Sunday, September 15, 2013

Max Storm seeks Help!

In a dark alley a blackish-purplish portal appeared and soon Max Storm walked out of the blackish-purplish portal. Max Storm looked injured and weak. “Must find The Gifted,” said Max Storm to himself. Max Storm then fled to The Gifted’s headquarters, but little does he know is that he is being followed by some demons. Max Storm made it to The Gifted’s Headquarters and he began knocking on their door. “Hey buddy, what are you doing here,” cried a mysterious voice. Max turned around and saw Claws and Claws was smoking weed. “Quiet, they’ll hear you,” cried Max Storm. “What dude,” asked Claws. Now we go inside the Gifted’s headquarters where Dr. Strong was watching the security cameras. Dr. Laser then walked into the room and he looked tired. “Hey Bob, it’s my turn to keep watch,” yawned Dr. Laser. “Hold on, look here,” said Dr. Strong. Dr. Strong and Dr. Laser soon saw in one of the security monitors Max Storm knocking on the back door of the headquarters. “Is that Max Storm,” asked Dr. Laser. “Yah it is Max Storm, you let him in and while I get the first aid kit because he looks hurt,” said Dr. Strong. Max was lying by the door and just then a bunch of demons appeared. “Crap,” cried Max. “How did you know I went #2 in my pants man,” said Claws. Just as the demons were about to attack Max, Dr. Laser came to the rescue. Dr. Laser soon killed the demons with his laser vision and he picked up Max Storm. “Claws, stay alert, there could be more demons coming,” said Dr. Laser. “Okay man,” said Claws. Claws then went to sleep in his dumpster. Dr. Strong soon treated Max’s wounds and Max began to fill them in on what happened. “So let me get this straight, you’re no longer the demon king and Hades took it over after you gave it up and now Hades is plotting to take over the mortal realm, how do we stop him,” asked Dr. Strong. “Look, all I know is if Hades gets Hell we’re dead, now you have to call Goddiess, he’s the only one who knows how to kill Hades,” said Max Storm. “Right, now rest up, but don’t rest for long because if what you said is true, Hade’s army will be here by now,” said Dr. Strong. Dr. Strong then pulled out his communicator and called Goddiess. Now we go to Goddiess and Ted Brook who were on patrol of the city. “So, should we call it a night,” asked Ted Brook. “We should stay out a little longer because…,” said Goddiess. Then Goddiess’s communicator rang and Goddiess answered it. “Hello…we’ll be on our way,” said Goddiess. Goddiess then hung up and sighted. “So, what does The Gifted want now,” asked Ted Brook. “They said Max Storm is no longer the demon king and that Hades has returned, come on we need to…what the, Ted look down there,” cried Goddiess. Goddiess and Ted Brook saw the Keeper and Chaos the Demon walking in the streets below. “It’s Chaos the Demon, but who’s the other guy,” asked Goddiess. “I don’t know, but it’s time for some whoop ass I know that,” said Ted Brook. Goddiess and Ted Brook flew down towards the Keeper and Chaos the Demon and they landed right in front of them. “Halt, what are you two up too,” yelled Goddiess. “Why we’re looking for Max Storm, do you know where he is,” asked the Keeper. “We won’t tell you anything, so leave this place at once,” said Goddiess. “Wrong answer buddy,” said Chaos the Demon. Soon Chaos the Demon attacked Goddiess and a fight soon began. Now Goddiess and Ted Brook must fight the bad guys and also try to make it to the Gifted’s headquarters before it’s too late!

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