Thursday, December 1, 2016

Super Dude vs. Expo Speed (Short Story Version)!

Who is Expo Speed? Why he’s a very popular superhero from Japan! Expo Speed’s powers include super speed, super strength, the ability to fly, the brain of a computer, and the ability to change his appearance into anyone or anything. Expo Speed’s secret identity is none other than Yan Fujigia who is a billionaire playboy and local celebrity. Yan Fujigia is also the current CEO of the Fujigia Corporation. The Fuijiga Corporation is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video game consoles, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Expo Speed is basically a very popular hero in Japan…but one day that all changed. Expo Speed suddenly became the world’s deadest super villains. Why did Expo Speed have this sudden change of character? Because Expo Speed is being possessed by an Oni (a Japanese demon) who was making him do evil things. 

So the only ones now who can stop Expo Speed are the Super Dudes and so Tokyo police called the Super Dudes to stop Expo Speed. But our heroes would soon find out that one of the Super Dudes’ members has a connection with Expo Speed. Our heroes soon found out that Expo Speed is actually Fat Lazy Karate Teacher’s biological brother. Now we go to the Super Dudes who just landed their jet and they were soon headed to the Tokyo police station. Now Super Dude, Young One, Super Dudette, Super Mutt, Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, and R-Man were having a meeting with the Tokyo chief of police. “Welcome American superheroes to Japan, we need your help in stopping former Japanese superhero Expo Speed…we don’t know why he became evil…but that’s for you to figure out, also…Tokyo citizens have reported seeing American super villain Night Watch flying around wreaking havoc over city, can you brave heroes stop them,” asked the chief of police. “Alright chief of Tokyo police the Super Dudes are ready for action, now where is Expo Speed now,” asked Super Dude. “We just received call that Expo Speed is robbing big bank a few blocks from here,” said the chief of police. “Why is he robbing a bank…Expo Speed’s a freaking billionaire why does he need more freaking money…I mean I hate my younger brother Expo Speed….ah I mean I….,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “You should just shut the hell up fat ass,” said Young One. “Who you are you calling fat,” asked Fat Lazy Karate Teacher angrily.”Enough….let’s go find this Expo Speed guy already,” yelled Super Dude. Soon the Super Dudes flew off to stop Expo Speed. 

Soon Super Dude, Young One, Super Dudette, Super Mutt, Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, and R-Man flew to the bank that Expo Speed was robbing. But when our heroes saw Expo Speed they noticed something strange about him. Expo Speed’s eyes were glowing bright red. “Oh my god…I think I know why my brother Expo Speed is going crazy…he must be possessed by an Oni,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “What’s an Oni,” asked R-Man. “It’s a Japanese demon…I wonder how we can free him,” asked Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “You foolish American superheroes…face the wrath of Expo Speed,” yelled Expo Speed. Expo Speed then attacked our heroes and soon our heroes began to fight Expo Speed. While our heroes were fighting Expo Speed…little did they know that they were secretly being watched by Night Watch. “While those fools fight Expo Speed…I’ll blow that whole freaking bank up,” said Night Watch to himself. Night Watch was about to detonate a bomb, but something powerful took over him briefly and made him not detonate a bomb. “I guess I won’t blow up the bank today,” said Night Watch to himself. Our heroes were nearly defeated by Expo Speed, but then Fat Lazy Karate Teacher threw a glass of Holy Water at Expo Speed. Expo Speed then began to roar loudly after the Holy Water was thrown on him. And soon the Oni inside Expo Speed fled out of Expo Speed’s body and Expo Speed soon regained control of his body. “What happened here…did I do anything bad,” asked Expo Speed. “Expo Speed, you don’t remember anything that happened here,” asked Super Dudette. “Dude the guy’s been possessed by a freaking Oni…I guess that Holy Water scared him out of your body,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “Brother, what are you doing here…you’re with these American heroes,” asked Expo Speed. “Yah…I mooch off them and they let me live in their apartment,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “Why do you live in an apartment with them…you’re worth billions,” said Expo Speed. “What do you mean Fat Lazy Karate Teacher’s a billionaire like you,” asked Young One. “My father gave each of us stock in the Fuijiga Corporation…those shares are worth a lot of money, this guy doesn’t need to mooch off anyone,” said Expo Speed. “You mean he’s not a poor loser but heir to a family fortune…damn it fat ass why don’t you even pay us rent you rich piece of shit,” cried Super Dude angrily. “What, I knew I was rich the whole time…but even though I’m rich I’m still cheap, so there that explains why I mooch off you,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “What a fun story…too bad it’s time for you all to die,” said a mysterious voice. Our heroes turned around and saw Night Watch standing behind them. “Night Watch…what are you doing in Japan,” asked Super Dude. “I was hired by the Japanese mafia to kill Expo Speed…but here’s where things get a little fun…if you dare hurt me…I have a bomb hidden inside this bank that will blow you and everyone else up….now try and stop me,” said Night Watch. Night Watch then began to laugh evilly. 

Our heroes came up with a clever plan. Super Dudette went to look for the bomb while R-Man guided all of the hostages out of the bank. Soon our heroes began to fight Night Watch. After a couple of hours of fighting our heroes defeated Night Watch and Super Dudette destroyed his bomb. Night Watch was soon sent to jail and our heroes saved the day once again. But sadly our heroes had to say good bye to an old friend. “What do you mean you’re going to live with your brother here in Japan,” cried Young One. “Look guys…my brother offered me a room inside his mansion and I’m tired of living in that cramp apartment, so I guess this is good bye…but I’ll try to visit when I can…and don’t worry I’ll still fund the Super Dudes,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “What do you mean fund the Super Dudes,” asked Super Dude. “Where do you guys think you get all the money to make your gadgets and to do your experiments…it isn’t all from the government you know,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “I guess this is the last time you’ll mooch off us, it was nice having you live with us for awhile, you were a lousy karate teacher…but over time you became my best friend, I’ll mess you fat ass,” said Young One. “STOP CALLING ME FAT DAMN IT…but I’ll miss you too my only loyal student, so long Super Dudes and thanks for the happy memoires,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. Our heroes then said their goodbyes to Fat Lazy Karate Teacher and Expo Speed. Once again our heroes saved the day and now Expo Speed is new member of the Super Dudes. But what will happen next for the Super Dudes? I guess only time will tell!

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