Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cool Fox: A New Threat!

After the death of Dina, the Cool Club didn’t have any worries for a while. Cool Fox and Mary Y. are now happily married and have an eight year old son named Cody. If you remember last time Cool Fox was turned into a human, so his son Cody is human, not a fox hybrid. The Cool Club was now an agency of U.S. Government and all the founding members are government agents. Cool Fox and Camel are still very good friends, and as for the other members of the Cool Club they are just laying low. Our story begins when a new threat appeared, and that threat is an alien empire. UFO’s have been reported more often than usual and the U.S. Government and the Cool Club are secretly at war with the alien empire. The alien emperor named Rodgle has plans of taking over the Earth in the name of his planet. Emperor Rodgle rules by force and his armies are about to attack Earth. Since Emperor Rodgle needs some help taking over the world, he kidnapped three of the Cool Club’s enemies Tom T-Rex, Professor Snout, and Gangster to help him take over the world.  Soon the U.S. military secretly started a war with Emperor Rodgle. Soon Cool Fox and General J. went to get the help of the greatest spy and assassin, Dark Fox a.k.a Cool Fox’s father. Dark Fox has been cryogenically frozen for 40 years because he may be needed for battle in the future. “So, why are we unfreezing my father,” asked Cool Fox. “Because we need his services to stop Emperor Rodgle, your father was our greatest agent we ever had, we never thought we would be unfreezing him now,” said General J. “I can’t wait to talk to my dad again, he was gone for so long,” said Cool Fox. “Your father must of missed out your whole childhood, but remember, he’s be frozen for 40 years, he missed out on a lot, so he may have some future shock,” said General J.  Now we see the Scuba Diver Bros. preparing the unfreezing process for Dark Fox. “General, he’ll be unfrozen in five minutes,” said Rick Diver. “Good, now then, let’s bring back the greatest soldier I ever knew,” said General J. Now Dark Fox is going to wake up in the year 2008, but he missed out on a lot, and can Dark Fox alone be able to stop Emperor Rodgle? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

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