Monday, February 1, 2016

Super Dude vs. Killax the Destroyer (Short Story Version)!

Who is Killax The Destroyer? Killax the Destroyer is an alien warlord who destroys worlds. Our story begins when Killax The Destroyer picks his next world to destroy. And that world is Earth. Now we go aboard Killax The Destroyer’s spaceship where Killax the Destroyer was sitting on his throne with his henchmen Bang & Boom by his side. “This planet seems worthy to destroy…shall we,” said Killax the Destroyer. “Alright baby destroying a world time,” yelled Bang. “Should we send the robots out first master,” asked Boom. “Indeed…send out the robots to kill the life on the planet before we blow it up,” yelled Killax the Destroyer. Our heroes were out on patrol when Killax’s robots arrived. “What the hell are these things Super Dude,” cried Young One. “All I know is that they’re a threat…come on guys let’s get them,” yelled Super Dude. Soon Super Dude, Young One, and Super Dudette began fighting Killax’s robots and the robots were too powerful for them to fight alone. “Guys, we need backup…call the other Super Dudes and quick,” cried Super Dude while fighting the robots. Super Dudette then pulled out her Super Dude communicator and called the other Super Dudes. Soon The Fartinator, High Tech Nick, R-Man, Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, Expo Speed, Super Steven, Super Holly, Super Spotty, Super Stork, Super Beardy, Super Woody, and Abominable Man arrived to aide our heroes. But can the Super Dudes defeat Killax The Destroyer’s robots? Only time will tell!

Halfway into the battle, Killax the Destroyer’s robots killed The Fartinator, High Tech Nick, R-Man, Super Spotty, Super Stork, Super Beardy, Super Steven, Super Holly, and Super Woody. But our heroes soon defeated all of Killax the Destroyer’s robots and most of them were injured. Then from out of nowhere a small spaceship landed in front of our heroes and soon Bang & Boom popped out of the spaceship. “Time to fight,” yelled Bang & Boom at the same time. “Great, more fighting, I don’t know how much more I can take,” yelled Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “Brother, leave this battle…I think you’re no match for these guys…find somewhere safe to go,” yelled Expo Speed. Fat Lazy Karate Teacher nodded and then fled the scene. Our heroes then began to fight Bang & Boom and they were evenly matched. Bang & Boom soon killed Expo Speed, Super Dudette, and Abominable Man. “She can’t be dead…you monsters…you’re going to pay for this,” cried Young One in anger. Young One then attacked Boom and Young One began beating Boom to death out of anger. After a long battle Super Dude and Young One defeated Bang & Boom. Super Dude picked up the injured Bang and stared into his eyes in frustration. “Look pal…what’s going on here,” yelled Super Dude in anger. “Look…we aren’t the true enemies here, Killax the Destroyer is…the only reason me and my brother Boom serve him is because he destroyed our home planet and we had nowhere to go after that…I fear Killax the Destroyer will be here and finished what we couldn’t…you won’t win….you’ll die,” cried Bang in a weak voice. Bang & Boom soon died and then another small spaceship landed. Then Killax the Destroyer emerged out of the small spaceship. “You have proven yourselves to be worthy opponents for battle…defeat me and I’ll spare your planet,” yelled Killax the Destroyer. Super Dude and Young One began fighting Killax the Destroyer. But they would find out a secret about Killax the Destroyer and that secret will help them defeat him!

Super Dude then punched off Killax the Destroyer’s head. Super Dude and Young One soon noticed that Killax the Destroyer was a robot. But inside the robot was a little cute blob-like alien. “Wait…are you controlling a robot that looks like a creepy buff alien,” asked Young One. “Indeed…I am indeed Killax the Destroyer…you idiots ripped off my robotic body’s head and now you’re going to  pay,” yelled Killax the Destroyer. Super Dude then grabbed Killax the Destroyer out of his robotic body and began choking him to death. “You little bastard….you killed our friends and half of the people on our planet…you may be cute but you’re really a monster,” yelled Super Dude while choking Killax the Destroyer. Super Dude soon killed Killax the Destroyer and then a fleet of spaceships landed in front of them. Robot Blue and the G.U.F. army arrived to help our heroes. “Wow, you two defeated Killax the Destroyer…we’ll take it from here,” said Robot Blue. G.U.F. soldiers then grabbed the dead bodies of Killax the Destroyer, Bang, and Boom. “What happens now,” asked Young One. “It’s a new day…enjoy it,” yelled Robot Blue. Soon Robot Blue and the G.U.F. army left Earth. Super Dude and Young One laid injured and a bit upset. Super Dude and Young One are the only surviving Super Dudes left. But both of them were about to die until the U.S. army arrived to save them. Super Dude and Young One soon awoke in a hospital. General J., Cool Fox, and Fat Lazy Karate Teacher entered Super Dude and Young One’s hospital room. “What’s going on,” asked Super Dude. “I called the army…you guys owe me one,” said Fat Lazy Karate Teacher. “Your friend also told us some of your teammates died in battle…such a tragedy…you two saved our planet and the world thanks you,” said General J. “What did you do with our friends bodies,” asked Super Dude. “We gave them to the morgue…why would you ask,” asked Cool Fox. “I have an idea…but I need a little help,” said Super Dude. Super Dude with a little government funding cloned The Fartinator, High Tech Nick, R-Man, Fat Lazy Karate Teacher, Expo Speed, Super Steven, Super Holly, Super Spotty, Super Stork, Super Beardy, Super Woody, Super Dudette, and Abominable Man with DNA from their corpses. Now the Super Dudes were reunited and the heroes that died fighting Killax the Destroyer were alive once more. In reality they are clones…so it appears that they may be little different from the originals. But that’s another story!


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