Thursday, September 1, 2016

Evil Pig vs. Devil Devil the Pig (Short Story Version)!

Now we go to Satan’s throne room in Hell where Satan was plotting his revenge on Super Dude. “I wish I could come up with an idea of how to defeat Super Dude,” said Satan. “Boss…may I make a suggestion…when I used to be a scientist I created a mutated giant pig named Evil Pig…he could destroy a city in mere seconds…maybe you can resurrect Evil Pig and have him kill Super Dude,” said Dr. Frankenstein. “Yah…but Evil Pig didn’t really listen to you much boss,” said Igor. “I know Evil Pig didn’t really like me that much…but maybe with our dark magic we can force him to do our bidding,” said Dr. Frankenstein. “I really don’t think Evil Pig is all that evil,” said the Keeper. “Oh really…what creature could be more evil than Evil Pig,” asked Dr. Frankenstein. “You see…we have another pig here in Hell named Devil Devil the Pig…. Devil Devil ate his mom, dad, brothers, and any pig he could find, soon he was king of all pigs even though he ate all of them, then Devil Devil ate the farmer that owned him out of starvation, and soon Devil Devil the Pig was killed by a butcher and was sent to Hell,” said the Keeper. “Hmmm, I have a better idea…what if Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig work together to kill Super Dude,” said Satan. “But can we make Devil Devil the Pig as big as Evil Pig…I mean Devil Devil the Pig was just a normal size pig and….,” said the Keeper. “Fine I’ll make Devil Devil the Pig just as strong and big as Evil Pig…now then with a snap of my fingers two of the most evil creatures shall return to the mortal realm and kill Super Dude once and for all,” said Satan. Satan then snapped his fingers and Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig were resurrected. But what happens next won’t make Satan happy!

When Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig were resurrected and placed in Hero City they didn’t try and kill Super Dude…instead Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig began fighting each other. Luckily Super Dude was observing the battle between Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig. “What in the hell are two giant pigs doing here,” asked Super Dude to himself. Devil Devil the Pig then took a big bite of Evil Pig’s back and Evil Pig shot Devil Devil the Pig with his laser vision. Satan was watching in anger at Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig fighting each other instead of working together to kill Super Dude. “You idiots…why are the two freaking pigs fighting each other,” cried Satan in anger. “I was afraid this would happen…I think the reason Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig are fighting each other is because Devil Devil the Pig is pure evil while Evil Pig doesn’t has mixed feelings about how truly evil he is,” said the Keeper. “Wait are you saying Evil Pig might actually be a good guy…he’s name is Evil Pig for Christ shake,” cried Dr. Frankenstein. “Being named Evil Pig doesn’t make it evil you idiot…it’s just a freaking name,” said the Keeper. “Enough you two…keep watching the damn battle…,” said Satan. Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig were fighting each other and they were evenly matched. But after two days of fighting each other Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig killed each other in their fight. Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig were dead again and I guess you can say it was a draw. Super Dude landed down on where Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig’s dead bodies laid. “That was weird…now what should I do with two giant dead pigs,” asked Super Dude to himself. Super Dude then flew the dead bodies of Evil Pig and Devil Devil the Pig to Africa so that the hunger citizens could have pig for dinner. Satan was furious at Dr. Frankenstein, Igor, and the Keeper and he began beating them up out of frustration. “That’s the last time I ever listen to you three idiots again….now you’re all going to be punished and beaten,” yelled Satan in anger. And that’s the story of Evil Pig vs. Devil Devil the Pig!


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