Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Origin of Goddiess!

Many years ago…the gods of mythology lived in peace in the heavens. You see, Zeus, Odin, and Brahma signed a treaty that allowed all of the gods of the world to live in peace and will help each other in battle. Soon a new god emerged named Goddiess. He was created by all the gods and he had the powers of each god. Soon when Goddiess was a young man, Hades went on a rampage and attacked all the gods with the help of the demons of the Underworld. Soon Hades waged war against the gods, but Goddiess soon stopped him. Hades was soon banished to the Underworld and never allowed to go to heavens again. Soon Goddiess let his power go to his head and started breaking the rules. As a punishment…Goddiess was imprisoned in his weapon the Green Ax. Soon the gods erased Goddiess from ever existing in the mortals eyes. Soon the gods hid the Green Ax in a temple in the mortal world, but in 2008 the mortals found the Green Ax. On an archeological find the mortals found the Green Ax and were soon sending it to a museum in the United States. But the package that contained the Green Ax never got to the museum. The Green Ax fell into the hands of a mortal man named George Brook. George J. Brook was a pharmacist who own a ma & pa pharmacy called “George’s Drugs” and he found the Green Ax package lying on the ground one day. So he took the package home and opened it to find the Green Ax. Now we go to George wondering what the hell the Green Ax is. “What the hell is this, it looks like it’s a thousand years old,” said George to himself. Soon George lifted the Green Ax into the air holding it with both hands, and then it started glowing. “What the heck,” said George. Then George was trying to let go of the Green Ax, but he couldn’t get rid of it. Then George soon turned into Goddiess. “Finally…sweet freedom,” said Goddiess. Now here’s where our story begins!

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