Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stork meets Catfish Jack!

By: Steven J. Butler, Jr. (Buckstevenson)
“Ahh! Bark, what a fine day for fishing,” said Stork who was fishing on the shoreline. “Ahh! What a fine day for swimming,” said Catfish Jack who was swimming underwater. Then Catfish Jack saw his friends Mr. Otter and Snapper the Snapping Turtle. “Hey guys,” said Catfish Jack. “Hi, Jack,” they said back. Then a worm on a hook floated down towards them. “Ah, yummy, a worm,” said Catfish Jack. “No Jack, don’t eat it,” cried Mr. Otter. “Go ahead and eat the damn worm, said Snapper.
Then Catfish Jack swallowed the worm on the hook. “Oh no, it’s starting to move,” cried Catfish Jack. Then Catfish Jack was pulled to shore by Stork. “Hey, I caught one Bark,” said Stork. “Rats,” said Catfish Jack. “Hey Bark, take my picture with my prize fish I just caught,” said Stork. “Woof, Woof,” said Bark. Bark then took Stork’s picture. “This will be a good thing to eat, let’s head home,” said Stork. Soon Stork threw Catfish Jack in a bucket and put the bucket in the backseat of the car.
But before they went home Snapper and Mr. Otter hopped in the trunk of the car. “Ok,” said Snapper. “We have to rescue Jack,” said Mr. Otter. “Yah, he’s been our friend forever,” said Snapper the Snapping Turtle. Soon Stork was preparing to cook Catfish Jack and Bark kept watch of Jack who was trapped in the bucket. “But first I have to wash my hands,” said Stork. Now we go outside to Stork’s backyard where Snapper found Stork’s swimming pool and soon he started swimming in it. “Snapper, this is no time for swimming in the enemy’s lake,” said Mr. Otter. Then Stork put Catfish Jack in the sink and Catfish Jack swam all around it. “Now where did that catfish go,” said Stork as he was searching around inside the sink. “Freeze, I’m a snapping turtle,” said Snapper who broke into Stork’s house with Mr. Otter. “Good job Snapper, show him we mean business,” said Mr. Otter.
Bark was holding a jar of ketchup in his hand and Stork was holding Catfish Jack in his hand. Stork and Bark were shaking in fear. Hours later after a bit of negotiating and explaining both sides to the story…Stork, Bark, Snapper, Mr. Otter and Catfish Jack were soon swimming in Stork’s pool together. “Well, if you can’t beat’em, join’em,” said Stork. 
The End!

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