Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The History of the Spy Lion series/character!

Spy Lion is my 2nd oldest continuing character. How I came up with Spy Lion was in a story from the Mrs. S/Steven Butler, Jr. years called “The Ball in the Woods”. It had a mountain lion character in it and I thought that this guy should get his own book. And thus Spy Lion was born, and his story keeps changing and changing. You see when Spy Lion first came out I wanted him to be a funny character. So he joined the Super Dudes, and had more cartoony adventures. But when 2002 rolled around I thought that Spy Lion needed to became more hardcore action, so I made a new origin, which was that he used to be a human being who was a spy, but a mad scientist (X-Eye) turned him into a hybreed of a mountain lion and a human. So his personality changed a lot as will. But I did the saddest thing to this wonderful character…I killed him. When Spy Lion died we lost a hero, and proud member of the That Spells Action family. Well read this book and learn more about Spy Lion.

Spy Lion’s accomplishments!
·        Funtime hall of famer
·        Bucky Werks hall of famer

·        3-time Doole Book Legends Award winner

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