Sunday, August 26, 2012

Binky Bear meets Vulture!

By: Steven J. Butler, Jr. (Buckstevenson) and Mrs. S
One day Binky was walking in the woods with his friend Donny the Duck. They were heading back home, but soon they saw something flying towards them and they soon were at home. Whatever flew towards them could not open the door, because they locked it. The next day Donny thought the flying thing they saw a flying skunk. Binky knew it was a bird, but he forgot what it was called. “A vulture that’s what the flying thing was,” yelled Binky. Soon the vulture flew down and grabbed Donny. Binky soon wanted information, so he found the bully Wolf. “Look nerd, the guy who took your friend was Vulture an evil professor who likes to eat ducks, that’s it,” said Wolf. Binky found Vulture’s mountain hideout and saved Donny the Duck. But Vulture soon was mad at Binky and was planning his revenge. “Binky Bear, you haven't seen the last of Vulture,” yelled Vulture.
The End

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