Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Origin of Spy Lion-part 2!

Chris Walker was soon tied up and then was going to be put into Henry Q.’s fusing machine. “You’re crazy Henry Q., the government will stop you,” cried Chris Walker. “I’m not Henry Q. anymore, you see, I have a scar on my eye that looks like the letter X, and now I’m going to be called X-Eye, the future ruler of the world,” yelled X-Eye (Henry Q.). “What thing I’m I going to be fused with,” cried Chris Walker. “Why, I don’t know, I’m kind of sick of making alligator-human hybreeds, but the only other animal I have is a mountain lion, so, I guess you’ll be a human-mountain lion hybrid, Gator Guards put him in the machine,” yelled X-Eye. Then Chris went into the right side of the machine, and the mountain lion was put on the left side of the machine. “I hope you like being a monster, because this machine will make you into one,” yelled X-Eye. Then X-Eye pulled the lever and soon the fusing machine turned on. Then minutes later, Chris Walker walked out a human-mountain lion hybrid. “What did you do to me,” yelled Chris Walker. “I shall call you Spy Lion, and now you’ll work for me, forever,” yelled X-Eye. “I’ll never work for you,” yelled Spy Lion (Chris Walker). Then Spy Lion ran up to X-Eye, and then a Gator Guard came out in fount of him. “My Gator Guards will take care of you once and for all, and as for me, I’m going to take over the world,” yelled X-Eye. Then X-Eye started laughing evilly. Spy Lion soon was fighting the Gator Guards. Then Spy Lion threw a can full of sleeping gas on the ground, and soon all of the Gator Guards were knocked out. Spy Lion then went to look for X-Eye. Then Spy Lion found X-Eye, and soon X-Eye was in a robot suit. “You see, you can never stop me, now let’s fight,” yelled X-Eye. Then X-Eye and Spy Lion started fighting each other. Then Spy Lion put a bomb on the leg of X-Eye’s robot suit. Then leg of the robot suit blew up, and then Spy Lion ran towards X-Eye. Spy Lion then tied up X-Eye, and hours later Spy Lion put X-Eye on the fount door step to the city police station. X-Eye was soon put in jail, and as for Spy Lion, he was now a monster. Spy Lion then went into hiding until he could find a way to become human again. Spy Lion may not be a monster at all, in fact he could be the greatest hero of all time. But what will happen next? Nobody knows!

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