story is set in a far away land where two bounty hunters are about to face each
other for the first time. Now we go to a bar in the middle of nowhere where a
bounty hunter named Sith is looking for a criminal named Zygurat who has
escaped from prison. Little does Sith know is that another bounty hunter named
Sikios is also looking for Zygurat. Both Sith and Sikios want the cash reward
that capturing Zygurat will bring them. Sith soon sat at the bar and sitting in
the seat next to him was Sikios. “Hello, my name is Spotty and I’m a talking
dog…oh and I’m also the bartender, what will you two have,” asked Spotty. “Hey
Spotty…did you happen to see a criminal by the name of Zygurat here,” asked
Sith. “No I can’t say I have stranger, you two kind of look demonic,” said
Spotty. “Well, you kind of looking like a stupid mutt who licks his damn
crotch,” said Sikios. “You don’t have to be mean…see I know you two were
demonic, I bet you’re working for Moeguya like that Zygurat fellow who came
here earlier for a drink,” said Spotty. “Wait, you did see Zygurat…where did he
go,” asked Sith. “He said something about going to the mountains,” said Spotty.
“Then I have to go to the mountains,” said Sith. Sith was about to leave but
then Sith heard gunfire. “Hey Mr. Sith, Zygurat’s mine…I need that reward
money,” said Sikios. “Why don’t you two work together,” said Spotty. “You
know…that’s not a bad idea, I don’t mind sharing the reward,” said Sith. “But I
mind,” cried Sikios. Sikios then shot Sith in the arm. “You bastard…you shot
me,” cried Sith in anger. “Hey, you two…if you need to fight….take it outside
of my bar,” said Spotty. “Alright, you heard that Sikios we…,” said Sith.
Sikios fled the scene and Sith heard a motorcycle coming from outside. “Sikios
must be riding a motorcycle,” cried Sith. Sith then fled the scene.
“Great…those two demons didn’t pay for their drinks….and they were my first
customers in years….I better call the police about this,” said Spotty. Spotty
then called the police to be on the lookout for Sith and Sikios. Soon Sith was
chasing Sikios on an abandon highway. Soon Sith flew down in front of Sikios
and Sikios got off his motorcycle. “Look buddy, I don’t have time for this,”
said Sikios. “Neither do I, now let’s settle this like men,” said Sith. “Right…no
weapons okay,” said Sikios. “Right,” said Sith. Soon Sith and Sikios began
fighting each other and little did they know was that they were being watched.
Now we go to Moeguya’s castle where we see Moeguya watching Sith and Sikios
fighting each other. “Yes…my children are fighting each other…now which brother
will be stronger I’ll never know,” said Moeguya. Soon Zygurat entered Moeguya’s
throne room and Zygurat then kneeled to Moeguya. “Ah Zygurat…you’re just the
man I wanted to see,” said Moeguya. “What do you want me to do master,” asked
Zygurat. “I want to lure Sith and Sikios to my castle in the mountains and make
sure Sith and Sikios fight will be a draw,” said Moeguya. “It shall be done
master,” said Zygurat. Zygurat then headed on his mission and Moeguya began to
laugh evilly. What connection does Sith and Sikios have with Moeguya?
and Sikios were still fighting each other when Zygurat appeared. “Zygurat…what
the…,” cried both Sith and Sikios at the same time. “I hear you two nice bounty
hunters wanted to bring me back to the old dungeon…but you better catch me my
castle hideout in the mountains, see you there,” cried Zygurat. Zygurat then
fled the scene and just then Sith and Sikios stopped fighting each other.
Sikios then hopped back onto his motorcycle. “Zygurat’s mine….you just stay out
of my way if you know was good for ya,” cried Sikios. Sikios then drove off on
his motorcycle. “I want that money and if that pest Sikios wants it he’ll have
to go through me,” cried Sith.
Sith then flew towards the mountains. Soon Sith
and Sikios were outside Moeguya’s castle and they heard Zygurat talking inside
the castle. “Stay out of my way if you know what’s good for ya,” said Sith.
“You’re not the boss of me,” cried Sikios. Sith and Sikios rushed inside the
castle and they were soon inside Moeguya’s throne room. Moeguya was sitting on
his throne with Zygurat by his side. “Welcome my children of darkness, you grew
up well,” said Moeguya. “We’re not your kids man, I just want Zygurat,” said
Sikios. “Oh you want my apprentice Zygurat…you can have him…but first you must
do something for me,” said Moeguya. “What,” asked Sith and Sikios at the same
time. Moeguya then snapped his fingers and soon Sith and Sikios were under
Moeguya’s control. Sith and Sikios were being possessed by Moeguya and they
were almost completely mindless. “Now my puppets fight,” yelled Moeguya. Soon
Sith and Sikios began fighting each other and while they were fighting each
other Moeguya was watching in amusement. “Master, why are you wasting time on
these fools, we should start working on taking over the universe,” said Zygurat
in frustration. “In a minute…I want to see who the stronger being is,” said
Moeguya. “But…oh that’s it you big mindless oaf…prepare to feel my fury,” cried Zygurat.
Zygurat then attacked Moeguya and soon Sith and Sikios regained consciousness. “Oh man, what happened…,” said Sith.
“Hey look, Zygurat is fighting Moeguya, should we help him,” asked Sikios. “We
better let them settle their fight themselves….come on Sikios we better get out
of here before they figure out we’re not under Moeguya’s mind control anymore,”
said Sith. Sith and Sikios then fled out of Moeguya’s castle. While Sith and
Sikios escaped out of Moeguya’s castle…Moeguya’s entire castle was being sucked
into a blackish portal in the sky. Just then, Moeguya’s castle vanished out of
thin air and Sith and Sikios began making their way down the mountains. Sith
and Sikios were at a cross road. “Well…I guess neither of us caught Zygurat,
maybe it’s for the best, I beat as we speak Zygurat and Moeguya are back in the
Demon Realm where they belong,” said Sith. “Sorry if I kicked your ass too
hard, but I have to go…I hear rumors some guy named The Skull Slasher is on the
loose…and I’m seeing dollar signs,” said Sikios. “Okay…I guess I’ll get The
Skull Slasher before you do and that reward money will be mine,” said Sith.
Sikios rode off on his motorcycle and Sith followed Sikios along the way. So
who won the battle between Sith and Sikios….let’s just call it a draw. But in
the end it appears that Sith and Sikios were meant to be a team…because as we
already know….they have a lot in common!
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