Thursday, June 16, 2016

Robot Blue meets Spotty 2: Part 2!

Soon Robot Blue went to tell Shbom the Wise the truth and Shbom the Wise didn’t believe him. “But, Shbom the Wise, I’m telling you the truth, Emperor Coyote is trying to take the GUF records and Spotty and Beardy 3.0 are innocent,” said Robot Blue. “Mr. Robot Blue, Emperor Coyote’s planet is a member of the GUF, and he gives money to the GUF, so why would he want to destroy us,” said Shbom the Wise. “I heard him talking to Zig Zag and Moe, and he told them to get the GUF records and give it to him,” said Robot Blue. “Sorry Mr. Robot Blue, I need to see some proof of what you are saying, as of now Emperor Coyote is innocent, and if you are telling the truth and have some proof, we’ll set Spotty and Beardy 3.0 free, now continue on with your work,” said Shbom the Wise. 

Then Robot Blue went to XZ for help. “Look Robot Blue, why do we need to go to Emperor Coyote’s planet, I know the guy became emperor by killing the royal family, but you have no proof that Emperor Coyote is going to destroy the GUF,” said XZ. “But haven’t you heard the stories that Emperor Coyote once worked with Zrotk the evil space dictator, and so it makes sense that he’ll try to destroy the GUF and become ruler of the universe,” said Robot Blue. “Yah, it does say in the records that Emperor Coyote once was second-in-command for Zrotk’s army, but for god’s shake the guy rules a planet that is a member of the GUF,” said XZ. “I’m going to fly to Emperor Coyote’s planet and find the proof that he wants to take the GUF records, so long XZ,” said Robot Blue. 

Then Robot Blue started walking out when. “Robot Blue, I’m going with you to prove that you are wrong, and if you’re right, then we’ll turn Emperor Coyote in, okay,” said XZ. “Well then let’s go,” said Robot Blue. Soon Robot Blue and XZ started flying to the planet Yocrai, which was the planet that Emperor Coyote rules. But well our heroes were flying to the planet Yocrai, Zig Zag and Moe copied the GUF records from the GUF control room. But Zig Zag and Moe got away and were heading back to the planet Yocrai. 

Robot Blue and XZ landed on the planet Yocrai, and they were inside Emperor Coyote’s castle looking for any evidence of Emperor Coyote trying to steal the GUF records. “Robot Blue, Emperor Coyote doesn’t have the GUF records or any information on trying to take over the GUF,” said XZ. “But I heard Emperor Coyote talking to Zig Zag and Moe, and….,” said Robot Blue. Then our heroes soon heard a loud knocking on the door behind them. Then they turned around and saw it was one of Emperor Coyote’s slaves. “Who are you,” asked XZ. “My name is Duogp, and I’m a slave, I have proof that Emperor Coyote is trying to destroy the GUF,” said Duogp. “So let’s see the proof,” said XZ. Then Duogp gave our heroes a CD. “This CD is a recording of Emperor Coyote talking to Zig Zag and Moe, this is the proof you need, now get out of here before Emperor Coyote kills us,” cried Duogp. “Thanks Duogp,” said Robot Blue. Then Robot Blue and XZ ran back to the spaceship and soon they were flying back to GUF headquarters. 

Soon Zig Zag and Moe came back with a copy of the GUF records. “Emperor Coyote, we had gotten the records like you said, now where’s our money,” said Zig Zag. “Gentlemen, give me the records first and then I’ll give you the money,” said Emperor Coyote. Then Zig Zag gave Emperor Coyote the GUF records. “Thank you Zig Zag and Moe, now he’s your reward,” said Emperor Coyote. Then Emperor Coyote threw Moe a sack of money. “Thanks your majesty,” said Zig Zag and Moe at the same time. “Your quite welcome, now I need you two to do me one more favor,” said Emperor Coyote. Now we go to the GUF headquarters where Robot Blue and XZ gave Shbom the Wise the CD of the recording of Emperor Coyote talking to Zig Zag and Moe. Soon our Shbom the Wise listened to it and heard Emperor Coyote talking to Zig Zag and Moe about his plans on destroying the GUF and bring Zrotk back to life. “My god, Emperor Coyote really is going to try to destroy the GUF, I need to call in the GUF soldiers and were sending them to planet Yocrai, and I want them to bring back Emperor Coyote dead or alive,” yelled Shbom the Wise. Soon the GUF started war on the planet Yocrai, and Emperor Coyote is now a wanted man! But can the GUF catch Emperor Coyote, I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

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