Thursday, December 1, 2016

Magic Wars 2: Part 4!

Our story begins when a young man named Tubbles is being bullied by his classmate Edward Bully. But little does Tubbles is a very fat and nerdy young man. Tubbles has always been bullied and picked on. Tubbles hates his life and wishes he could make something of it. But little does Tubbles know is that he is actually the reincarnation of the Wise Wizard. One day Tubbles found out he had magic powers…and it will ruin his life. You see, Tubbles grew up in a kingdom ruled by the Black Knights and they hat everything magic. One day Tubbles was being bullied by Edward that out of anger Tubbles used his magic and knocked Edward out. “Oh my god….I’m a wizard,” cried Tubbles. The school called the Black Knights but Tubbles fled the scene before they could get there. “Serves that fat ass right,” said Edward. But little does Edward know was that when Tubbles attacked him with his magic…Tubbles used a spell by accident that turned Edward into a wizard just as strong as Tubbles. Edward soon finds out he has magical abilities and he too runs away. Now Tubbles and Edward are working together to save themselves from being killed by the Black Knights. “Great, we’re outlaws now and it’s all your fault,” said Edward. “Sorry I didn’t know I turned you into a wizard,” said Tubbles. Just then Tubbles and Edward saw something floating above them. It was Riddle Fox and he greeted Tubbles and Edward. “Hello, come with me, I can take you two to a safe place where you can use your magic,” said Riddle Fox. 

Riddle Fox soon took Tubbles and Edward to the Magical Council headquarters. After some testing, Tubbles and Edward are now enrolled in the Wizard’s Court school. Tubbles is still bullied but he soon finds some friends. Tubbles soon became friends with Stephanie Sith (daughter of Scott Sith & Loka the Clown), Devon Lee (son of Lee Jr. & Christy), Penny We (Wild Girl II) (daughter of Curt We & Elizabeth) Chris We (son of Curt We & Elizabeth), Brie J.F. (daughter of Jimmy & Famine), Angelina Longfellow (daughter of Justin Longfellow & Vanessa), and Snow White Jr. (son of Lacey Longfellow & Snow White the Viking). While Tubbles, Stephanie Sith, Devon Lee, and Penny We attend the Wizard’s Court school…Chris We, Brie J.F., Angelina Longfellow, and Snow White Jr. fight with the Magical Council army. The new Chosen Four is now made up of Stephanie Sith, Devon Lee, Penny We, and Chris We. After awhile of being friends Tubbles and Penny We began to fall in love with each other but both were too shy to tell each other how they really feel. Snow White Jr. began dating Brie J.F. Angelina Longfellow was beginning to develop a crush on Edward Bully. And of course Devon Lee and Stephanie Sith began to fall in love with each other but both were too shy to say how they really feel about each other. Our story begins when Tubbles was sleeping in class. Unlike his past life as the Wise Wizard, Tubbles was failing in the Wizard’s Court school and he didn’t know how to use his full magical powers. Soon to stop being bullied Tubbles began to work out in the Magical Council headquarters’ gym, and while he was working out he talked to his friends like Penny We, Devon Lee, and Brie J.F. “So Tubbles, how long have you been working out,” asked Devon Lee. “Awhile now, it’s hard as hell and I don’t seem to be losing any weight, I hate being a loser,” said Tubbles. “I know how you feel, I’m pretty much a nerd myself, but don’t listen to Edward…he’s just a dick,” said Devon Lee. Then Penny We walked into the gym and Tubbles was nervous. Tubbles wished he could tell Penny how he really feels about her but he’s too scared. And why would anyone want to date him. Just then Tubbles came up with an idea of how he could hook up with Penny. He would drink a beauty potion and pretend to be someone else. Plus, once Tubbles drinks the beauty potion he can act like he’s a popular kid. “Well RI have ro go ruys, but RI’ll re back real roon,” said Penny We. “Where are you off to,” asked Devon Lee. “RI just remembered RI had ro do romething rith Rangelina and Brie, nice ralking ro rou,” said Penny We. Penny We then left the gym and Devon Lee sighed. “I have to go study for a test, see ya Tubbles,” said Devon Lee. “No you won’t see me again as Tubbles…now I need to learn how to make a beauty potion and fast,” said Tubbles to himself. Tubbles began to work on a batch of beauty potions and soon he drank a beauty potion. Tubbles then fainted after he drank the beauty potion and he soon awoke to see that he had become a hunk. “Wow, that stuff really works, I have a six-pack, I look like a male model….now to create a new life,” said Tubbles. Tubbles soon began a new life as a popular sexy young man and soon Tubbles created a whole new persona for himself. “Who are you beautiful,” asked one of the popular girls. “My name is….ah…Hank, I’m the new guy here,” said Hank (Tubbles). Tubbles is now Hank….and he couldn’t be any happier not being a loser anymore. Because Hank is now the most popular kid in the entire Wizard’s Court school. “RI really rish RI rould be rith Hank, but how,” said Penny We to herself. Penny We soon came up with the same idea that Tubbles did, she too would drink a beauty potion and she would become a perfect match for Hank. Love is a crazy thing.

Now we see Hank (Tubbles) showing off around his classmates and his new friends the popular kids. But soon Hank (Tubbles) would meet his match. Hank (Tubbles) saw a sexy girl walk towards him. “Hey hot stuff,” said the sexy girl. Little did Hank (Tubbles) know was that the sexy girl flirting with him was actually Penny We after she drank a beauty potion. “So ah…what’s your name,” asked Hank (Tubbles). “My name is Dawn…because I’m hot like the sun,” said Dawn (Penny We). Soon Hank (Tubbles) and Dawn (Penny We) began flirting with each other and soon they started dating each other. But both of them didn’t want the other to know who they really are. But one day that will change. One day Hank (Tubbles) was walking and he saw Penny We. “I should follow her and show her the new me,” said Hank (Tubbles) to himself. Just when Hank (Tubbles) turned the corner he secretly saw Penny We drinking a beauty potion and he soon found out that Penny We and Dawn were the same person. “Oh my god, Penny did what I did….then she must really like…no, she just likes Hank, I guess I could be Hank for a little while longer,” said Hank (Tubbles) to himself. Hank (Tubbles) still hung out with Dawn (Penny We) even though he knew who she really was. But one day Tubbles went to tell his best friend Devon Lee the truth. “Wait, Penny thinks you’re a hot guy named Hank, and she turned into a sexy girl to be with Hank who is actually you…tell her the truth so you don’t have to live this lie,” said Devon Lee. “It’s not that easy, I love Penny We either way but if she finds out that Hank is actually me…I don’t know if she just loved Hank instead of me,” said Tubbles. “Well…hold it, Tubbles…look what Edward is doing,” said Devon Lee. Our heroes saw Edward Bully breaking into the Magical Council vault. “Come on, let’s follow him,” said Devon Lee. Then our heroes secretly followed Edward Bully and soon Edward opened the Demon Door and went through it. “Oh my god…is Edward working for Moeguya,” cried Tubbles. “We better tell the Wizard’s Court elders about this,” said Devon Lee. Our heroes have just found out that Edward Bully is a traitor and is secretly working for Moeguya. Devon Lee and Tubbles told the Wizard’s Court elders (Riddle Fox, Slaka, and Mr. Cecrops) about Edward. “We’ll expel him from this school and we’ll report him to the Magical Council, thanks for telling us boys,” said Riddle Fox. But Edward returned to Moeguya’s castle where he was about to become a loyal follower of Moeguya.

Now we go to Chris We walking around the headquarters and Chris We is actually cursed. When he was young an evil wizard cursed him by turning him into an ogre and the only way the curse could be broken is by true love’s kiss. Today, Chris We was about to meet his true love. Chris We bumped into a beautiful young woman who seemed rushed for something. “Hello, who are you,” asked Chris We. “My name is Ayako, you wouldn’t happen to know where a Mr. Devon Lee is would you,” asked Ayako. “No…why do you ask,” asked Chris We. “No reason, so what’s it like being an ogre, I’m shocked you’re even welcome into the Magical Council,” said Ayako. “I wasn’t always an ogre, I’m cursed and…well let’s just say I’m cursed, so what are you doing here,” asked Chris We. “I’m just training to be a soldier in the Magical Council army,” said Ayako. “I’m a soldier, I can give you some pointers,” said Chris We. Chris We and Ayako began to talk and talk. Soon Chris We and Ayako were beginning to fall in love with each other. Chris We may have found the girl that can break his curse. “I better go, I got stuff to do,” said Ayako. Ayako then left and Chris We sighed. “I think I’m in love with a girl that’s way out of my league…but somehow…I know she’s the one,” said Chris We to himself. Now we go to Ayako in a dark section of the Magical Council headquarters. “Hello, are you there,” asked Ayako. “So is he in love with you,” asked a mysterious voice. “Someone’s in love with me, but he isn’t the one you want, but I think he’s related to the one you want, his name is Chris We,” said Ayako. “Chris We, my nephew…yah… make him fall in love with you and break his heart…then will release his darkness within,” said a mysterious voice. “Felicity, how long will I stay human for…because I think he might not like me when I’m…,” said Ayako. “Wait…you’re not actually falling in love with him….because if you are then maybe he’ll want to see the real you,” said Felicity. “No please…I like being human, don’t turn me back into that thing again,” screamed Ayako. “I won’t turn you back into your true form, but you have to break his heart and bring him back to Moeguya’s castle, now hurry before he falls in love with someone else,” said Felicity. Felicity then disappeared and Ayako then sighed. “What have I gotten myself into,” said Ayako. It seems this Ayako is working for Moeguya…but who is she and what is she really? Let’s just say she’s royalty and nothing more!

Now we go to Moeguya’s castle where Edward Bully is being initiated into his fold. 
Moeguya was sitting on his throne with Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, and Dark Mark standing around Moeguya’s throne. “Young Edward, do you wish to become a dark wizard and have demon blood flowing through your veins,” asked Moeguya. “I am, because that’s to a fat idiot I’m just as powerful as the Wise Wizard and if I have dark magic my power will grow,” said Edward Bully. “Now to be welcomed into my group you must enter the Demon Realm and stay there for about a couple of hours….but be warned…hours in the demon realm are weeks…so enter through the Demon Door and we’ll lock the door until it is time,” said Moeguya. Moeguya opened the Demon Door and Edward entered the Demon Door. Edward was now in the demon realm and he soon went mad. Edward’s heart grew darker and darker. About three hours later, Edward was let out of the demon realm through the Demon Door. “I feel powerful,” said Edward. “Now everyone….show me your demon forms,” roared Moeguya. Soon Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, Dark Mark, and Edward turned into demons and they began to roar loudly. Now we go back to the Magical Council headquarters where Tubbles told Penny We the truth. “Penny…I’m Hank….and I know your Dawn,” said Tubbles. “You rere that hot ruy, but why did rou rurn rinto Hank,” asked Penny We. “Because I was scared you wouldn’t like the real me….also I was tired of being bullied by the popular kids…Penny I feel horrible that I lied to you…but a really love you,” said Tubbles. “RI love rou roo,” said Penny We. Tubbles then kissed Penny We and soon they fell in love. Now we go to Chris We and Ayako walking together. Chris We and Ayako began dating each other and they were falling in love with each other. But Ayako couldn’t break his heart because she loved him too much. “Chris I need to tell you something…I’m not who you think I…,” said Ayako. But then Chris We went mad and he attacked Ayako. “Chris, what’s wrong with you,” cried Ayako. Felicity and Edward appeared in front of Ayako and Chris. “You were taking too long so now your lover is the monster that he should be have fun,” said Felicity. Just then the Chosen Four (Stephanie Sith, Devon Lee, and Penny We) excluding Chris We appeared and they tried to turn Chris back to normal. “Wait I know what will turn him back into his old self,” said Ayako. Ayako then kissed Chris We and soon Chris We fainted. “Chris,” cried Ayako. Just then Chris We slowly turned into a handsome young man and it now seems that Ayako is Chris’s true love all along. Ayako broke the curse with true love’s kiss. “What happened…wait….I’m human…I’m not an ogre anymore,” said Chris We. “You bitch, he may be beautiful but you’re not going to be beautiful anymore,” cried Felicity. “No please,” cried Ayako. Felicity snapped her fingers and soon Ayako was turning into a dragon humanoid. “Everyone….meet the real Princess Ayako Lark...who is none other than the daughter of King Lark of the Dragons,” yelled Felicity. Ayako began to cry and soon Felicity and Edward fled the scene. “Ayako…this is the real you…a dragon,” asked Chris We. “Yes…originally this was mission for me to try to break Devon Lee’s heart but I fell in love with you…and the only reason I did the mission wasn’t because my father works for Moeguya…it was because I can finally be beautiful for once in my life,” said Princess Ayako Lark. “Ayako…you broke my curse….I love you no matter what you look like because you love me,” said Chris We. “Really, well then…,” said Princess Ayako Lark. “Freeze dragon scum,” yelled War the Rhinotaur. Just then Magical Council guards attack Princess Ayako Lark and they then handcuffed her. “Wait, what’s going on,” cried Chris We. Curt then entered the scene and he looked sad. “I’m sorry Chris, but due to Ms. Ayako Lark being related to King Lark and the heir to the evil dragon kingdom…for the safety of the magical creatures which are members of the Magical Council, I’m afraid that Ms. Ayako Lark is headed to the Magical Council prison…possibly for life,” said Curt. “Why she did nothing wrong,” cried Chris We. “I’m sorry but we have to hold her prisoner until the Magical Council makes peace with the dragon kingdom otherwise the dragons are a threat and since Ayako’s related to King Lark, she has to go to jail,” said Curt. “I love you Chris…and I hope you can forgive me,” cried Princess Ayako Lark. “I’ll always love you,” cried Chris We. Soon Princess Ayako Lark was taken to the Magical Council prison and she was given a life sentence even though she did nothing wrong. Chris We visits Princess Ayako Lark everyday he can. “Ayako, I’m working on getting you out of here, then me and you can be together,” said Chris We. “Chris…I love you…but I have bad news…the Magical Council is giving me the death sentence…we can never be together…I love you so much…but tomorrow I’ll be dead,” cried Princess Ayako Lark. “What, I need to talk to…,” said Chris We furiously. “Visiting hours are over, move it,” said the prison guard. Chris We marched into Curt’s office. “Look Chris, I can explain why we had to give the death sentence to Ayako…I was against it but the other members of the Magical Council had the winning vote in the matter, enjoy her while you can, I didn’t want any of this to happen,” said Curt. Chris We then began to cry. 

Soon King Lark found out his daughter was going to be killed and now King Lark joined forces again with Moeguya to destroy the Magical Council altogether. “My daughter will not die at the hands of the Magical Council, I declare war on the Magical Council, come dragons, we must rescue my beautiful daughter, now move,” yelled King Lark. King Lark sent a dragon army to attack the Magical Council headquarters, but the dragon army was soon defeated by the Magical Council. Magical Council soldiers began to fight King Lark’s dragon army and Moeguya’s army at the same time. But sadly…a couple of days latter Princess Ayako Lark was dead. Princess Ayako Lark was killed by lethal injection. The Magic Wars reached an all time high, King Lark wanted nothing but revenge for the people who killed his daughter. A new war was about to start!

Finally, a miracle happened. King Lark had a heart attack and died, the dragons were no longer a threat. Also, the Chosen Four successfully killed Moeguya and thus the biggest threat was gone. Soon Mr. Hats, Salizard, Alfred Charming, Maten, Felicity, Edward Bully, and Dark Mark were all captured by the Magical Council and they were all sentence to life in the Magical Council prison. The Magic Wars are finally over and our heroes won!

It has been a couple of years since the end of the Magic Wars. Tubbles and Penny We announced their engagement and Tubbles lost a lot of weight due to working out. Devon Lee and Stephanie Sith announced their engagement as well. Snow White Jr. and Brie J.F. announced their engagement and Brie J.F. was pregnant with their first child. Chris We and Angelina Longfellow began dating and they are beginning to fall in love with each other. It seems everyone lived happily ever after…but sadly, there was to be a death that would single the end of an era. Now we go to the death bed of current Magical Council head and a member of the original Chosen Four, Curt. Curt grew quite ill and now he lay on his death bed. All of Curt’s friends and family were there to see his final hours. “Dad, please don’t die…should we wish you back to life,” cried Christy. “No…it’s my time to die, I love you all…and now I can finally join my beautiful wife Melina in heaven, Christy…I want you to be in charge of the Magical Council now…I leave it in your hands,” said Curt in a weak voice. “Thanks dad…I love you, and thank you,” cried Christy. “Thank you old friend,” cried Sith. “You were a true hero,” cried Lee. “You rere the father RI rever had,” cried Curt We. “THANK YOU CURT, THE GREASTEST HERO IN THE MAGIC WARS,” cried everyone in the room at the same time. “I love you all…remember me as the guy….who was chosen…and loved it…good…bye…ba…,” said Curt in a weak voice. Curt then died right then and there. Soon the entire Magical Universe mourned the death of a hero….the one who fought in the Magic Wars and won! Rest in peace Curt, you truly are a legend that will be told for years to come!


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