Sunday, December 1, 2013

Project: Holy Armor!

Now we go to Henry Q. Corp headquarters where Jack Capper’s (Stretch Man) office where he was working on the computer. Then Jack’s phone rang and he answered it. “Hello,” asked Jack over the phone. “Look Mr. Capper, I’m going to fax you information about the Holy Armor and what Henry Q. Corp is going to do with it, also call are steel mills so they can melt the Holy Armor, now best of luck,” said Henry Q. (X-Eye). Then Jack received the fax and it was information about the Holy Armor and blueprints of the Holy Armor. “I better send these to the guys…but first,” said Jack Capper. Jack Capper then called a TV news station not that far from Henry Q. Corp headquarters about a news story. “Alright, I’ll hand the information to you…that’s right…see you there,” said Jack Capper over the phone. Just as Jack Capper was about to leave, Ken P. Fillips (Element) entered into Jack’s office as he was leaving. “Hey…where you headed,” asked Ken Fillips. “You know that top secret file you sent me about Henry Q. Corp being a monopoly and taking over the country,” asked Jack. “Yah, what about it,” asked Ken Fillips. “I called a national cable TV news station and told them I had a hot story….my friend our secret will soon be out,” said Jack Capper. “Hell yah that’s what I’m talking about, can I go with you when you deliver it,” asked Ken Fillips. “Sure,” said Jack Capper. Soon Jack and Ken headed to the TV station and Jack then handed the top secret file to the TV station. “This is very important news, and you two want to remain anonymous even though you maybe heroes,” asked the news anchor. “Yah, you better tell about it right away,” said Ken Fillips. “Oh we will, alright let’s make a headline,” said the news anchor. Jack and Ken left the TV station and a couple of hours left the Henry Q. Corp secret file information was reveal to the national. The world now knew Henry Q. Corp’s plans of trying to buy the United States government and that Henry Q. Corp became a monopoly. Jack and Ken were heroes to the country but yet no one knows it was them who stopped X-Eye once again. It now seems that X-Eye maybe impeached and the most hated person in the country. Now it is clear that even though he was president of the United States….X-Eye is a super villain at heart and may never change his evil ways!

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