Monday, April 4, 2016

Super Dudes and McSpeedy’s (Short Story Version)!

Our story begins when Super Dude and Young One headed off to a science convention and while Super Dude and Young One were away R-Man and Super Dudette were given the job of watching the apparent while they were gone. Now we go three weeks later and we see Super Dudette jogging on her morning workout. Super Dudette has a career as a supermodel and she has to keep in shape. But one day that would all change! While on her morning jog Super Dudette noticed a new fast food restaurant had opened up and she saw it was very busy. Super Dudette also noticed a lot of fat people were eating at the new restaurant. Super Dudette was very hungry and she decided to eat there. 

By the way this new fast food restaurant was called “McSpeedy’s”. Super Dudette soon entered the restaurant and when she entered it smelled awful. Super Dudette also noticed a lot of fat people pigging out inside the restaurant. Super Dudette finally made it to the counter. “Hi welcome to McSpeedy’s…may I take your order,” said the cashier. “What exactly do you have to eat here,” asked Super Dudette. “Free sample,” said the cashier. The cashier of McSpeedy’s handed Super Dudette a small slice of a hamburger and Super Dudette ate the hamburger slice. “Give me twenty hamburgers,” cried Super Dudette. Super Dudette became addicted to the hamburgers at McSpeedy’s and she soon ate there every day. Super Dudette was almost like a drug addict she couldn’t live without McSpeedy’s hamburgers. R-Man began to worry about her…but he got over it. Soon after three weeks…Young One came home early from his vacation and he had a surprise waiting for him. 

Soon after three weeks…Young One came home early from his vacation while Super Dude was still ate the science convention. Young One saw R-Man sleeping on the couch. “Hey R-Man…I came back early,” said Young One. R-Man soon awoke. “Thank goodness you came home…dude, check on your girlfriend…she’s been acting weird lately,” said R-Man. “Like how,” asked Young One. “Go to her room and see for yourself…but I have to warn you….it ain’t pretty,” said R-Man. Young One soon opened the door to Super Dudette’s room and he screamed. “Oh my god….what the fuck happened to my sexy girlfriend,” screamed Young One. 

After only three weeks of eating McSpeedy’s….Super Dudette gained over 989lbs. Young One began to vomit. “Dude…what happened you were like supermodel thin and I come home to see this shit…oh my god…and what’s that smell,” cried Young One. But the only thing Super Dudette was saying was “McSpeedy’s” and in her room were rappers to McSpeedy hamburgers. Super Dudette no longer fit in her clothes and she was only wearing her underwear. “Super Dudette…how are you still able to fit in that lingerie and why the fuck are you wearing lingerie,” cried Young One. Again the only word to come out of Super Dudette’s mouth was “McSpeedy’s”. “Damn it…I better check this McSpeedy’s place out,” said Young One. Young One soon flew to McSpeedy’s and he entered the building to see that it was basically a pigsties. “Hi welcome to McSpeedy’s…want a free sample,” said the cashier. “Sure…I did get hungry flying all the way here so…,” said Young One. Young One ate the free sample and soon Young One became addicted to McSpeedy’s hamburgers. Now another three weeks past and Super Dude returned home from the science convention. Super Dude saw R-Man sleeping on the couch. “Hey R-Man…why didn’t you guys call me,” asked Super Dude. “Okay…I won’t give you details…but you better go to Super Dudette’s room…and be ready to be horrified…plus we need a new bed,” said R-Man. Super Dude opened Super Dudette’s bedroom door and Super Dude saw a very shocking image. “Holy shit…what did I miss out on,” said Super Dude. Super Dude saw that Young One had gained about 969lbs. and Super Dudette now weights close to 999lbs. “R-Man, I need your help with something,” said Super Dude. R-Man and Super Dude carried Young One and Super Dudette to Super Dude’s laboratory for some testing. 

Super Dude then tested a sample of McSpeedy’s hamburgers and he found what had caused our heroes to gain weight. “R-Man…I tested these McSpeedy’s hamburgers and they are highly addictive and also contain a strange chemical that accelerates weight gain…I need to figure out a cure to get Super Dudette and Young One back to their original weights,” said Super Dude. “So, how do we cure them of their addiction though,” asked R-Man. “You know those wires I put on them…watch this,” said Super Dude. Super Dude then pressed a button on a remote control and soon Young One and Super Dudette were shocked with a 1,000 volts of electricity. That electrical shock cured their addiction to McSpeedy’s hamburgers. “Oh man…my head…what the…dude, I became a fat ass over night,” cried Young One. “Holy shit….I’m a blob…my modeling careers over,” screamed Super Dudette. “I don’t even think Super Dudette could get away with a career as a plus size model either,” laughed R-Man to himself. “Look you guys, where is this McSpeedy’s place anyway,” asked Super Dude. “It’s three blocks from here why,” said Super Dudette. “I need to see this place for myself…R-Man you stay here and guard Young One and Super Dudette…make sure they don’t eat anything…plus those chemicals inside the McSpeedy’s hamburgers make them sexually active…I won’t get any further than that,” said Super Dude. “That’s nastily I have make sure these two fat asses don’t have sex…oh god I’m seeing that horrible image in my mind….shit,” cried R-Man. Super Dude fled the scene. “So…want to have sex Super Dudette…because I’m really horny right now and I don’t know why,” said Young One. “I guess we can have fat sex,” said Super Dudette. “No fat sex unless I can film it and put it on the internet…I need me some black guy money,” said R-Man. 

Super Dude soon entered McSpeedy’s and he saw a bunch of fat people literally doing anything to get their food. “Hey, does anyone know where the manager’s office is in here,” asked Super Dude. Super Dude then went up to the counter. “I need to talk to your manager,” said Super Dude. “Free sample,” asked the cashier. “Do you know what this food does to people,” asked Super Dude. “Free sample,” asked the cashier. “No thank you…are you even listening to me,” asked Super Dude. “Free sample,” asked the cashier. “That’s it buddy…,” yelled Super Dude in anger. Out of impulse, Super Dude punched the cashier and he soon found out the cashier was a robot. Super Dude then saw a door that said manager on it and entered it. Super Dude soon saw who the manager of McSpeedy’s really was…it was an old foe of the Super Dudes. “Wait a minute… Dr. Duck you own McSpeedy’s…I knew a foe of mine was behind this,” said Super Dude. “Yes, I am the manager of McSpeedy’s and it was who came up with this evil scheme,” said Dr. Duck. “What scheme,” asked Super Dude? “You see…I created a chemical that’s highly addictive and the only side effect was weight gain, I soon came up with an idea to open a restaurant and sell food containing this chemical…I made so much money off this whole city and now they are all too fat to stop me and they are literally eating off the palm of my hand,” laughed Dr. Duck evilly. “But you forgotten one think Dr. Duck,” said Super Dude. “What,” asked Dr. Duck? “Free sample,” said Super Dude. 

Super Dude then shoved a piece of McSpeedy’s hamburger into Dr. Duck’s mouth and soon Dr. Duck became addicted to his own creation. After a couple of hours Dr. Duck gained over 400lbs. Super Dude soon found a cure that will help the people who ate at McSpeedy’s regain their normal body weights. Just like that the addicts of McSpeedy’s hamburgers were cured and they were no longer fat. But Super Dude chose not to give the cure to Super Dudette and Young One. So Super Dudette still weights 999lbs. and Young One still weights 969lbs. Super Dude knew that Super Dudette and Young One were able to lose weight naturally and as a punishment for eating at McSpeedy’s he didn’t give them the cure that would make them their normal weights again. 

And so Super Dudette and Young One were working out like crazy. “Super Dude….I don’t know how much longer I can work out…can you please give me the cure,” asked Young One out of breath. “Young One, run 50 more laps and then we’ll talk,” said Super Dude. “Super Dude…I need the cure…my modeling career will be dead without it and plus I can’t run anymore laps my thighs are chafing,” said Super Dudette out of breath. “Sorry…if you were really a supermodel you wouldn’t eat at a fast food restaurant and you would be eating healthy,” said Super Dude. “Fuck you,” screamed Super Dudette and Young One at the same time. “Cry me a river bitch,” said Super Dude. Super Dudette and Young One continued to work out. While Super Dudette and Young One were working out…Super Dude and R-Man were sitting on a bench watching them. “Man…those two have a lot of weight to lose if they think they can be superheroes again…plus I just love to watch them suffer,” said R-Man. “Yah, isn’t it great to be at a healthy body weight…can you pass the potato chips R-Man,” asked Super Dude. R-Man then passed a big bag of potato chips to Super Dude. “Life is good,” said R-Man. And so once again Super Dude saved the day…and yes Super Dudette and Young One each eventually returned to their normal body weights!


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