Monday, July 4, 2016

The Lost Worlds of Buckstevenson Sai Bong’s Story: Part 3!

Now we go to the Phoenix Monks temple where Burn was having a meeting with the bounty hunters of Bounty Hunter INC. “Gentlemen, the Phoenix Monks hate working for toons but yet we need bounty hunters and you’re the best around as far as we know, now we’ll pay you all quite handsomely if you bring Sai Bong, Flame, and Broiler back here dead or alive, do you understand,” asked Burn. “Yes sir,” said Night Watch with his pet owl Oliver on his shoulder. “Oh yah, we’re back baby,” cried Komodo King in excitement. “Now Bounty Hunter INC., get out and find them before it’s too late,” yelled Burn. Then Night Watch, Komodo King, Robo-Spotty 4.0 and Roncor went out to find Sai Bong, Flame, and Broiler. “Let’s see those three defeat all of Bounty Hunter INC.,” said Burn. “I highly doubt that,” said a mysterious voice. “Who said that,” cried Burn. Then from out of the shadows Sikios appeared. “Who the hell are you,” asked Burn. “My name is Sikios, and those three former Phoenix Monks that you sent those bounty hunters after…yah, they we just taken by the Time Lords, so they are pretty well guarded,” said Sikios. “You know you look familiar somehow, like you were a friend of mine or something,” said Burn. “Yah whatever, now then I have to go, but don’t worry, I have a feeling those three aren’t going to be around for long,” said Sikios. “What do you mean,” asked Burn in anger. Sikios laughed and then disappeared out of thin air. “Damn it, why did that nut job seem so familiar,” cried Burn. Soon General Toast walked into the room. “Sir, we have a problem,” cried General Toast. “What would that be,” asked Burn. “Burn, we can’t find the Great Phoenix and if we don’t get her back…let’s just say we’ll lose all of our powers,” said General Toast nervously. “Wait, we will lose our powers…damn those idiots for letting the Great Phoenix go, that’s it I’m down to my last option,” said Burn in anger. “What would that be boss,” asked General Toast. “We have to ask the Skull Order for help on this one,” said Burn. 

Now we go to the Time Lords headquarters where our heroes were having a meeting with Mr. Raccoon and Mike Storm. “So, you three were once Phoenix Monks and now you are going to help us stop the Skull Order,” said Mr. Raccoon. “Why do you need our help anyway,” asked Sai Bong. “Because you have the powers of a phoenix and the phoenix is stronger than a demon which the Skull Order is known for their demonic powers,” said Mike Storm. “Wait, guys we have a problem here,” cried Flame. “What would that be,” asked Mr. Raccoon. “You see we fled the Phoenix Monks temple because they were going to kill us for letting the Great Phoenix go, but now that the Great Phoenix is free…it may be happy…but we’ll lose all of our powers,” cried Flame. The meeting room went silent and Broiler began to cry. “I don’t want to lose my powers,” cried Broiler. Sai Bong then slapped Broiler. “Stop crying…we’ll still have our powers for a little while longer so maybe we can do this mission,” said Sai Bong. “Alright, let’s talk about this mission,” said Mr. Raccoon. Mr. Raccoon then began to explain the mission that Sai Bong, Flame, and Broiler had to take part in and it didn’t sound easy. “So let me get this straight, you want us to go into the Demon Realm and kill Moeguya, but isn’t Moeguya one of the most powerful demons ever,” asked Sai Bong. “Yes, and since you were once Phoenix Monks and have the powers of a phoenix you may be able to stop him,” said Mr. Raccoon. “Wait…what if the Great Phoenix could stop it,” said Broiler. “Broiler, we don’t even know where the Great Phoenix is, and if we did why would it help us,” said Sai Bong. “Because we freed it,” said Flame. “No you two freed it and I was just a witness to it, and that’s how we got into this mess in the first place,” said Sai Bong. “What’s the Great Phoenix,” asked Mike Storm. “Well it’s basically the phoenix that gave our founder Burn and every other Phoenix Monk their powers, we don’t know where it is but we do know where it usually hangs out,” said Flame. “Hmmm, tell us where it usually hangs out,” said Mr. Raccoon. “It’s nest is rumored to be in the volcanoes of Lava World,” said Flame. “Mike, send some soldiers to Lava World to look for this Great Phoenix, as for you three….it’s time for you all to enter the Demon Realm,” said Mr. Raccoon. Soon Sai Bong, Flame, and Broiler were given Time Lords battle armor and weapons. They were about to board the ship when. “Look out, Night Watch is in the building I repeat….Night Watch is in the building,” yelled one of the Time Lords soldiers. Soon Bounty Hunter INC. was attacking the Time Lords headquarters. “Come on you guys, let’s help them stop this Night Watch guy and this so-called Bounty Hunter INC.,” said Sai Bong. Soon our heroes began to fight Bounty Hunter INC. along with the rest of the Time Lords soldiers. “Well at least we found them Night Watch,” yelled Komodo King. “Yah, the hard part now is getting them from the Time Lords, but…I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” said Night Watch. 

Night Watch then threw a bomb which opened a huge portal. Night Watch’s bomb opened a portal to the Demon Realm. Soon everyone in the Time Lords headquarters hanger was being sucked into the Demon Realm. Now we go to the control room of the Time Lords headquarters where we see Mike Storm and Mr. Raccoon in action. “Mike, did we open our portal to the Demon Realm already,” asked Mr. Raccoon. “No sir…Bounty Hunter INC. must of had a portal bomb that opened another portal to the Demon Realm, it looks like everyone in that hanger is now headed to the Demon Realm, but at least the portal will close soon,” said Mike Storm. “The mission is still on, I repeat the mission is still on,” said Mr. Raccoon. Now we go to Sai Bong who awoke inside the Demon Realm and he was soon lost within it. “Where I’m I,” asked Sai Bong to himself. Sai Bong went exploring around the Demon Realm and he soon saw Time Lords soldier wounded lying on the ground. “Hey, guys, what happened here,” asked Sai Bong. “Demons, attacked us, and don’t breathe the air here because….,” said one of the wounded Time Lords soldiers in a weak voice. “Don’t breathe the air here because why…crap…I guess I’m on my own but first…,” said Sai Bong. Sai Bong then grabbed a walkie-talkie off one of the wounded Time Lords soldiers and he called for help. A couple of hours later a Time Lords spaceship arrived and they took the wounded Time Lords soldiers with them. “Remember Mr. Bong, keep that walkie-talkie with you because we can help you get home, and don’t worry about these wounded soldiers they’ll be in the Time Lords hospital soon enough…oh if they said you can’t breathe the air here Mr. Raccoon informed me that you can because of your phoenix abilities, so good luck on your mission,” said one of the Time Lords soldiers. The Time Lords soldiers saluted Sai Bong and Sai Bong saluted back. Sai Bong continued exploring the Demon Realm and he soon found Flame fighting some demons. “Flame, need help,” cried Sai Bong. “Sai Bong, there you are, help me take care of these guys,” cried Flame. Soon Flame and Sai Bong started fighting the demons and little did they know was that they were being watched by an ally. Who this ally is we’ll soon find out!

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