Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Super Storm and Lee vs. the Monster Master!-part 2

Lee soon found the Monster Master’s hideout and fought many monsters on the way. “Nice of you to join us elf boy,” yelled Monster Master. “What have you done with my friends,” yelled Lee. “O, they are my prisons now, attack Super Storm,” yelled Monster Master. The Super Storm was under Monster Masters mind control. How does Monster Master’s mind control powers work, he puts a headband with a computer chip that connects with a cane that has each monster or anything he has under mind control in his cane. “Wait the cane I have to get rid of the cane but how,” said Lee to himself. Then Lee pulled out his bow and arrows and shot Monster Masters cane and the Super Storm weren’t under his mind control any more. Then are heroes knocked out the Monster Master and sent him to jail. And as for the aliens Monster Master took the Super Storm using their spaceship took all the aliens back to their home planets and so Lee saved the Super Storm and now he was a new member because the Greed Speed retired. The Super Storm and Lee saved the day!
The End

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