Mike Storm. Now it’s up to Max Storm, Kim Shotwer, Storm Killer, and Goddiess to save the day. Our heroes once they enter the magic dimension are aided by two magic based superheroes Lee and Dark West (Todd Fredstone) who themselves recently returned there. Plus “Max Storm’s Mother” will also feature another appearance by Max Storm’s mysterious father who now lives with his mother in the magic dimension. Max’s mother is also aided by other members of the Uwandatari race and Peter P. Pixie thus they are also foes in our heroes quest.  Can our heroes save the day? Who is Max’s mother? Can Max redeem his mother? How will recently discovering he’s half Uwandatari impact Max Storm’s life and will he also discover even more hidden powers? What did happen to Max Storm’s mysterious father after their last meeting? Now another look at Max Storm’s origin will be revealed when “Max Storm’s Mother” comes out very soon!

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