Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Gifted vs. The GreenSpeed (Short Story Version)!

Now we go to a news broadcast. “This just in, the mayor is going to give the Gifted’s leader, Dr. Strong, the key to the city…and in other news…,” said the news anchorman. Then the TV was turned off by X-Eye. “Oh how I hate the Gifted, I mean they became celebrities over night, and who’s running for president of the United States, why me of course and I wasn’t on the news today,” yelled X-Eye. Then one of X-Eye’s employees came in. “Ah, Mr. Q, the replica chemical G1 is ready to be tested,” said X-Eye’s employee. “Thank you for telling me…Dr. Hurt, now then, who shall we test it on,” said X-Eye. “We have some lab mice and…,” said Dr. Hurt. “No, we need to test it on a human being, but who,” said X-Eye. “Well Mr. Q, should we find a volunteer,” asked Dr. Hurt. “Dr. Hurt, find me the most unhealthy man around and that’s who we should test it on,” said X-Eye. “Why an unhealthy person, I mean, if the replica chemical G1 kills this person, Henry Q. Corp will be blamed,” said Dr. Hurt. “This company is going to be sold to the U.S. government when I become president, so the company will be unstoppable, and that I know that the Gifted got there powers from the real chemical G1,” said X-Eye. “You mean Henry Q. Corp will be just like the FCC and NASA,” asked Dr. Hurt. “Indeed, Henry Q. Corp will become an agency of the United States government, now find be a test subject right away,” yelled X-Eye. “Yes, Mr. Q, and I hope you win the election,” said Dr. Hurt. “Thanks now get out of here,” yelled X-Eye. Then Dr. Hurt ran out of Henry Q.’s (X-Eye) office. “It looks like the Gifted may finally die,” said X-Eye. Then X-Eye started laughing evilly. 

The Gifted were at their headquarters and they were getting ready to go city hall. “Wow Bob, you’re getting the key to the city, how cool is that,” said Dr. Laser. “Well, sometimes it’s good being Dr. Strong, where’s Vicky,” asked Dr. Strong. “Well, she’s still getting dressed, as a supermodel she has to look her best,” said Dr. Laser. Then Ms. Giant (Vicky) came out wearing her Zorro mask and a red dress. “You look stunning, I’m surprised you’re still single,” said Dr. Laser. “Yah, well I’m going to start dating soon, come on we don’t want to be late for the ceremony,” said Ms. Giant. Then our heroes left their headquarters and were heading to city hall. Now we go back to Henry Q. Corp where Dr. Hurt was looking for a test subject. “Dam, I haven’t found any volunteers for the experiment, now who can I find,” said Dr. Hurt to himself. Then as he was walking, he stopped and saw a Henry Q. Corp employee that was perfect. He found a 300lb. man named Gus Speed, he works at Henry Q. Corp as videogame developer. “Hello, mister, ah…,” said Dr. Hurt. “Speed,” said Gus Speed while eating a donut. “Well, my name is Dr. Hurt, I’m the head scientist of Henry Q. Corp, and I was wondering if you would be interested in participating in an experiment,” asked Dr. Hurt. “And what would that be,” asked Gus Speed. “Well, I could say it could be a cure for you,” said Dr. Hurt. “For what, my heart attacks, stokes, diabetes,” said Gus Speed. “Just come with me,” said Dr. Hurt. A couple hours later, Gus Speed was going to volunteer for the experiment, and soon Gus’s whole life will be changed forever! 

Now Dr. Hurt was going to test the replica of chemical G1 on Gus Speed. “Alright, now then Mr. Speed, stay still in that room and…,” said Dr. Hurt. “But ah, I’m tied to a chair in this glass room,” said Gus Speed. “Yes, you’re in that room just in case that the explosion gets out all over the building,” said Dr. Hurt. “Wait what,” yelled Gus Speed. “Let the experiment begin,” said Dr. Hurt. Then Dr. Hurt started messing with a machine and soon the replica of chemical G1 was inside the glass room. “Now to raise the replica chemical G1 a bit,” said Dr. Hurt. Then Dr. Hurt raised the replica chemical G1 a little bit and soon the glass started cracking. “Man, I better to up the shield,” said Dr. Hurt. Then a mental covering was all over the glass in the glass room. Then Dr. Hurt heard a explosion from inside the glass room. “Oh my god, he could be dead in there, I better shut this thing off,” cried Dr. Hurt. Then Dr. Hurt turned the machine off and he opened the door of the glass room. Soon Dr. Hurt saw Gus Speed. “Oh my god, it’s…it’s….a miracle,” said Dr. Hurt. The replica chemical G1 turned 300lbs. Gus Speed, into a very sexy man. “Ah, what happened,” said Gus Speed. “Why you’re a new man my friend,” said Dr. Hurt. Then Dr. Hurt untied Gus Speed. “I guess you now have green hair, but that’s just a side effect,” said Dr. Hurt. “Man, what happed to my clothes, they’re way too big,” said Gus Speed. Then Gus looked in the mirror and saw he lost a lot of weight. “Man, I look hot, what did you do to me,” asked Gus Speed. Then Gus Speed became fat again. “What the…,” said Gus Speed. “Well, I guess the replica makes you thin temporarily, but let’s see if you have any powers,” said Dr. Hurt. Then Gus Speed became thin again, and soon he found out he had the power of super speed. “Man, I have super speed now, this is awesome,” yelled Gus Speed. “I guess I can call you the GreenSpeed,” said Dr. Hurt. Then the GreedSpeed (Gus) was still running. “I better make you a costume that works with your new abilities,” said Dr. Hurt. “Man this is so cool, I can’t wait to be a superhero,” said the GreenSpeed. “Who said you were going to be good,” said Dr. Hurt. “What,” asked the GreenSpeed.

Now we go to Dr. Strong earning the key to the city. “Dr. Strong, you and your team have helped this city a lot and it’s my honor that I give you the key to the city,” said the mayor. Then the mayor handed Dr. Strong the key to the city. “Thanks for this honor,” said Dr. Strong. Then everyone started clapping. Then from out of nowhere the GreenSpeed ran up and took the key to the city. “So long suckers,” yelled the GreenSpeed. “Who was that,” asked the mayor. “Come on team, let’s stop this guy,” yelled Dr. Strong. Then the Gifted started chasing the GreenSpeed. The GreenSpeed was very fast and our heroes couldn’t catch up to him. “Dam he’s fast,” said Dr. Laser. “You guys look,” cried Ms. Giant. Then our heroes saw a bank robbery going on. “Ms. Giant, can you take care of that for us, we’ll handle the fast guy,” said Dr. Strong. Then Ms. Giant nodded her head and then she went to stop the bank robbers. Then the GreenSpeed threw the key to the city at our heroes. “Well at least we got the key back,” said Dr. Laser. “No one can run faster than the GreenSpeed, and the Gifted would soon be no more,” yelled the GreenSpeed. Then while he was running, the GreenSpeed turned back into the 300lbs. Gus Speed. “Dam,” said Gus Speed. Then Dr. Strong and Dr. Laser caught him. “Come on, let’s take the GreenSpeed back to our headquarters,” said Dr. Strong. Then Dr. Strong picked up Gus Speed (the GreenSpeed). Now we go to the Gifted’s headquarters where Dr. Strong took a DNA sample of the GreenSpeed’s DNA. “Amazing, he has almost the same code of chemical G1 in his blood stream,” said Dr. Strong. “So what he has chemical G1 inside of him like us,” asked Dr. Laser. “Not exactly, he has a replica of chemical G1 in his blood stream, and I guess the only difference is that he powers wear off temporarily, so he could change back to the GreenSpeed at random,” said Dr. Strong. Then Gus Speed turned back into the GreenSpeed. “Where I’m I,” yelled the GreenSpeed. “You’re in the Gifted headquarters until we know what to do with you,” said Dr. Laser. Then the GreenSpeed saw the real chemical G1 on a table. “Wait, I finally found chemical G1, and I can use it so I can stay the GreenSpeed forever,” cried the GreenSpeed. Then the GreenSpeed ran towards the chemical G1 and drank all of it down. Then the GreenSpeed passed out and started twitching. “Oh my god,” said Dr. Strong.

Gus Speed drank the chemical G1 and now he stays as the GreenSpeed permanently and plus he’s even faster. “Mr. Speed, you drank the pure chemical G1, you know you may have killed yourself, but you’re lucky to be alive,” yelled Dr. Strong. “Look, I never want to be that fat guy again, and plus, I’ll help you stop the real enemy,” said the GreenSpeed. “Wait, you mean you’re working for someone else, who is it,” asked Dr. Strong. “Why Henry Q. Corp of course,” said the GreenSpeed. “Hold it, you mean Henry Q. Corp created the replica chemical G1 and gave it to you, for what,” asked Dr. Strong. “I think X-Eye wanted to kill you guys, and they were using me and the bank robbery as a distraction,” said the GreenSpeed. “This doesn’t make sense, why does Henry Q. want to get rid of us,” asked Dr. Laser. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because the guy is an ex-supervillain,” said the GreenSpeed. Then Ms. Giant walked in holding a robot head. “Hey, the bank robbery where I was just at, the bank robbers were just robots, and I read on the back of their heads they were made by Henry Q. Corp,” said Ms. Giant. “See, what did I tell you,” said the GreenSpeed. Then Ms. Giant saw the GreenSpeed and was soon love stuck. “Who’s the hunk…I mean,” said Ms. Giant. “You’re pretty hot too, now what are we going to do about X-Eye,” said the GreenSpeed. “Let’s go to Henry Q. Corp headquarters and investigate, and Speed, you’re going to help us whether you…,” said Dr. Strong. “Alright, I’ll be a superhero like you guys,” yelled the GreenSpeed. Soon our heroes were inside Henry Q. Corp headquarters and soon the GreenSpeed took them to the lab where the experiment was held. “Okay, here’s where I got my powers, and be careful while looking around,” said the GreenSpeed. Then the Gifted was searching for clues, and then our heroes heard gunfire. It was Dr. Hurt holding a gun. “Halt, nobody move or I’ll shoot,” yelled Dr. Hurt. “Look mister, you just want to know what’s been going on here,” said Dr. Strong. “Look hero boy, you guys are so going to be gone, because by the time we harness the chemical G1 you won’t be the only people with superpowers around,” yelled Dr. Hurt. “Wait, you’re going to use the replica chemical G1 to sell it to people and give them super powers, but it doesn’t…,” said Dr. Strong. “Enough, time for your funerals,” cried Dr. Hurt.   

“Look, I created chemical G1, it has many flaws, it could kill people if you…,” said Dr. Strong. “But I don’t care, what even makes Mr. Q happy, makes me happy, and…,” cried Dr. Hurt. “Pal, why do you have to listen to your boss all the time, you’re your own person, so do the right thing and…,” said the GreenSpeed. Then Dr. Hurt shot Dr. Strong in the arm. “Son of a…,” cried Dr. Strong. “Shut up, I can’t stand you guys and…,” yelled Dr. Hurt. Then the GreenSpeed saw a jar full of acid, and then using his super speed he ran up and grabbed it. “Only have one shot,” said the GreenSpeed. Then Dr. Hurt was about to fire his gun again, but soon the GreenSpeed threw the jar full of acid at Dr. Hurt and hit right into the center of his face. Soon the acid burned Dr. Hurt’s face. “Ahhhh, that hurt like hell, my face, it’s burnt,” cried Dr. Hurt. Then Dr. Hurt was running in pain and then he tripped and hit a self-destruct button. “Henry Q. Corp headquarters self-destruct in ten…,” said the announcement for the self-destruct button. “Let’s get out of here,” cried Dr. Laser. “Wait, we have to grab Dr. Hurt and…,” yelled Dr. Strong. But soon Dr. Hurt was on fire, and soon the whole building started shaking. “No time,” said Dr. Laser. Then the Gifted and the GreenSpeed ran out of the building. Soon the Henry Q. Corp building blew up right before our heroes eyes. “Come on, let’s head back to the headquarters,” said Dr. Strong. Then the Gifted and the GreenSpeed headed back to the Gifted’s headquarters. Soon fire trucks and ambulances were all over the remains of the Henry Q. Corp building. “What in the heck happened Mel,” said one of the firemen. “Well…someone must of pressed the self-destruct button and blew the place up,” said the fireman (Mel). Then the firemen heard a weak cry and soon they saw a badly burned hand. “Holy crap, it’s a guy under that wall,” yelled one of the firemen. Soon the firemen found a badly burnt Dr. Hurt. Most of Dr. Hurt’s hair was burned off, he’s legs looked broken, and his most of his face was burned off. “Eh ahhhh,” cried Dr. Hurt in pain. “Quick, take this guy to the ambulance,” cried one of the firemen. Soon Dr. Hurt was on a stretcher and headed to a hospital. Then in the ambulance Dr. Hurt cried out in pain. “GIFTED….DIE….,” cried Dr. Hurt in pain. 

A couple of weeks later, Henry Q. (X-Eye) became the president of the United States. Also the GreenSpeed became a back-up member of the Gifted. Plus, the GreenSpeed and Ms. Giant started dating. But the GreenSpeed was going to leave the Gifted for a little bit to think about his new life. “Speed, please don’t’ go,” cried Ms. Giant. “Look, I’m proud to be a back-up member of the team, but, I just need to take a break to think about what I’m going to do about my new giving life,” said the GreenSpeed. “But you could stay with us, that’s you new life, being a superhero,” cried Ms. Giant. “Yah, but look, I got my gift from evil and I just need to think about my future and stuff like that, so I’ll be gone for awhile, but I’ll miss you,” said the GreenSpeed. Then the GreenSpeed kissed Ms. Giant and then handed her an I.D. of Gus Speed. “Here, once you see this, you’ll know who I really I’m,” said the GreenSpeed. Then using his super speed he fled the scene. Then Ms. Giant looked at the I.D. and saw Gus Speed, the 300lbs. video game developer. “Oh my god…I get it now,” said Ms. Giant. Now we go to the hospital where Dr. Hurt was being held. Soon a doctor walked out of Dr. Hurt’s room.  “Doctor, how is Mr. Hurt,” asked a nurse. “Well, he has third degree burns everywhere on his body, and is now paralyzed from the neck down, god it’s a miracle he’s still alive,” said the doctor. Now we go inside Dr. Hurt’s room, and President Henry Q. (X-Eye) came to visit him. “Well old friend, thank god your alive, I wish I didn’t have to fire you, but since you failed to kill the Gifted, you’re fired, hope you get will, so long,” said Henry Q. Then Henry Q. walked out of the room. “GIFTED…X-EYE…ALL DIE,” cried Dr. Hurt in pain.

The End?  

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