Sunday, September 15, 2013

Spy Lion vs. Spider Hand!

Spy Lion and Deerman were walking in the woods when soon Deerman saw an old warehouse. “Spy Lion, I found a place where we can sleep tonight,” said Deerman. Then our heroes went inside the old warehouse. “Wow, this place is bigger on the inside,” said Deerman. “Alright, so let’s call it a day,” said Spy Lion. “Actually let’s not call it a day,” said a mysterious voice. Then our heroes turned around and saw an upstairs control room in the warehouse. “Does somebody live here,” asked Spy Lion. “Why my friends you’re in the lair of Spider Hand,” yelled Spider Hand. Then Spy Lion turned around and saw Spider Hand. “Who are you,” asked Spy Lion. “Why, I’m Norman Q. brother of Henry Q. I believe he calls himself X-Eye now, let me guess, you’re one of his experiments, and you were created by my fusing machine,” said Spider Hand (Norman Q.). “Wait, you’re X-Eye’s brother, and you were the one who created the fusing machine, then you could cure me right,” asked Spy Lion. “Now why would you want to be cured, why, I gave my self spider DNA with a little radioactivity, and I now have a Spider Hand, and look at my henchman Bug Boy, I gave him fly DNA with a little radioactivity, and now he has antennas,” said Spider Hand. “But I don’t want to be a human-mountain lion hybrid, I want to be just human, and you are maybe my one chase at being normal again,” said Spy Lion. “Why my dumb friend, think of the powers you have now, and soon I will be a spider, I studied DNA my entire life, and my dick of a brother of mine stole everything that was mine, o how I want to kill my brother,” said Spider Hand. “Dude, you want to kill your own brother, you’re nuts,” said Deerman. “Hey, my boss is not nuts, look at me, I could be a fly, I was always teased by bullies because I was a midget, but now look at me, I’m going to be a fly,” said Bug Boy. “Please, cure me, that’s all I ask, I want to be normal,” cried Spy Lion. “Sorry, but my transformation is going to be complete, as of right….now,” said Spider Hand. Then Spider Hand turned into a giant spider. “Holy crap, dude we have to stop this guy,” yelled Deerman. “I’m right behind you,” said Spy Lion. Soon Spy Lion and Deerman were fighting Spider Hand. Then Spy Lion pulled out a bomb and then put it on Spider Hand’s back. “So long crazy guy,” yelled Spy Lion. Then Spy Lion hit a button on his watch and then Spider Hand blew up. Then bug guts were everywhere in the warehouse. “I say we find another place to sleep,” said Deerman. “I’m right behind you,” said Spy Lion. Then our heroes ran out of the warehouse. And off to our heroes went to their next adventure.

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