Sunday, September 15, 2013

Max Storm’s Warning Dream!

It’s been a couple of years since our last adventure and Max Storm and Kim Shotwer are still married and now have a son named Mike. So they are basically living normal lives and are retired from monster hunting. Max Storm is now a bug exterminator and Kim Shotwer is now a school teacher. The Skull Slasher is still in prison and is eligible for parole in 2029. But one night Max Storm’s future and the future of the world was going to change. Max Storm had a nightmare which was no ordinary nightmare, it was a warning for future events. Max Storm nightmare was a warning for the return of the former Red Crickets leader Long as he became the new demon king and was going to take over the mortal realm. Max Storm soon thought about it and he started to get ready for a new battle with Long. Max Storm got out of bed and was preparing for a trip to find the portal to the demon world. Now we go to Max Storm preparing for his journey when Kim woke up and was wondering what he was up to. “Max, what are you doing up at three in the morning,” asked Kim. “I had a nightmare which I think was a vision of the future, I’m riding my motorcycle into the city, because I think Long is returning as a demon king, so I’m going to take him on,” said Max Storm. “What, you can’t leave, we promised we wouldn’t be crime fighters or monster hunters anymore, we have a new life we can’t go back to the old,” said Kim. “I love you a lot, but I’m the chosen one and I need to defeat Long, sorry, but you stay here and take care of Mike, I’ll be back very soon,” said Max Storm. Then Max Storm started walking to the garage with his weapons. “Good luck Max, I love you,” said Kim. Then Caper the Dog walked over to Kim to comfort her. Then Max Storm hit the road on his motorcycle to his next adventure, and he’s probably needs a lot of help to defeat Long this time!

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