Thursday, January 10, 2013

Orangutan Man of the year 3000

Orangutan Man grew up in the woods and was raised by Bigfoot. But when Orangutan Man was 19 years old Sure 5 killed the Bigfoot for hunting season. Orangutan Man soon ran away to a city and met a green, mutant lobster man named Claws. Claws was named Claws because his hands were claws. Claws also likes to smoke pot and was high all the time. Orangutan Man soon thought that Claws and him should become super heroes, because Mega Mind was killed and he thinks that the Super Storm 3000 could use some help. “Ok, man but man…I have no idea what’s going on,” said Claws. Orangutan Man’s powers were that of an orangutan, and Claws had the powers of a lobster, he could breathe on land and water, swim very well, and is a good actor. “Alright Claws our first mission is to stop Dr. Cartoon who is a mad scientist who turned himself into a living cartoon and has a magical pencil that could bring anything he draws to life,” said Orangutan Man. Soon our heroes found Dr. Cartoon’s hideout and Dr. Cartoon looked like a normal human being but his face was a smiley face with a crown on his head, and he was wearing clown shoes. “Ha hello friends let’s play a game,” yelled Dr. Cartoon. Then he draws a cartoon t-rex and our heroes begin fighting it. But then Orangutan man bumps into a green chemical. Orangutan Man soon feels funny. Orangutan Man grew 80 feet tall. “Wow I really should quit smoking pot man,” yelled Claws. Then Orangutan Man killed the t-rex and knocked out Dr. Cartoon. They give Dr. Cartoon to the police and Dr. Cartoon was now it jail. Orangutan Man now has a new super power he is able to grow 80 feet tall and Claws still smokes pot.
The End

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