Saturday, October 1, 2016

Magic Wars: Part 4!

It’s been many years since our last adventure and the original Chosen Four (Curt, Hector, Lee, and Sith) have been replaced by a new incarnation of the Chosen Four. The new Chosen Four are Christy (the daughter of Curt and Melina), Elizabeth (the daughter of Hector and Stacy), Felicity (the daughter of Hector and Stacy), and Lee Jr. (the son of Lee and Princess Julia). Curt We (Wild Man III) is now a wizard-in-trying and is also a skilled soldier for the Magical Council. Also, Elizabeth is sadly cursed in the form of an ogre like her mother and grandmother once were. And as usual the only way Elizabeth can turn back into a human is by a kiss from her true love. Christy is a cat-person but is also half-human (since Curt is human), plus Christy has a bit of a crush on Lee Jr. Christy and Felicity are fighting over the heart of Lee Jr. Now our story begins with Curt We (Wild Man III) day dreaming in a wizard’s history class whose teacher was a powerful wizard named Mr. Cecrops. Mr. Cecrops is basically a wizard with the top half of a human and the lower half of a snake. So basically Mr. Cerops has no legs but a snake tail underneath him. “Now back in the…Mr. We, are you listening to the history of the great wizard…,” said Mr. Cecrops. “Rorry Mr. Cecrops, RI ras just rhinking rabout why rizards have to rearn rabout their ristory anyway,” said Curt We. “Mr. We, we learn the history of magic because if we learn more about the past we may try not to repeat it, now Mr. We I want to talk to you after class,” said Mr. Cecrops. “Rokay,” said Curt We (Wild Man III). Then the bell rang. “How time flies, well class tomorrow is a very important wizard’s history test and if you fail, you will not only get a bad grade, but will never become a member of the Wizard’s Court nor will you ever be allowed to use magic again, now have a nice day and study hard,” said Mr. Cecrops. Soon it was after class and Mr. Cecrops was talking to Curt We. “Mr. We let’s be honest, you’re failing my class and all of the classes that we have here at this school, I’m sorry Mr. We, but you’re expelled from the Wizard’s Court school,” said Mr. Cecrops. “Rhat, RI ran’t be exelled, ris rhere rany thing RI can ro to stay at school,” asked Curt We. “Talk to The Wise Wizard, maybe he’ll take you back,” said Mr. Cecrops. “Rine RI rell,” said Curt We. Now Curt We is going to talk to the Wise Wizard and find something out that may change the future of Curt We’s life!

Curt We went into the office of The Wise Wizard and then he heard what sounded like barking. “Slime calm down, come in,” said The Wise Wizard from inside his office. Soon Curt We walked in and saw The Wise Wizard holding a strange creature. “Rhat ris that Mr. Rizard,” asked Curt We. “Oh, you haven’t met my little friend, Curt this is Slime the Basilisk, he’s my basilisk and I found him in the Magical Mountains one day and we became friends,” said The Wise Wizard. “Aren’t basilisks poisonous,” asked Curt We. “Why yes, Slime’s poison is strong enough to kill a demon, and it’s also the same for other magical creatures, now why did you come into my office today,” asked The Wise Wizard. “You ree, RI rame rere to ree you Mr. Rizard because RI ron’t want to be expelled,” said Curt We. The Wise Wizard sighed and then set Slime the Basilisk down from his lap. “Curt, you are not a wizard, you maybe related to great wizards but your side of the family never got the magical gene, you’re not a wizard Curt, I’m sorry,” said The Wise Wizard. “Rhat, RI’m not ra rizard, then how can RI relp the Chosen Four,” asked Curt We. “Now this is going to upset you even more, you are not a true member of the Chosen Four, nor is Felicity,” said The Wise Wizard. “RI knew rhat, but Felicity risn’t apart rof the Chosen Four…then who ris,” asked Curt We. “We don’t know, but sorry Curt, you were a loyal student, but at least you can be drafted into the Magical Council army, I guess the Magic Wars will never end, now have a nice day,” said The Wise Wizard. Soon Curt We left The Wise Wizard’s office and was very upset. Now we go to Curt We playing cards with Senp and Jimmy. “Man that sucks Curt, but at least the Magical Council could hire you as a soldier,” said Senp. “Yah don’t feel blue, me and Senp are soldiers too, so you at least have some friends in the army,” said Jimmy. “You two just rit around roing nothing and reat rup all the food rin the kitchen,” said Curt We. “Yah Jimmy that was a lie, I just told you that so you would stop asking me for money,” said Senp. “Could I have…,” said Jimmy. “No,” said Senp. “Oh man,” said Jimmy. “Rell ree you ruys, RI have to rign rup for the Magical Council army, you ruys are great friends,” said Curt We. Soon Curt We fled the scene and Senp and Jimmy continued to play cards. “So, should we join the Magical Council army too,” said Jimmy. “Hell no, I say we just stick to mooching off these assholes at the Magical Council,” said Senp. “That’s cool with me,” said Jimmy. “Come on, I feel like some sandwiches, let’s steal some in the kitchen,” said Senp. “Oh boy,” said Jimmy. Now Curt We is a fulltime soldier for the Magical Council, but he still has to help the Chosen Four in a special mission. 

Now we go to Moeguya’s castle in Dawn Kingdom where Moeguya was sitting on his throne room with Salizard and Mr. Hats by his side. Then Grimley the Gargoyle flew into Moeguya’s throne room. “Your majesty, we need those plans on capturing the dark queen,” said Grimley the Gargoyle. “Where is the dark queen,” asked Moeguya. “Well, she’s currently in Magical Council headquarters and since they have those magical shields installed around the Magical Council headquarters, dark magic cannot enter, so we need those plans to lure her out of Magical Council headquarters,” asked Grimley the Gargoyle. “Salizard, you give Grimley the plans,” said Moeguya.  Then Salizard threw Grimley the Gargoyle the plans. “Take good care of those Grimley, then give it to General Dark Mark on the battlefield,” said Salizard. “Thank your majesty,” said Grimley the Gargoyle. Then Grimley the Gargoyle flew out of the throne room. “So this ogre woman, why is she the dark queen,” asked Mr. Hats. “Well, because I wanted her to see her true form, since you cursed her at birth Salizard, I’m sure Felicity will be my bride,” said Moeguya. “Did you say Felicity,” asked Salizard. “Yes why,” asked Moeguya. “Felicity isn’t the ogre, Elizabeth is the ogre,” said Salizard. “What, you mean you cursed the wrong one a birth, you cursed the member of the Chosen Four not the dark queen, how stupid are you,” asked Moeguya. “They were twins a baby’s a baby, so what if I cursed the wrong one, we can still lure Felicity,” said Salizard. “Those plans said only a female ogre, not her freaking name, now I guess you know what I need you to Salizard,” asked Moeguya. “Kidnap Felicity, but where will she be,” asked Salizard. “That’s for you to figure out,” said Moeguya. “I’ll be on my way master,” said Salizard. Then Salizard opened a blackish-purplish portal and then went through it. “So master, what are our chances on winning this war,” asked Mr. Hats. “Very slim, but once the dark queen is at our side, I will have a bride and a dark warrior that could help us win this war,” said Moeguya. Then Moeguya started laughing evilly. So we’ve just found out that Felicity is the dark queen of the demons and that Elizabeth was turned into an ogre by Salizard. 

Christy, Elizabeth, Felicity, and Lee Jr. were getting ready to head to a mission, when Curt We (Wild Man III) came to say his good bye because he was heading out to the battlefield. “Hey ruys, RI just wanted to say good bye to rou ruys refore RI rad to ro,” said Curt We. “Curt, I have a surprise for you, you’re coming with us on our mission,” said Christy. “Really, wow, rhanks Rhristy, rour my ravorite cousin,” said Curt We. “So Christy, what’s the mission anyway,” asked Lee Jr. “We need to go find some light crystals because they our important power source to the magical shields that don’t let the darkness into the Magical Council headquarters,” said Christy. “So are we going or not,” asked Felicity very rudely. “All right, let’s go,” said Christy. Soon our heroes flew off to the Light Crystal Mine in the magical flying bed. Soon they landed outside of the mine. “Alright, only one of us can go into the cave at a time,” said Christy. “Why only one of us at a time,” asked Elizabeth. “Those were The Wise Wizard’s orders, now which one of us should go into the mine,” said Christy. “RI’ll ro,” said Curt We. Then just as Curt We was about to head into the mine, demons popped out of nowhere. “Crap, they followed us, Curt, hurry into the mine,” cried Lee Jr. Soon Christy, Elizabeth, Felicity, and Lee Jr. started fighting the demons and Curt We ran into the mine. But soon a demon blew up by the entrance to mine and then rocks collapsed over the entrance. Curt We was trapped inside the mine. “Rell RI ruess RI must ro find the light crystals ra-now,” said Curt We. Curt We went looking around the mine and collected light crystals along the way. Then Curt We heard someone following him from behind. “Whose ra-there, show rourself,” yelled Curt We. Then a tall figure came out in front of Curt We. He looked like a ninja and was holding a crossbow. “Well I showed myself, what do you want fur ball,” asked the mysterious ninja-like soldier. “Who are rou,” asked Curt We. “My name is The Lone Shadow, I’m a soldier on a mission of revenge, I’m the protector of the magical universe and I will kill Moeguya,” said The Lone Shadow. “Rhen rou must be ra-on the side rof light,” said Curt We. “I’m on nobody’s side, I’m not a good guy or a bad guy, I’m neither a hero nor villain, now, demons will come into this cave so leave this place,” said The Lone Shadow. “Look Rone Radow, rif rou are trying to kill Roeguya, we can rork together,” said Curt We. “Let’s make a deal, I’ll join you if you can defeat me in battle,” said The Lone Shadow. “Rokay, bring rit ra-on,” said Curt We. Soon Curt We and The Lone Shadow started fighting and little did they know was that they were being watched by Salizard. “Those poor fools,” said Salizard to himself. Then Salizard started laughing evilly. 

Curt We and The Lone Shadow soon stopped fighting each other after Curt We defeated The Lone Shadow. “You won, I guess I’ll have to work for you, so, need light crystals,” asked The Lone Shadow. “How did rou ro-know,” asked Curt We. “It was just a hunch, now I collected some in this bag, but we should just get more just in case,” said The Lone Shadow. Soon Curt We and The Lone Shadow were soon looking for light crystals and then our heroes saw a mining cart. “Look ret’s ro rinto ra-that mining rart, raybe rit can take rus to some light crystals,” said Curt We. Soon our heroes jumped into the mining cart and then they soon were on a mining cart-railroad track that stretched for miles. Then from out of nowhere demons popped out in front of our heroes. “Wild Man, keep moving this mining cart while I shoot demons with my crossbow,” yelled The Lone Shadow. The Lone Shadow started shooting arrows with his crossbow at the demons, and since they’re around magic the mining cart moves on its own. Then the mining cart stopped and soon light crystals were everywhere, and also the light crystals scared away the demons so it was safe. “Ret’s start rining,” said Curt We. Then our heroes started collecting light crystals and soon just when the thought they had enough. “Dude look,” yelled The Lone Shadow. Soon our heroes saw the hugest light crystal, six feet tall in fact. “Relp me get this big light crystals Rone Radow,” said Curt We. Then our heroes soon got the huge light crystal chiseled out of the ground and then they broke the huge light crystal into smaller pieces. Then headed back to the magical mining cart and soon our heroes were back at the entrance to the mine which was still collapsed from the explosion. “We have to move this rocks if we want to get out,” said The Lone Shadow. Soon our heroes started moving the rocks and soon our heroes heard laughing from behind them. They turned around and saw Salizard. “So, trying to get out I see,” said Salizard. “You work for Moeguya, I’ll kill you,” yelled The Lone Shadow. “Look, just bring me the girl and no one will get hurt,” said Salizard. “What girl,” yelled Curt We. “Her name is Felicity, give her to me and or else,” said Salizard. “Felicity, rhy her,” asked Curt We. “She the dark queen, bring her…,” said Salizard. “Re-she’s routside rof here,” said Curt We. “Hmmm, I guess I’ll kill you now,” said Salizard. Soon our heroes and Salizard heard the noise of the mine collapsing. “Crap, those demons must of set off the bombs, you better hurry if you want to say you friend,” said Salizard. Then Salizard disappeared in a cloud of purplish-blackish smoke. “Damn, we have to get out of here,” said The Lone Shadow. Then our heroes started moving the rocks out of the way but more rocks kept coming down from above, and soon Curt We and The Lone Shadow were trapped inside the mine. But they are still alive and they need to find another way out of the mine. During the collapse a huge rock fell on The Lone Shadow’s head and The Lone Shadow was knocked out cold. Then Curt We saw sunlight through a large hole in front of them. “Rello, ris somebody rup there,” said Curt We.

“Curt, are you okay, we dug a hole though the entrance for you to crawl through,” cried Christy. Soon Curt We grabbed the two bags of light crystals and pushed them down through the hole. “Look at all of these light crystals, now come out of there Curt,” said Christy. “Rold on,” cried Curt We. Curt We then carried The Lone Shadow (who was still knocked out) out through the hole and soon Curt We was reunited with his friends. “Curt you’re alive, we were so worried,” asked Christy. “RI’m rokay and ra-where did Felicity ro,” asked Curt We. “She was kidnapped by Salizard, we couldn’t save her because he summoned some demons to distract us and we were too busy fighting them, and after that we dug through the entrance of the mine to see if you survived,” said Lee Jr. “So Curt, who’s the guy with the mask that you carried out of the mine with you anyway,” asked Elizabeth. “His name ris The Rone Radow, re-he’s fighting Roeguya too, “said Curt We. “Want to take off his mask while he’s knocked out to see if it’s anyone we know,” asked Lee Jr. “Sure,” said Christy. Soon our heroes took off The Lone Shadow’s mask and it shocked them. “It can’t be, he looks just like Sith,” cried Christy. “But didn’t Sith say he was the last coruptoren,” asked Elizabeth. “Where’s his wing, maybe he’s not a coruptoren,” said Lee Jr. Then The Lone Shadow woke up. “Why did you assholes take my mask off,” cried The Lone Shadow. “Who the heck are you,” asked Christy. “I’m The Lone Shadow,” said The Lone Shadow. “No you’re real name,” asked Christy. “My real name is Prince Scott alright,” said Prince Scott. “Look you just look familiar to us, do you know anyone named Sith or even what coruptorens are,” asked Christy. “I’m half-coruptoren and half-human, I never met my father and my mother was a queen, my dad knocked her up and left her, and then of course I was born from that,” said Prince Scott (The Lone Shadow). “Do you even have a wing,” asked Lee Jr. Then Prince Scott took off his armor and under it was one long angel-like wing. “Yep, re-he’s ra coruptoren rall right,” said Curt We. “What happened to your kingdom,” asked Elizabeth. “My kingdom was destroyed by Moeguya after my mother gave it to my evil stepfather Dark Mark, soon my mother was killed by my evil stepfather, and Moeguya then turned the people of my kingdom into demons,” said Prince Scott (The Lone Shadow). “Wait, you’re stepfather’s name is Dark Mark, he’s my great grandfather,” said Christy. “Hmmm, so I guess we’re family…but look, I became The Lone Shadow to avenge my kingdom, my mother, and all of the innocent that have been killed by Moeguya,” said Prince Scott (The Lone Shadow). “Wait ruys, do rou know ra-what this reans,” asked Curt We. “What,” asked Lee Jr. “Rince me and Felicity aren’t members rof The Chosen Four, Prince Scott ris the son of Sith, and that reans,” said Curt We. “That means Prince Scott is the lost member of The Chosen Four,” said Christy. Soon our heroes were shocked that they’ve just found the lost member of The Chosen Four who just happens to be the long lost son of Sith!

Soon our heroes were heading back to the Magical Council headquarters when soon the magical flying bed was shot down by Moeguya’s demon army. Soon our heroes crashed on Mt. Sith and they were knocked out for a couple of hours. Soon our heroes awoke and then they saw Dark Mark and his demon bodyguards in front of them. “Grandpa,” cried Christy and Curt We (Wild Man III) at the same time. “Nice family reunion, you even found my god damn stepson, but look, I’ve been sent by Moeguya to kill you now, but I’ll just let my men do that, get’em boys,” said Dark Mark. Soon our heroes started fighting the demons and soon Dark Mark opened a blackish-purplish portal and then went through it. Soon our heroes killed all the demons. “Crap, he got away, now let’s get the heck out of here,” said Scott Sith (The Lone Shadow).  Soon our heroes headed back to the magical flying bed but it was damaged by the crash and the shooting. “I can probably repair the magical flying bed, but it may take a while, so just go and explore the area, see if Moeguya’s armies are nearby,” said Christy. While Christy was repairing the magical flying bed, the other heroes just walked around the area. Lee Jr. was hanging out with Scott Sith (The Lone Shadow) and Curt We (Wild Man III) and Elizabeth were having a conversation. Soon Lee Jr. and Scott Sith became friends during that small time and promised they help each other out. Also Lee Jr. told Scott Sith that he had a crush on Christy. Soon Elizabeth and Curt We were starting to fall in love with each other but neither would accept their love. “So, rou want to ro exploring raround the rottom of that ditch,” said Curt We. “Sure, what else can we do around here,” said Elizabeth. Soon Curt We and Elizabeth went down into the ditch and they saw a huge nest and demons were eating the eggs. “Demons,” cried Elizabeth. “We can kick their rorry rasses and save those rggs,” said Curt We. Soon Elizabeth and Curt We started fighting the demons and they soon killed them all. There was one egg left in the nest and Elizabeth and Curt We found out the eggs were griffin eggs (because they found the corpse of the griffin babies mother by the nest). “Aw, one egg left, and those demons killed the mother,” said Elizabeth. Then the one griffin egg hatched and soon a baby griffin came out of it. Then the baby griffin flew over towards Elizabeth and Curt We. “Aw, rit thinks RI’m rit’s mommy,” said Curt We. Soon Curt We started to like the little griffin baby and he named the baby griffin Happy. “Come on Rappy, ret’s head back to rour rew family,” said Curt We. “Mamma, Daddy,” said Happy the Griffin. “Oh my god the griffin can talk,” cried Elizabeth. “What are rou talking rabout Elizabeth, Rappy only rade tweeting sounds,” said Curt We. “Mamma, I think only you can understand me, daddy doesn’t speak griffin,” said Happy the Griffin. “Okay, I think I have the powers to talk to griffins,” cried Elizabeth. “Good for rou,” said Curt We. Now Curt We and Elizabeth have a new pet which they named Happy the Griffin and soon both of them will know what it’s like to be parents!

While our heroes were repairing the magical flying bed which had crashed landed on Mt. Sith, Wise Wizard, Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops were heading to Moeguya’s castle in Dawn Kingdom where they were going to try to negotiate with Moeguya. But soon the four wizards entered Moeguya’s throne room and soon they saw Moeguya sitting on his throne with Salizard and Mr. Hats. “Moeguya, why did you call us here,” yelled Wise Wizard. “To negotiate, didn’t you read the letter,” said Moeguya. “I don’t believe him,” said Mr. Cecrops. “Oh you don’t do you, but what is there to believe King Cecrops, ever since they erased your memories of you darker life you joined these assholes in their Wizard’s Court,” said Moeguya. “What do you mean they erased my memories and did you call me king,” asked Mr. Cecrops. “He’s lying don’t listen,” said Riddle Fox. “Why you’re one too talk,” yelled a mysterious voice. Riddle Fox turned around and saw Alfred Charming and Dark Mark. “Which one of you said that,” cried Riddle Fox. “The one who turned you into a fox,” said Dark Mark. “Enough, now Moeguya we were going to go easy on you but we are here to destroy you and bring Felicity home,” yelled Wise Wizard. Then Felicity walked into the throne room. “Felicity, we came to take you back home,” said Slaka. “Shut up fish-boy,” said Felicity. Then Felicity walked over to Moeguya and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Felicity, you didn’t…,” said Wise Wizard. “Sorry, but the darkness needs me, for I’m the dark queen and the proud wife of Moeguya, sorry, but I’m one with the darkness now,” said Felicity. “Felicity, why,” yelled Riddle Fox. “Because, I need power, and the light never got me anywhere, so now I’m one with the darkness and I’m powerful,” said Felicity. “Felicity, Moeguya’s a deceiver and the darkness is…,” yelled Wise Wizard. “Enough old man, Moeguya, get some demons to kill these wizards,” said Felicity. “Let me take care of The Wise Wizard, tell the demons to attack the other three,” said Salizard. Soon demons appeared and Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops started fighting them. “Brother, you know I will defeat you,” said Salizard. “Bring it on brother,” said The Wise Wizard. (Oh by the way The Wise Wizard and Salizard are biological brothers). Soon Wise Wizard and Salizard started fighting each other. Soon after a long fight, Salizard stabbed Wise Wizard in the heart with a sword. “Are you happy now brother,” said Wise Wizard. Soon The Wise Wizard fell to the ground. “No, you killed him you bastard,” cried Riddle Fox. Then Moeguya started laughing evilly. “This is great, The Wise Wizard is dead, soon his soul will be mine,” laughed Moeguya. Then The Wise Wizards body faded away and all that was left was his clothes. “Crap, his body is gone and that usually means that his soul belongs to the light, or a common wizard’s death, either way send those three to the dungeon,” said Moeguya. Then Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops were handcuffed and taken to the dungeon to be held hostage. Then Moeguya started laughing evilly. “This world is mine,” said Moeguya. The Wise Wizard is dead, killed by his own brother. Also Felicity is now the wife of Moeguya. But this doesn’t mean Moeguya has won the war!

Soon Christy finished repairing the magical flying bed and just when they were about to leave Mt. Sith, demons came out of nowhere and the demons kidnapped Elizabeth. “Ra-no, RI’ll save rou Elizabeth,” cried Curt We. Soon the demons with Elizabeth opened a portal and then Curt We jumped into it. Soon Curt We went through the portal and he strangely awoke in Moeguya’s castle’s dungeon. Soon Curt We was in a cell with Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops and they were talking about plans on how to escape from the dungeon and stop Moeguya. “So, once we get out of here with throw this into Moeguya’s mouth,” said Riddle Fox. “What ris rit,” asked Curt We. “It’s the poison from The Wise Wizard’s pet basilisk,” said Riddle Fox. “Roh yah, Slime the Basilisk, what rappened to The Wise Wizard ranyway,” asked Curt We. “Salizard killed him, he’s dead,” said Slaka. “Yes, I found Slime’s poison in a jar on the floor where The Wise Wizard’s dead body faded away, then I remembered why The Wise Wizard took care of Slime the Basilisk, he thought Slime was a key into stopping Moeguya, because basilisk poison is strong enough to kill a demon,” said Riddle Fox. “The Wise Rizard ris dead, and we have to throw Slime’s roison rinto Moeguya’s mouth to avenge The Wise Rizard, how do we get out rof here,” asked Curt We. “Leave that to me,” said Mr. Cecrops. Soon Mr. Cecrops pulled out a key and then opened the cell door. “How did you get that,” asked Slaka. “I took it when the guards weren’t looking, now come on we have to save Elizabeth, I feel she’s in danger, “said Mr. Cecrops. Then our heroes escaped out of their cell and they went to save Elizabeth. Now we go to Moeguya’s throne room where Elizabeth was chained to the floor by the neck and arms. “What do you want with me,” asked Elizabeth. “We want you to let your anger out you smelly ogre,” said Felicity. “Felicity, why did you join the darkness, I’m your sister and I care about you and you’re doing something really stupid,” said Elizabeth. “I’m still the beautiful sister, you’re just a stupid ogre,” said Felicity. “That’s it, I’m tired of you calling me and Christy monsters, I’m a nice person, you’re the monster,” said Elizabeth. “Get the cat chick out of this conversation, she’s a…,” said Felicity. “That cat chick’s name is Christy, and you bullied her so much she thinks that Lee Jr. wouldn’t like her because she’s a freaking cat person,” said Elizabeth. “Lee could have her, I’m married, now, let your anger out you monster,” yelled Felicity. Soon Felicity pulled out a whip and started whipping Elizabeth. 

Soon Curt We, Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops were soon in Moeguya’s throne room and then Elizabeth was freed from her chains and then she went and attacked Curt We. “Elizabeth, ra-what the rell,” said Curt We. Soon Slaka, Riddle Fox, and Mr. Cecrops were fighting demons and then Felicity was laughing evilly. “This ris what she wants rou to do Elizabeth, stop ristening to her, rou’re not a monster, and RI love rou…I rean, we care rabout rou,” said Curt We. “You said you loved me, I love you too,” said Elizabeth. “Finish him you ugly monster, no body loves you,” yelled Felicity. Then Elizabeth then let go of Curt We and then she attacked Felicity. Then from out of nowhere Moeguya picked Elizabeth and threw her at the wall. “Elizabeth,” cried Curt We. Then Curt We ran towards Elizabeth. “Curt, I love you,” said Elizabeth in pain. Then Curt We kissed Elizabeth on the lips and soon Elizabeth started glowing. Then Elizabeth turned into a human girl, a beautiful human girl. “No, rit can’t be,” said Curt We. “What the hell, hairy boy was her true love and the one to break the curse, damn it,” said Felicity. “Curt, all this time I thought it had to be a handsome prince, but it just was the guy I fell in love with,” said Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, rou rere ralways beautiful to me,” said Curt We. Then demons surrounded Curt We and Elizabeth. “Enough of this, get them and kill them, I will not lose,” said Moeguya. Then Moeguya started laughing evilly and then Riddle Fox threw the jar of basilisk poison into Moeguya’s mouth while he was laughing. Moeguya swallowed it and started choking on it and soon Moeguya exploded and soon Moeguya was dead. “No, this is impossible, Moeguya, an immortal demon, killed by basilisk poison,” said Mr. Hats. Then while nobody was looking Salizard scooped up Moeguya’s blood and put it into a small glass tube. Soon Moeguya’s castle started collapsing. “Come on we need to get the hell out of here,” cried Mr. Hats. Then Mr. Hats opened the Demon Door and then Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, and Dark Mark went through the Demon Door. “Felicity, come on,” yelled Salizard as he was going through the Demon Door. “So long, sister,” said Felicity. Soon Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark escaped into the Demon Door. “Come, the demons have no master, there running wild, let’s get out of here,” said Riddle Fox. Then Slaka, Riddle Fox, Curt We, Elizabeth, and Mr. Cecrops escaped from Moeguya’s castle. Soon Moeguya’s castle was now in ruins and Moeguya was also killed by basilisk poison. Now it seems the war is finally over…or is it?
Now it seems everything was back to normal. Curt We and Elizabeth were now engaged to be married and they were still in love with each other. Elizabeth is no longer an ogre and is now very beautiful. Also Curt We and Elizabeth are taking care of their new pet Happy the Griffin, and also Elizabeth no longer understands Happy the Griffin’s language (because only ogres can understand stand the language of griffins and dragons). Lee Jr. and Christy were also dating and they were both deeply in love with each other. Lee Jr. thought Christy was sexy for a nerdy cat person. Scott Sith (The Lone Shadow) had finally met his father Sith and they soon grew a father-and-son bond. Sadly other people died in the magical universe recently, of course you know The Wise Wizard and Moeguya died, but four others died of natural causes. The four people who died of natural causes were May Charming, Roupy the Minotaur, Henry K. Faun, and Gus Peterson the ADD Pirate. Since the death of Henry K. Faun, the founder of the Magical Council, Curt became head of the Magical Council and also his daughter Christy became the new head of The Wizard’s Court after The Wise Wizard died. Also the Magical Council has the Demon Door again and they locked it away in their vault. It seems all is peaceful…for now. Now we go to Moeguya’s other castle which is inside Mt. Sith where Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark were thinking of revenge for their fallen leader Moeguya. “Now what do we do, Moeguya’s dead, and soon should we,” said Alfred Charming. “This sucks, my husband’s dead, what are we going to do now,” said Felicity. “People, I have something that could help us bring Moeguya back from the dead,” said Salizard. Then Salizard pulled out the glass tube that contained Moeguya’s blood inside it. “Moeguya’s blood, you don’t think…,” said Mr. Hats. Then Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark started laughing evilly. Now it seems that Moeguya may return from the dead…or that a new demon king will take his place. Whatever happens we do know one thing, the battle of good and evil will continue!


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