Thursday, January 10, 2013

The History of Kim Shotwer!

Kim Shotwer is the Skull Slasher’s sister. When she was a kid, she weighted 300lbs. and was bullied a lot. Kim was very sad and ate when she was sad. She also has Bipolar disorder and growing up she went to a lot of behavioral hospitals. And she has a lot of nightmares of the kids who bullied her. She was soon put in an insane asylum when she was 18 years old. Kim Shotwer was out walking a night and had gotten bitten by a werewolf. She then escaped from the insane asylum when she turned into a werewolf. Soon she met Max Storm and was reunited with her brother Fred (who is the Skull Slasher). Now she became a member of the Storm Team and helps them stop monsters. She has also lost a lot of weight and looks like a supermodel, but she still thinks she fat because of the bullies in her youth. And by the way, she has a crush on Max Storm, but Max doesn’t know that.

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