Sunday, September 15, 2013

Max Storm: Zombie War!

Max Storm was walking into a graveyard when all of a sudden it was night time. “I guess now is when I need to be watching for anything odd,” said Max Storm to himself. Then little did Max Storm know was that he was being watched by Mogw the demon king. “Now to see how good Mr. Storm is at fighting,” said Mogw to himself. Then he snapped my fingers, and soon the ground was shaking. “What the…,” yelled Max Storm. Then out of the graves the bodies that were in them were dead, were alive once more. “Time for action,” yelled Max Storm. Then he pulled out some guns, and started shooting the zombies. Max Storm soon killed all the zombies and soon it was morning. “That was weird, but I seen weirder,” said Max Storm. Then Max Storm heard barking, and he saw a black puppy walk up to him. “Where did you come from little guy,” said Max Storm. Then Max Storm picked up the puppy. “Do you have a home,” said Max Storm. Then he saw no collar on him. “I guess I’ll take care of you, I guess I’ll call you Caper,” said Max Storm. Then Max Storm started walking away when Mogw popped out. “You’re forgetting the deal, get me the demon ruby or else I’ll take your soul,” yelled Mogw. “Leave me alone, and I’ll try to get the ruby, but I’m not giving it to you, now good day,” said Max Storm. “Fine, and I’ll try to kill you,” yelled Mogw. Then Mogw opened a portal and walked through it. Now we see Max Storm and Caper the Dog by Max’s motorcycle. Max Storm went through his backpack and pulled out a dog collar. “Caper I’m giving you this, this collar was made to catch souls and now I’ll let you wear it,” said Max Storm. Then Max Storm put the soul catching collar on Caper. “Come on little buddy let’s go,” said Max Storm. Then our heroes got on Max Storm’s motorcycle and rode off.       

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