Sunday, August 16, 2015


A new and exciting fish out of water scene where a true ‘what if’ occurs within this scene! What if you take a group of villains (a la Legion of Doom) and throw in their newest member…basically a My Little Pony rip off character! The theme of this sketch is this new character named Sugerpuff comes from a fairy tale land. Her goal is to basically bring happiness and joy to the world and for now to these villains. Yet there is unrest in the ranks. Some of these villains don’t quite get their newest member. They wonder how someone so happy and carefree would ever qualify to join a team of the greatest super villains ever (well to be honest, in their own minds). Featured in this sketch are some of my classic villains that I created for stories I wrote before Second City. Now, they star in a truly comedic sketch where they’re out of their element. Also, this sketch’s other main theme is that the leader of the group is looking for ideas for the groups next evil scheme. It is looking like the newest member doesn’t fit in well already! I’ll end the pitch with the character biographies. Their biographies are from their original stories, than say, for this sketch. I included this because it helps you learn more about these future stars!

Felicity is the twin sister of Elizabeth and she is a mean girl. Felicity is a bully to Elizabeth and Christy and only prefers beautiful people. Felicity now works for Moeguya and is now one of his henchmen.

X-Eye is a criminal mastermind and he wants to take over the world. His real name is Henry Q. and he owns a company called Henry Q. Corp. He turned Spy Lion into a mountain lion-human hybrid and thinks Spy Lion is his own creation. X-Eye always tries to kill Spy Lion or hire someone to kill Spy Lion for him. He is now president of the United States of America.

Badger Man is a criminal with the powers of a badger and has many pet badgers. He also has the power of super strength. Badger Man is a pretty powerful digger too and has dug under many banks. Badger Man has been known to get angry easily and known to be hungry all the time.

Night Watch is a paid assassin who wears a robotic suit and is known for committing crimes in the middle of the night. Night Watch’s only friend is his pet owl Oliver, and Night Watch hates the Super Dudes for no apparent reason. Night Watch wants nothing more than to kill Super Dude, once and for all! 

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