Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rules for “The Cheap Calculator Game”

The Cheap Calculator Game is a game that makes you use your brain and math skills! Here are the rules….
1.     First find a calculator, any calculator
2.     Then put in a number bigger than 10 (a very big number)
3.     Once you put in a number pick any number lower than your big number
4.     Then the game begins when you try to subtract the big number by only pressing numbers 1-9 to get to the number you picked
5.     Example: If I put in 500 and I wanted to subtract 500 down to 64 I must lower it (through subtracting) only using numbers 1-9 on the calculator. Never by just pressing 500-64.
6.     So the point of the game is only to subtract down from your big number to your chosen number by only subtracting from numbers 1-9.
7.     Enjoy the game!

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