Thursday, February 11, 2016

Spotty vs. Terry the Tapir (Short Story Version)!

Spotty was cooking dinner, and he was soon done. “Hey Spotty Jr., it’s all most dinner time,” said Spotty. He didn’t hear an answer. “Are you still not talking to me because of that embarrassing thing I did at your school, son,” said Spotty. Spotty then went to Spotty Jr.’s room, and he was gone. “Hey what the heck happened,” said Spotty. Then Spotty saw a note. “What this,” said Spotty. Then Spotty read the note and it said that his greatest enemy has kidnapped Spotty Jr. “Now, I wonder who my greatest enemy is, I know who,” said Spotty. 

Then we go to a prison where Coyote was being held. Now we go to a meeting between Spotty and Coyote. “Why did you kidnap my son, you monster,” said Spotty. “One, I’m in jail you jackass, and two, why do you think I kidnapped your son,” said Coyote. “Well, it said my greatest enemy took him, and well, look who I’m talking to,” said Spotty. ‘Well, I am your greatest enemy, but what about Ghost, or Zig Zag and Moe, they could of done it,” said Coyote. “Yah, I have other bad guys, so someone else could have done it, but who,” said Spotty. “Well visiting hours are almost over so, get the hell out of here, you ADD bastard,” yelled Coyote. Then Spotty was driving home from the prison, but who could of taking Spotty Jr.? Nobody knows!

Spotty has just called the police and they were helping to look for Spotty Jr. “Alright, we’ll find who ever took your son, after all, you help us so much Spotty,” said one of the police officers. Then Beardy came running in. “Dude, I just heard what happen to Spotty Jr., sorry Spotty,” said Beardy. “Are you going to help look for him with me, like the good old days,” asked Spotty. “Hell no dude, were friends, but I got myself a date tonight with Penny Greyhound, later man,” said Beardy. Then Beardy ran out of Spotty’s house. “Fine, I’ll do it myself,” said Spotty. 

Then Spotty went out the door when he saw another note. “This is from the kidnapper, I got to tell the boys in blue,” said Spotty. The note said the kidnapper had Spotty Jr. at an old warehouse. Soon our heroes were heading to the old warehouse. 

Spotty went into the warehouse alone. “Where’s my son,” yelled Spotty. “Hey, up here you dick,” said a mysterious voice. It was the kidnapper and he had a gun to Spotty Jr.’s head. “Hey, you’re Terry the Tapir, how have you been, gee, I haven’t seen you at work anymore, we toaster salesmen have to stick together you know,” said Spotty. “No, you’re not co-workers anymore Spotty, I’m you’re greatest enemy,” said Terry the Tapir. “Why are we not friends anymore,” said Spotty. “Because you got me fired, and I became an alcoholic because of you, everybody wanted to by toasters from you, and they fired me because of that, now, quit your job, or I’ll kill your son,” yelled Terry the Tapir. “That’s why I have back up now, come in boys,” yelled Spotty. 

Then the police came in and then the handcuffed Terry the Tapir. “Dad, you saved my life, thanks,” said Spotty Jr. “I hope you learn your lesson Terry, never mess with Spotty,” yelled Spotty. “I’ll get my revenge on you Spotty, or my name isn’t Terry the Tapir,” screamed Terry the Tapir. “Well son lets go home and eat dinner, because I bet you’re hungry, because it’s been two days already,” said Spotty. “Yah and I really need a shower, but why did Terry turn evil anyway, he could have gotten another job,” asked Spotty Jr. “Well son, I guess that’s a mystery better left to the cops,” said Spotty. Terry the Tapir was soon sent to jail, and then he met Coyote. “So, you hate Spotty too,” asked Terry the Tapir. “Yah, I’m his greatest enemy,” said Coyote. “No I am, Terry the Tapir,” said Terry the Tapir. “No I am,” yelled Coyote. “No I am,” yelled Terry the Tapir. So Terry and Coyote argued all day long. The day was saved thanks to Spotty, and the police.

The End! 

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