Thursday, December 1, 2016

Magic Wars 2: Part 3!

Long ago, Moeguya created a group called The Anti-Four which was a group that was the complete opposite of the Chosen Four. The Anti-Four was made up of four demons. War was their leader and he is the most heartless and evil of the group. Famine the female member is not as powerful as her brothers but is actually a little nicer to her victims. Pestilence was a crazy nut job who loves to kill and his touch can make some creatures die. Death is a silent killer and he is the most mysterious member of the Anti-Four. One day long ago, the Anti-Four rebelled against their master Moeguya and tried to kill him. Moeguya punished them by trapping them in a bottomless pit in the Demon Realm. There was no escape…and yet…in the present day….the Anti-Four broke out of their bottomless pit prison and now they seek revenge. The only ones besides Moeguya that can stop the Anti-Four are the Chosen Four…but the Chosen Four has a secret member that can help them defeat the Anti-Four. 

Legend has it there would be a Chosen Four member that could actually be a fifth member to the four member group. This mysterious fifth member of the Chosen Four is called “The Fallen”. Who is “The Fallen” fifth member of the Chosen Four? Legend again says it is a dark wizard by the name of Kyle Wizard. Kyle Wizard is the oldest brother of Salizard and The Wise Wizard. Kyle grew up to become a dark wizard…but…he had one rare thing a dark wizard shouldn’t have…a heart. Now we go to the present day where Kyle Wizard is in the Magical Council prison for life. But when the Anti-Four make their return, he will finally be free. The only person who will trust Kyle Wizard is Curt We….let’s just say Curt We and Kyle Wizard would soon become friends. But our story begins when The Anti-Four (War, Famine, Pestilence, & Death) finally made their escape from their bottomless pit prison and now they are wreaking havoc in the magical universe. The Magical Council is now preparing an attack plan for the Anti-Four. Curt We soon went to talk to Kyle Wizard because he knows he is “The Fallen” fifth member of the Chosen Four. “RI rould like ro speak rith Kyle Rizard please,” asked Curt We. Then the prison guards grabbed Kyle Wizard who was handcuffed and was covered in chains. “Curt, good to see you again, what is it this time,” asked Kyle Wizard. “Kyle, RI read rabout rour rast rin the records rof the Wise Wizard, he says that rou are the rone who can stop the Ranti-Four, recause rou are the fallen,” said Curt We. “My brother thinks I’m the fallen fifth member of the Chosen Four, and the Anti-Four really have returned, I may be able to help if I wasn’t in jail, so maybe talk to Curt about letting me go Wild Man, nice talking to you,” said Kyle Wizard. The prison guards then took Kyle Wizard back to his cell. “RI have ro relp him get out rof jail, RI retter ralk ro Curt,” said Curt We. Curt We began to negotiate with the head of the Magical Council Curt about freeing Kyle Wizard out of the Magical Council prison. It would be a lot of work but they are running out of time.

Now we go to The Anti-Four (War, Famine, Pestilence, & Death) destroying Magic Town. “Finally, my reign as king will finally begin,” said War. “Why do you get to be king,” cried Pestilence. “Because I’m the older brother and leader of this group,” said War. “Can we not kill anyone anymore, why do they need to die, some of them did nothing wrong,” said Famine. “Dear sister Famine, you have to understand why we were created…to bring the end…now focus on destroying the town,” said War. Then the Chosen Four (Christy, Scott Sith, Elizabeth, and Lee Jr.) appeared and they were ready to fight the Anti-Four. “Let’s get rid of these guys,” said Lee Jr. “Well if it isn’t the Chosen Four, come on brothers and sister let’s kill them before they kill us,” roared War. The Chosen Four and the Anti-Four began to fight each other. But then during the battle Kyle Wizard joined the fight. “No…not the fallen fifth member how could we….I know,” roared War. Then War snapped his fingers and soon Magic Town blew up. Our heroes were all soon knocked out. Now we go to Curt We and Jimmy see our heroes defeated in battle. “Are they dead,” asked Jimmy. “No, they are just knocked rout…hey…where did Kyle Rizard ro, roh man rif we ron’t find him Curt will kill me,” cried Curt We. Kyle Wizard soon awoke in Moeguya’s castle. “How did I get here,” asked Kyle Wizard. “I found you,” said a mysterious voice. Kyle slowly stood up and saw Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark standing in front of him. “You guys, Salizard I told you I don’t want to work for Moeguya anymore, he back stabbed me,” said Kyle Wizard furiously. “Look brother, can we at least talk…we hate the Anti-Four and we need your help stopping them, and if you think you can work with those idiots called the Chosen Four…think again because once you kill the Anti-Four for the Magical Council, you’ll end up in jail…but…work with us and you can be free…so what do you say,” asked Salizard. “Heck, I guess family comes first,” said Kyle Wizard. “Wonderful…welcome to the side of Moeguya once more,” said Salizard. Then Kyle Wizard, Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark began to laugh evilly at the same time. I guess Kyle Wizard is now the enemy…and Kyle switched sides at a really bad time!
Now we go to the lair of the Anti-Four where War was plotting on an invasion of the Magical Council headquarters. “Now, how can we finally defeat the Chosen Four and finally end this world and create a new,” asked War. “Why does the world have to end anyway,” asked Famine. “Famine, we have to fulfill our purpose of existence which is to end the world,” said War. “But why us, maybe we can change our purpose,” said Famine. “Enough Famine, we must follow War’s orders, your brothers know best,” said Pestilence. “Okay, since you’re my brothers I’ll do as you say,” said Famine. Famine then left and Famine then sighed. “I wish I didn’t have to be evil,” said Famine to herself. Now we go to the ruins of Magic Town after the Anti-Four attack and few have survived. “It’s going to take forever to clean this place up,” said Scott Sith. “Check for survivors, thank god we were only knocked out, you have some healing potions don’t yah,” asked Lee Jr. “I do, hey I see some people,” said Scott Sith. Now we go to Magical Council headquarters where Curt is furious over Kyle Wizard’s escape and he was yelling at Curt We. “I knew we shouldn’t freed him, he could be anywhere…you have to find him and bring him back,” yelled Curt. “Where ro rou think re’s rone roo,” asked Curt We. Just then Curt heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” said Curt. Soon Kyle Wizard entered Curt’s office. “Roh ry god, rhere the….,” said Curt We. “Didn’t he tell you, I’m spying on the enemy remember,” said Kyle Wizard. “But Rurt said….why rere rou mad at me ror letting Kyle get raway,” asked Curt We. “I lied, I only pretended to be mad…it was a joke…hope you’re not mad…anyway, Kyle what information do you have,” asked Curt. “I know where the Anti-Four’s lair is and that Moeguya’s henchmen are planning an attack on it, you better send some of your boys there to make sure it’s safe, I better go…they don’t know where I am, see ya,” said Kyle Wizard. Kyle Wizard then fled the scene. “Curt We, you and Jimmy should go to the Anti-Four’s lair until the Chosen Four are done searching for survivors,” said Curt. “Right Runcle Rurt, re and Rimmy rall ro that, ree ya real roon,” said Curt We. Soon Curt We and Jimmy flew to the Anti-Four’s lair and they saw the Anti-Four fighting an army of demons. “Rimmy, rou fight the remons rell RI fight the Ranit-Four,” said Curt We. “Right,” said Jimmy. Soon Jimmy was fighting the demons, but then he saw that Famine was hurt. “I better help the pretty lady,” said Jimmy. Jimmy then flew towards Famine not knowing she was the enemy. “Don’t worry miss, me here to help you,” said Jimmy. “One of those demons bite me, I see you killed most of them,” said Famine. “I did, I’ll take you back to Magical Council headquarters to heal you up…but first,” said Jimmy. Jimmy then killed all the demons in one attack. “Alright, we can go now,” said Jimmy. Jimmy then carried the injured Famine back to the Magical Council headquarters while Curt We fought off the Anti-Four. “Ron’t rou ruys know when ro stop,” said Curt We. “Enough fighting you, we are wasting our time, come on boys let’s…,” said War. Just then from out of nowhere Salizard and Mr. Hats appeared in front of Curt We. “Mr. Curt We, we’ll take care of these Anti-Four while you fly back and get help,” said Salizard. “Rokay, their rour roblem now,” said Curt We. Curt We then flew off while Mr. Hats and Salizard fought the Anti-Four. Back at the Magical Council headquarters Famine drank a healing potion and decided to fight alongside the Magical Council in defeating her brothers. Also Famine and Jimmy were beginning to fall in love with each other. But Famine and Jimmy were too shy to tell each other their true feelings.
Now we go to the office of Magical Council head Curt where he was talking to the Wizard’s Court elders (Riddle Fox, Slaka, and Mr. Cecrops) about how to stop the Anti-Four from destroying the magical universe. “I think now that we have Famine on our side it will be an easy fight,” said Curt. “But Ms. Famine is the weakest member of the Anti-Four, herself alone will not stop them,” said Slaka. “But if she teams up with the Chosen Four then we may have a chance,” said Riddle Fox. “Alright, I just received a message that the Chosen Four found all the survivors and now they’re ready to fight the Anti-Four, now then let’s plan our attack,” said Curt. Now we go to the Anti-Four’s lair where the Anti-Four (excluding Famine) were still fighting Mr. Hats and Salizard. “Enough you idiots,” cried a mysterious voice. Mr. Hats, Salizard, and the Anti-Four looked down and saw Felicity standing underneath them. “Why don’t we end this fed and work together to stop the Chosen Four, we both hate them and we are all dark beings,” said Felicity. “She’s right, Mr. Hats, Salizard, we should end our hated of Moeguya and work together to achieved the same goal,” said War. “Alright…come on, let’s plan our attack,” said Salizard. Little did they know was that Kyle Wizard was secretly watching them. “I better warn the Magical Council about this,” said Kyle Wizard to himself. Kyle Wizard fled the scene and headed to the Magical Council headquarters. But little did Kyle know was that he was being followed by some demons that worked for Moeguya. The demons soon caught Kyle and then Salizard came over towards him. “Well brother, I should have know you were a spy all along, but you won’t tell your friends back at the Magical Council headquarters our plan, so prepare to go to the Demon Realm while we finally defeat the Chosen Four once and for all,” said Salizard. 

Now Kyle Wizard was trapped in the Demon Realm and soon the Anti-Four and Moeguya’s henchmen made their attack on the Magical Council headquarters. Soon a long battle between the Chosen Four (Christy, Scott Sith, Elizabeth, and Lee Jr.), Famine, and Jimmy were soon fighting the Anti-Four (War, Pestilence, & Death). Our heroes soon defeated Pestilence and Death and they killed them both. But sadly the deaths of Pestilence and Death only made War stronger. “You fools, once you kill my brothers and sister their souls will be absorbed by me and soon I will gain their power, I’m now twice as strong as I was before,” yelled War. War then attacked our heroes and they continued to fight him. But then an old foe was about to attack our heroes. “Hey Chosen Four, do you remember this guy,” cried Mr. Hats. Then a demonic Ku-Ba the Coruptoren Wizard returned and attacked our heroes. “Time for round two assholes,” cried Ku-Ba the Coruptoren Wizard. “Wait, I have an idea,” cried War. Just then War and Ku-Ba merged into one huge creature. “NOW WE ARE KU-WAR, DIE AT OUR MIGHT,” roared Ku-War. Now our heroes had to fight a new villain created by the merging of two other foes. It will be a difficult battle indeed!

Now the Chosen Four (Christy, Scott Sith, Elizabeth, and Lee Jr.), Famine, and Jimmy were fighting Ku-War and soon they were joined by Curt We, Loka the Clown, Justin Longfellow, and Snow White the Viking. “Oh we have another surprise for you fools,” yelled Salizard. Soon Salizard bought in the Demon Door and then…he returned…at last they finally brought the demon king Moeguya back to life. “I’m back,” roared Moeguya. “Wait, there can be only one new ruler here,” yelled Ku-War. “You two…I’ll take care of this,” yelled Moeguya. Moeguya then began to fight with Ku-War. Moeguya soon killed Ku-War and began to laugh evilly. “We will leave you now, but when we return….you’re dead,” yelled Moeguya. Moeguya then disappeared out of thin air and it seems our heroes finally defeated the Anti-Four. But they now face a new problem…the return of Moeguya.

Now we go to a couple of months after our heroes defeated the Anti-Four. Scott Sith and Loka the Clown welcomed their first child a daughter named Stephanie Sith. Stephanie Sith looked like a half clown and half coruptoren being and she was someday going to be a daddy’s girl. Jimmy and Famine began dating and after awhile they announced their engagement. Famine was soon pregnant with Jimmy and Famine’s first child. Famine and Jimmy’s child will one day grow up to be a very powerful being. Curt We, Loka the Clown, and Patrick Pangolin also graduated from the Wizard’s Court school and now they are members of the Wizard’s Court. Curt We, Loka the Clown, and Patrick Pangolin were very happy now that they are members of the Wizard’s Court and Patrick even became a teacher in the Wizard’s Court school. It now seems everything is at peace in the Magical Universe. Now we go to the Wizard’s Court elders’ room where the elders (Riddle Fox, Slaka, and Mr. Cecrops) sensed a new powerful being born in the mortal realm. “My god, I haven’t seen this much power since…, wait a minute…I think the Wise Wizard has returned, we must find this child,” cried Riddle Fox, Mr. Cecrops, and Slaka at the same time. What do the elders mean by when they said that the Wise Wizard has returned in the form of a mortal child? I guess it’s the start of a new story!

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